31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 583163 - Text: 9 years in recovery I'm all for the decriminalization of all drugs. Treating it like a medical issue. In 12-step recovery I would say 99% of all people have an ongoing mental health issue. If they didn't have it before their addiction they definitely have it after their addiction. They are self-medicating their mental state. If you do not treat the mental health issue they cannot stay clean !! All treatment should be dual diagnosis. The court system only causes more trauma to those already traumatized people. Although sometimes locking people up does save their life because they can't overdose in jail/ prison. But locking people up isn't working. They never come out of prison is model citizens. And in some cases it's a school for career criminals. There is no treatment for trauma victims. Many have faced truly brutal events in their drug addiction. Many of them go unreported because drugs and illegal activity. These videos are just a small glimpse. I still wake up screaming in the middle of the night from the things that happened to me. And Dr. Gabor Mate is my hero! I truly believe we can change the perception of society has on drug addiction to a more compassionate approach of healing.

id: 583200 - Text: noticing a lot of theses videos that aren’t labeled “drug addict” are actually drug addicts..

id: 583225 - Text: Yes, he has. I think he said something about it in the beginning of this video.

id: 583308 - Text: They are gonna have to Google the terms “escort” “trick” but who knows these kids nowadays have no real hopes or dreams they aspire to be high class escorts because of YouTube videos 😂

id: 583318 - Text: It was interesting that during the self reflective majority of the video he won’t look at camera, almost looks guilty body language but at the end when he’s telling the story about an incident his demeanor changes. He becomes more animated and looks at and faces camera. Almost like even though it was negative memory he was getting off on remembering the situation. Seems like he’s probably addicted to that nefarious lifestyle. Likely a good thing he’s out of his kids life. Something about him seems like he’s not telling the whole story and I wouldn’t trust him. Says he doesn’t judge the girls but categorized them repeatedly. He’s got a hidden agenda.

id: 583369 - Text:  @salvadorreyes1337  his lifestyle has the potential to have his kids doing one of these videos in the future. You're defending his behavior. I feel horrible for his wife and children.

id: 583521 - Text:  @anitaknight3915  I never used to believe in reincarnation but I watch so many NDE video testimonies and read books about it and I have come to believe in it also. You should share your experience with a YouTube channel that does NDE stories!! I love learning about the afterlife as my grandpa died when I was young and it affected me greatly. I enjoyed reading your comments, keep your energy boundaries strong against those energy vampires; ie empaths and narcissists!!!

id: 583522 - Text:  @hotdogginit10  thank you so much for sharing your thoughts & insights sweetheart 💖💞💕. The afterlife ABSOLUTELY exists after we finish our soul's journey here learning, growing, and expanding in consciousness . I know your loved one no doubt is still very much around watching over you & cheering you on proudly along the way!!! After my near death experiences(I had two), I came back with a lot of spiritual awareness and psychic abilities that skyrocketed. I definitely want to share and empower others on their healing journeys and to let them know they are NEVER alone that the spirit world and their loved ones who have passed are with them ALWAYS!! We don't truly "die" (it's an illusion)- we just transition form and into another dimension full of beauty, light, and unconditional love free from all negativity and pain we experience in this challenging dual earth plane. All you have to do is think about them and talk to your grandfather telepathically or aloud. They can feel your thoughts and emotions : ). You can even ask them for help and answers (practicing meditation to quiet your mind in stillness and automatic writing strengthens the connection to channel). I've learned a lot about the spiritual world, afterlife, and universal laws. There's so many awesome books and videos out there. Reincarnation and past lives are definitely real! We are human beings having a spiritual experience. There's so much wisdom and lessons I've learned from spirit and angels that I love to share but I've definitely been attacked online by naysayers and negative critics for sure so I use caution and discernment. I realize everyone has their own biases & beliefs which I respect and I've learned I don't have to prove anything to anyone because I know what I experienced spiritually was real. Not everyone is ready to hear the truth nor open to spiritual concepts. Society has been heavily indoctrinated and programmed by the mainstream media and man made fear based religion with manipulated religious dogma. I've learned the negativity and criticism that comes when you speak out on these experiences and NDE topics😉🤗. Sending you love and light xoxoxo ❤

id: 583544 - Text: This is the first of these videos I've ever seen. People commenting here wish him recovery so he can get back to his kids. I say Good Riddance. Kids are better off without this kind of unattached parent. He's paying for drugs and sex. He's got a whole set of problems that don't go well with parenting. Maybe once his kids are grown and hopefully fulfilled, productive, happy- they can be better equipped to have him in their lives in some capacity.

id: 583568 - Text: Standard issue for anyone in Video production
