31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 580209 - Text:  @andrearoose5919  Hi. You can find his intro video on this channel. There are also 3 interviews with him, Mark Laita, on YT. Just search with his name and you will find it.

id: 580213 - Text: The framing of this video is wierd. Its deliberate and a wierd crop.

id: 580364 - Text: Aye where’s Johnny been at you don’t post no more videos of him no more what happened… he was my favorite

id: 580429 - Text: these interviews are almost always difficult or challenging to watch on so many levels. sometimes mark's questioning and aligning comes off as voyeuristic and that's sometimes a bit difficult. that aside: that this young woman was adopted is no surprise. the likelihood of adopted , fostered or state raised children needing some form of psychiatric support/intervention before age 18 starts at 600% and just goes up from there. i sincerely hope that this young woman reads these comments. there are two excellent books i'd recommend that she read: "journey of the adopted" self by betty jean lifton "the primal wound" by nancy newton verrier. we all struggle with conceptions/notions of abandonment/belonging but for adopted children it is a massive issue. sway can obviously cope well (doing so well in school so quickly) when structures were working for her, is a strong example/indicator of that. i wish her and all the people in these video's - who are struggling for a better life - the very best. sincerely. neil henderson

id: 580453 - Text: Thank you for the information. I find it interesting. I definitely noticed some mental health symptoms. As a psych tech, you become keen to the subtle nuances of human behavior. I wish people who resort to substances to cope would find healthier coping skills. It’s all too common to just numb it all. I wish everyone the best. Watching these videos keeps me empathetic and compassionate. ♥️

id: 580456 - Text: ​ @sheilabrennan4481  Of course they videos are voyeuristic! We're watching them! They are inherently voyeuristic by their nature. Honestly, this all just sounds like nit picking. Why does everyone have to have an opinion about everything these days?

id: 580616 - Text: Thanks for the video brother ❤❤❤

id: 580662 - Text: There’s no man that truly loves you that will make you sell your body to other Man I wish you would watch some of these videos and if you’re not going to change please learn how to make the most money for your self and not let some lowlife person convince you that he loves you The streets are so dangerous please get help today you can be better than this you are smart and pretty it’s not that you can’t get help it’s that you Want get help please remember where Mark said when you get ready for help because he will help you

id: 580728 - Text:  @EricDodsonLectures  not really…. Watch other videos here.

id: 580733 - Text:  @thematriarchy2075  But every pimp is proud and gladly admits to being a pimp. At least based on the videos that I’ve seen.
