31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 579244 - Text: I see reoccurring themes in these videos; retardation and drug abuse. He needs to interview the migrants because I want to see how full of it they are. This is a broken down piece of meat and treat themselves as such.

id: 579304 - Text: Mark I just feel that you are not good for interviewing….. You maybe good for videos,but this is not your per-say

id: 579342 - Text: I find her interest in the metaphysical realm quite intriguing. Always tried to reach out to interesting intellectual people in an attempt to expand my horizons. Probably one of those guys she laughs about and scoffs at thinking a Coke/coffee offer is just another lame attempt by some loser dude trying to hump her leg. lol It is what it is. She works the streets. I watch YouTube videos at 4am. Lucky as heck to even have one friend in my life at any given point the last 30+ years. We all have our challenges/struggles. Addiction, finances, health, relationships, etc. Everyone is flawed. We have no IDEA the monumental challenge(s) someone else is facing with something that's a 'walk in the park' for us. Saw a lot of people in the comment section saying she, "needs to go home." It's a natural instinct for people to give advice. But if you listen, people will tell you what they need. She seems to crave discipline/order. Basketball star Shaquille O'Neal has admitted the same thing. Wouldn't it be ironic if her being with that "pimp daddy" business manager was exactly what she needed at this moment in her life...?

id: 579418 - Text: For a 29 year old body, the video @ 12:46 to 14:10 gives meaning to Rode hard & Put away wet .. Interesting interview, I would love to see Sway reinterviewed in 5 or 10 years ..

id: 579485 - Text: as a female i always wonder while watching videos prostitutes and strippers ect.... "what do they do during menstral cycle:?

id: 579492 - Text: She's making my back hurt leaning forward all video man I need lay down

id: 579550 - Text: It seems the more I watch these videos, the less I think that childhood trauma or broken families cause women like her to choose the lifestyle they ultimately live. It seems to be more of a personal choice or true mental illness that are the precursors to self destructive behavior.

id: 579589 - Text: It’s funny cus all these videos these prostitutes body language is like asking for it from Mark, they probably get invited thinking he’s another trick and try to get all he’s worth lol

id: 579651 - Text: I often struggle with feeling like my life is worth it and I watch a lot of these videos and this channel helps me realize all the ways that I am truly blessed

id: 579738 - Text: The white girls on these videos you know got blown out by the brothers LOL
