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id: 542189 - Text: Both POS liars & that guy is gay. Which is fine but he's gotta use a woman to hide who he is. It's sad for him in a way. I'm sure it hurts having to hide who you are but that's no excuse to hurt other's. It's also not an excuse for her to take Marks kindness for weakness & steal his Money that could be helping someone who deserves it. I don't know what kind of gang he's in but if they are a REAL GANG they will figure him out & Pimp him, Kill HIM or both to cover their fears & weaknesses & get rid of a weak member with a big mouth who goes On a Million View Podcast & admits he partakes in numerous felonies as his girl backs up his self snitching. But with RICO laws there is no more "Ratting" yourself out. They can all g down for his admitions. He's probably not a real gangster. Looks more like MC Hammer. But looks can be deceiving as all he Men who offered the world to Exotic. Even the 5 who asked her to marry without meeting. I learned from dating a couple strippers who were better hustlers than Gangsters I know be careful of a pretty face & a nice body that oozes sex & every WAP fantasy you ever had but comes with pouty lips đź’‹đź’‹packaged as a victim looking for a lonely guy to take her away from the Skids, Drugs, Pimps & Simps & take the kids to the Suburbs to Wash some Dishes, Make her Famous Meatloaf, Put the Kids to bed & meet you in the bedroom for Roleplaying & Whips, Chains, Spiked Collars & Baby making when it cums inside but you all should be honest too. Other than Mark how many of you sent her money or wanted to meet her or especially the 5 who offered wedding rings didn't imagine having some crazy sex & doing whatever you could imagine too her a lot of it sick & twisted. Some abusive & criminal even with consent. I know you won't but admit it. I love Kinky sex & when I was single I dated strippers & crazy ladies cause I was crazy too but I made it clear up front I'm not paying other than for dinner & a movie & if I get us a room it's for a weekend at the beach. No hourly biz. And no commitments unless we both change & but always respect & I'll treat you like a man should but you rob me, pull a gun or set me up with your goons (Which she would have done to all of you & is why Mark got the Hell Out.) I told those ladies I would kill them & her goons. And they laugh but you don't. They look away you don't. They change the subject you don't. Right their they either fold & I say thinks for not using me lets finish tonight & Go our ways with best wishes or they say Ok he's like me so maybe we can do business as partners & still have fun. It's thing you do when you meet anyone on the streets, for drugs, gang work or when your dealing with Pigs & Feds. Their all organized crime. If you aren't go back to the to your sand box You don't have the right shoes to be on the street. Like this old gangbanger I knew used to say "A Hoe Can't Be a Housewife" A Pimp Can't be No Husband & these suburbanite, Vanilla Ice Mother Fuckers Cant Fuck Wit Me,,,," She woulda Fucked ALL Ya'll. Just not the way you fantasized about, Think a couple of yall might even be murdered & had your own you tube Doc by now. I'm glad you are smart Mark. You know people. You know the streets. You know the Hills & Hollars of West VA. You know America. And that might have saved your life. Which is good because you make the world better & spread Positivity & Truth. And You Aren't Afraid to say it to our faces. America needs you Mark. Stay Safe. Thanks, CG1

id: 542264 - Text: This girl has severe attachment trauma, suffered severe sexual abuse and has lived her whole life in a world that most of us could never imagine - she doesn’t know how to relate to generosity, kindness and love. She isn’t evil, she’s absolutely broken. That cocky exterior is hiding a deep, deep shame.

id: 542284 - Text: Sounds like it to me too and then goin start talking about her sex toys trying embarrass her

id: 542384 - Text: This Female has BPD, these females get with the worst Narcissistic pyschopathic men and the sexual trashing and self mutilation with all the tattoos. Mark needs to learn about mental condition, I know alot of girls with this condition, I even have some in my family with this condition.

id: 542504 - Text: Is he paying her for sex?

id: 542508 - Text: “Your behavior seems more loyal to him than me.” Mark, if you want to make a difference, you have to go after the sex traffickers and pimps.

id: 542660 - Text: The things is, I think Mark thought that throwing money at a situation like hers would fix something. But her issues seem to be so deeply rooted in trauma, sexual abuse and assault, violence, gang life etc. that she needs to address all of that in therapy before anything else. Just relocating someone and giving them cash will not fix it. That's why there are women's shelters, social workers etc. because you really need a lot of help to get out that kind of life. That girl doesn't know anything else, she hasn't seen a different life. And even if it was better, it might scare her and the past can catch up to us all. Being so immeshed in violence and the streets will put any human being in a kind of "fight or flight" mode, much like being in a war zone. So suddenly not having that could actually be traumatic too. What are you going to do in peace in quiet? Your mind will probably unpack some demons you though you had buried well. When you're constantly hustling and it's life and death, you don't have time to dwell. But once you're alone, that will most likely start to happen and that must be terrifying! That's exactly the moment when you can't leave people suffering with (probably) PTSD alone. I hope she'll get help. <3

id: 542756 - Text: Dear Mark, I have been following your work for a while. I appreciate you giving the opportunity for these people to share their stories and even more so for giving them an opportunity to change their life. Unfortunately their way out is not as easy as handing them out some money, no matter how big the amount is. You know better than me that they have complex trauma, apart from the drug abuse and the poverty. In the same way you and I would not prostitute if we went completely broke because we have a different mindset, skills and self value, similarly people who have been sexually abused in childhood are prone to follow a path that exposes them to this behaviour. We all follow a path that is familiar to us based on our exposure, what we saw our parents doing and our peers. If you really want to help I would suggest you find some good counsellors and social workers and create a therapy group. Perhaps give some pocket money as a motive for the first month. If that is not working find better counsellors, it's not easy to find the right one for this case. These people need to work on their traumas first and then gradually build the confidence that they can change their "destiny". It takes time though and only a handful of people might have the will to do this. Handing out money is the very last thing you can do to help once lack of capital is the main problem. But even then, it will have to be given in a smart way that makes the person feel they earned it, not in form of charity. There are so many things you can do to help that needs the money you are willing to spend. It needs a bigger team though.

id: 542827 - Text: I love what Mark does for these people but sadly when it comes to some of these women essentially he becomes a trick without any sexual favors for his money. Not saying he should get any sexual favors I'm just stating the obvious and the sad truth in these woman's minds they look at him as a trick a source of money.

id: 543277 - Text: im homeless with seizures bi polar and a 6yo i hustle and struggle all damn day this pisses me off. how ungrateful do you have to be I pray everyday I can get the help I need even ssi is taking their time approving me. i understand she is pressured by a dude as extortion but come on now greed is crazy. how sad that she had a house full of sex toys not kid toys I fantasize about the things I could do for my girl, how I want to paint her room pink and purple make a reading nook for her. get some help she don't feel any gratitute
