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id: 536764 - Text: Sorry Mark but you have little or no knowledge of people at all. They LOVE this life and simply play people for help. It contains much less complexity that you think. It's their "comfort zone". They grew up this way, they feel at home being the victim, being down and thinking of themselves as lower than everyone else. Users is what they really are, but with slick tongues that only need to move a few hearts here and there to get what they want. Sorry buddy but this was so easy to call. Especially for men that are programmed to help woman and add the sexual aspect and it all falls in place perfectly. Neither one of you can help yourselves in this matter. I wish you nothing but the best. You're a good man, but add this one up to the learning column.

id: 536765 - Text: Lol to all y'all thinking giving this woman money is an attempt to "save" her / clearly white saviorism. She was forced into sex work at 13 by the same white / wealthy/ capitalist societal power structures and shitty systems that keep her coming back to sex work to this day. She should have been protected at 13 but ya let's throw more money at it then get mad when she uses it to survive how she sees fit.

id: 536768 - Text: she was pimp-free on the first interview.. better life for her and her kids or walking back into that life style(sex and drugs)... When someone tries to help you and you turn around that take advantage. Had a chance of a life time and she blew it, millions saw these interviews and with the right help, couldve turned that into something. instead millions now know where her priorities are

id: 536827 - Text: I don’t think we have the right to be unhappy with her. She has been through so much. She has been a sex slave since she was 13!!! She had two children by her rapist. It would’ve been a miracle if she completely turned her back after all that in a heart beat. It’s not easy. Money and a house is not going to solve the internal thoughts and emotions she’s going through. It’s not going to stop the nightmares or ptsd she might have. She needs to heal and relapsing sometimes is apart of that recovery. I wish the interviewer didn’t lose hope in her so fast, but I don’t blame him at the same time.

id: 537015 - Text: I'm not sure whether this video is exploitative or just treading on the fine line but the interviewer's accusing tone is so hard to listen to when he's talking to Exotic. As many of the comments have said it's so much more beneficial to donate to organisations who support trauma victims and safety for sex workers rather than just ball in, give someone a car and an apartment and assume that will be enough. It's putting her in danger to have used her government name at any point, it's cruel to have brought up the miscarriage and most of the video it just sounds like she's being told off by a patronising man. She doesn't need you to make her feel bad about herself. You put a band aid over her problems and then filmed yourself telling her off when that didn't heal her deeper wounds.

id: 537024 - Text: I was renovating a property and the neighbor was clearly a prostitute. I cried for hours alone at night once I realized this. She has 3 sons and a dog. The dog had 7 puppies and one died and I decided to step in. It took 3 weeks, but I ended up buying all the puppies and the mommy pup and paying the woman two separate payments over 2 months. Now she asks me for $27 or $35 or $40 bucks every week for phone or other things and to pay me back with food stamps. I know she clearly needs money, but I stopped giving to her. Instead I decided to help the kids directly whenever I go. These 3 boys have to see men coming in and out of the house. The poor dog is traumatized just imagine these kids. The pimps always sleep with the prostitutes. I mean if you want to do sex work why not build up an only fans or do webcam work? Zero need for "Fly" and zero danger. The guy in this video doesn't want to help Exotic or her kids. He's straight up using her. The problem is this girl allows herself to be gaslit by guys like "Fly" and believe when people dangle carrots. In this case she allowed "Fly's" manipulation to lose her one real chance. Girl wake up for your kids!!! Sidenote: Most of the pups were adopted through . One is left named Tilly that will be 11 weeks old on June 10, 2022 if anyone is interested.

id: 537200 - Text: She might’ve looked at Mark as just another trick, without the sex.

id: 537203 - Text: I saw shame, sadness and regret. Not anger. It was her discomfort that was most apparent to me. She knew she messed up a good thing. She seemed like she felt pretty powerless. I mean... she is being sex trafficked in exchange for drugs. That's a brutally raw deal for some random dumb kid. She'll probably die in the life before she ever gets out. A lil preemptive R.I.P. from me to her. Prayer's for her babies. Hope they fare better but unfortunately...they most likely won't. It is a very sad thing. It happens in every city every single day all around us while we walk around blind to it all. There is simply no short hand solution here. It's a huge hole where a solution should be. I applaud this channel for even trying to help out here.

id: 537218 - Text: I mean, I can’t say I’ve ever been in a position comparable to hers, but I do recognize her body language. I’ve seen it before while volunteering in programs that have introduced me to people in sort of similar positions. People who are begging for help in situations they put themselves in and continue to do so due to a mix of horrible and tragic circumstances as well as some critical decisions they’ve made. To me, this doesn’t read as anger toward him for being upset with her. She probably very much understands why he is upset. This looks like a mixture of shame and frustration. She’s closed off, avoidant (probably using), and in the silent pauses looks like she’s on the verge of tears. It’s manifesting in a very guarded way, because I mean he is exposing what she’s done to the world and at the same time she has lost her position to speak freely. My guess is she’s frustrated, afraid, guilty, defensive, distant, and possibly confronting the realization that she may now be beyond help. Like she said, it’s a lot to take in. Addiction shatters lives beyond logic, as does sexual trauma and gang violence. She had over a decade of trauma from childhood before meeting Mark. The mentality that can build is not something we can rationalize. She is sitting there, facing someone who was trying to help her, and having to bear the brunt of her brokenness. What she’s done wouldn’t make sense to those of us who haven’t had such a life, but it’s clear from Mark’s experience with other’s he’s tried helping that not falling back into that cycle of violence and addiction is easier said than done. She needed to help herself so he could help her and she didn’t.

id: 537619 - Text: No idea WHY she blew up like she did, there can't be that many suckers or lonely guys. There have been way more genuine people and actual heartbreaking stories... She LIED about nearly everything, no kids, etc.. She spent THOUSANDS of dollars on sex toys and drugs. Sad, she had an opportunity with what you did for her but she is where she wants to be, the streets, FFS you had to pay them a TON of money just to do this last interview, after everything else you did for them, NO MORE OF HER. Sorry Mark, can hear the pain/disappointment in your voice. Maybe this will motivate you to create a better plan for helping these people, speaking as someone who has dealt with drug abuse in the family, giving money is very rarely the correct option.
