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id: 538668 - Text:  @drewjohn5131  exactly!!! I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees this I think he got romantically involved cause he didn't specify what the private conversations were except for money just they were frequent and stopped after she found someone new causing him to drive past her house @ 5:30am and ask for a second key to the apartment that doesn't make sense unless your having sex and let's be real I'm sure Mark could easily be fooled like any other man with sex

id: 538725 - Text:  @gabbym333  How many interviews of sex workers have you seen? How many where the woman is the interviewer? The fact you think any of those questions were inappropriate tells me you've had very little experience. You also clearly haven't watched his other videos interviewing males because again it's the same line of questioning.

id: 538795 - Text: I'm sorry.... WHAT? How naïve are you? You give her a home and hand her a fat load of cash that most people dont get as often as she was getting, and you just expect her to change her entire way of life that she has become accustomed to? Sir, you are an idiot. All she has been used to is getting money from men, she made a bad choice but you are a fool. Also if you at any point had sex with her...shame on you. You would be no different from those men that used her. Anyway, what you did was NOT HELPING. She needed a guide to get her back in school or possibly a job far from the industry she raised herself in. She needed to learn to earn her money not have some naive man hand it to her. That was your mistake. Coming on here acting like a mopey fool isnt fooling everyone. You just succeeded in sounding like a privileged asshole that really knows nothing about the people you target to make your videos. You control the narrative because its your channel, but that doesnt make me trust you.

id: 538846 - Text: I'm sorry but wth "your behaviour seems more loyal to him than to me". If you help someone, give them money or whatever, you do it without conditions. She might have taken years, but she might have found a way out. Or maybe at some point found it in herself to tell you. If you give money or help with conditions, you don't want to selflessly help. You want control. The worst thing you can do is take away someone's agency. And that's effectively what you're doing. If you want to give, give, that's beautiful. But what's most beautiful is the gift of no expectations. To give without caring what she does with it. That allows her to have her agency. Otherwise you too are whoring her out for you own saviour complex. I'm a little upset, but I mean this in a good way. Something to think about. Right now this whole thing and channel seems exploitative. Always allow people to have their own agency, that's the most basic level of respect and often the greatest gift of all. Edit. No actually on rewatching this is so twisted it's really, really wrong. "I'm paying for the apartment I'm going to the bathroom there", "it isn't what I had planned". She was your puppet. My god dude, see a psychologist, for YOU. You're retraumatising people. Maybe not sexually, but emotionally.

id: 538861 - Text: Yal crazy cause ol boy sounds like a weird ass wanna be step dad/ sex lover, ackward pimp, broke sugar daddy, hates black guy banging his girl and that’s just a few off the top smfh and yal actually hearing “disappointment” in his voice? That ain’t disappointment that’s a pedophiliac heart breaking into a bunch of pieces of meth..

id: 538984 - Text: The sex toys were unexplained

id: 539024 - Text: She was raped at 13 years old, and started "working" as a sexual worker that age. So now let me explain you that while a normal teenager has what they need during those important years (school, home, food, love and support from parents) she was working as a sexual worker to survive. At 15 she had already received violence, spits, insults, etc... and she was just a child. So now, really, who are you to point a finger at her? You can't expect her to behave as you would, she grew up on fire and violence. Not even you would act the same if you had been there. And most importantly: all that damage is not going to fade away with some bucks.

id: 539038 - Text: so… why do they still have her kids ?? especially after he said he found sex toys all over the apartment?!?!

id: 539094 - Text: Rich people really think that just by giving money, the problem is going to solve all of a sudden, don't they? There is a whole WORLD that is invisible to their privileged eyes. And after seeing all these videos about this girl, I feel very sad to see what people say. I would only like to encourage you to really put on her shoes, really, we are not even talking about the fact that she started working as a sex worker at 13?!?! And we say that the problem is her, "she scammed him", "she missed her opportunity". Really... How would YOU see the world if you have had that life? How would you behave? You have to survive. I really think that you say more about yourselves than about her.

id: 539108 - Text: She was raped at 13 years old, and started "working" as a sexual worker that age. So now let me explain you that while a normal teenager has what they need during those important years (school, home, food, love and support from parents) she was working as a sexual worker to survive. At 15 she surely had already received violence, insults, spits, etc. So now, really, who are we to point a finger at her? You can't expect her to behave as you would, she grew up on fire, trauma and violence. She doesn't see the world as you would, not even you would if you had been there. And more important: all the damage those situations did are not going to fade away with some bucks.
