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id: 539164 - Text: I don't understand why you didn't try use that money to buy her from the pimp. You know the system she's trapped in. Literally a sex slave. She makes them 2000$ a day and all her closest will be in danger if she tries to leave. She doesn't have free choice.

id: 539175 - Text: This feels really exploitative... you move her into a different neighborhood and set her up with all this stuff, have her film another video in which you get to talk about how much you've helped her and act as though simply relocating her and giving her some cash was going to fix everything, and then when some money and a new apartment obviously don't fix a lifetime of trauma, abuse, drug addiction, and bad coping mechanisms, you have her film this 3rd video to publicly shame her for "taking advantage of you" as if you were not using her story for views to begin with? You want to share the stories of people who don't always get a chance to tell them, that's fine, but you can't act as though they owe you anything if you choose to help them, that's not how it works. This girl needs therapy, a community to rely on, some kind of vocational training, and overall more support than some guy who barely knows her thinking a month of living in a "good" neighborhood and having monetary resources outside of sex work are going to fix her whole life. Even the way you talked to her throughout these interviews is condescending and puts words into her mouth... if you choose to help someone, you need to do so without expectation and without putting the pressure of thousands of people online watching them

id: 539182 - Text:  @barrelrollme1224  She was sexually trafficked at 13 years old - I think applying the same expectations to her that you would have for the average "down on their luck" person is obviously completely misunderstanding her situation. I think, if he wanted to help her, getting her in contact with a organization that actually knows what they're doing when it comes to helping people in these situations would have been actually potentially helpful (though it also could have ended the same way - it's hard to break out of this kind of lifestyle when it's all you've known) rather than throwing tons of money at someone who is supposedly newly clean and has no support system. I think it's pretty lacking in empathy to turn on her the second she didn't behave like a "prostitute with a heart of gold".. He could have quietly reached out to her after the 1st video, got her in touch with someone that actually knows what they were doing and isn't just self congratulating themselves for how heroic they are for "saving" her, and hoped for the best knowing it would be a very hard and long process to turn things around for her and that she would likely end up doing some back and forth. But instead he made a spectacle of her. I also didn't even say he SHOULD have helped her, I just said that if he wanted to, he should have 1. Done so without expectation and 2. Made the effort to think about what would actually help her and not about what would get him the most views.

id: 539209 - Text: She’s been sexually exploited since she was 13 years old…… how could she know any other way to be? Like what emotional tools or means of processing the trauma she’s endured does she have? THAT’S the help she needs…. And until she has that all the money in the world isn’t going to help her. She’s an addict, she’s sick, I get that the financial support came from good intentions but all it did was reinforce the idea of “play by my rules and I’ll give you what I think you deserve” that she’s been living by her whole life.

id: 539319 - Text:  @Kainotto74  your assessor this situation is entirely off. How does one render wanting sex, from helping an obviously severely broken person? Also do you know Marks net worth? You don’t think he could obtain non drug addicted women, whom are grateful of his extreme help and status? More boldly, she is a prostitute, you don’t think Mark could offer her money in exchange for sex, more importantly you don’t think she’d accept his offer!? Don’t disrespect the goat like that again.

id: 539570 - Text: weird bc first of all ive helped out a friend who gave me a sob story and he ended up making me loose 100,000 and no bank will give me a credit card much less a debit card.. even tho i was honest about my mistakes from the begining. and everyone still blames me. why is it when a man lies to a woman or abuses her trust its considered "normal" but the other way around its just "well she's stupid". thats REALLY #sexist. how about say what u mean and mean what you say. because #help is listening to that person and what t h e y need, Not about giving them what You want to give. that would be you helping #yourself. sometims what ppl need isnt money its just your time or your energy. your sense of #understanding. an actual hug. a word of #advice when they finally open up to you about whats happening. i dont think its cool how he went about this. a woman is something to be loved & supported not dominated. these "pimp" mindsets are obv using that knowledge to their advantage. if everyone would get woke already there would be an easy solution. know what u stand for. and im not saying she right either. im saying this situation is whats messed up more than any 'one person'. so how can prevent this from happening? take it in #stride, if you decide to help someone realize it's not an easy task, esp if they're spiritually sick. they could be highly contagious to your own a spirit. know what your up aginst before fighting someone demons bc u could be taking the place of someone who could do it better

id: 539698 - Text: I pray for her. She was caught up in a dangerous situation and need rehab, long term therapy and guidance. She has been through severe abuse/sex trafficking. If she is beaten in the head she could have brain trauma and it would be hard for her to plan and make good judgements. I noticed her black eye covered up with make up. My heart goes out to her. I know you are busy Mark, but what she needed was to be placed within a community of support that would monitor and help guide her. I read she is in prison now. I hope she can get clean and sober, and somehow come out of this pit she's in. I am still rooting for her. As long as she is alive there is hope.

id: 539718 - Text:  @yesyes...  you obviously aren't an active listener the start of the video he talks about driving by her house @ 5:30 am then asking for a second key to her apartment he's giving her money but if you loan someone money that u don't expect back what else are u getting in return nothing in life is free? She is a sex worker he wanted to be praised but got the opposite and his tone the way he says things makes him sound like a creep which I'm pretty sure he is most ppl that deal with these kinds of ppl are trying to use money and godsent like actions to control them no they aren't being pimped out but it's a different type of control over someone

id: 539817 - Text: All she cares about is sex, drugs, and the game she too deeply involved in. She shows no remorse either, not ready

id: 539848 - Text: I don't think he understands much about gang/street life, once she's in, she's in for life unless she's killed. No matter how far he moves her away from that invironent, she won't actually get out unless police put her and her kids in witness protection, totally start over all together as someone else. I also can see the disappointment and embarrassment in her eyes and on her face, like she knew she could have used that money to make a better life, but she had no choice but to go back to her pimp, when he started talking about not being her boyfriend and being the money manager you could see the embarrassment sweep across her... I truly think she needs help getting out and starting over fresh, but unfortunately I don't think you are the one who can actually make it happen, like you said you don't need to be out here fighting a bunch of gang members. Her eyes tell everything, she has hurt and pain them, you can tell she still has a heart under that tough shell she, thank you for helping her, I hope she maybe someday sees this video or reads this comment and truly understand that there are millions of women out there just like you that have left that life behind, with the help of different agencies who will hide you out,help recreate a different life, become a new person, so you can leave that old life for good , you don't have to be scared or used as a sex toy anymore, you and your children deserve happiness. 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️
