58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 544168 - Text: Wow. I donated money for her. Wtf.. I bought her a freaking sex toy? F*ck her..

id: 544248 - Text: at what cost do the good have to pay for the mistakes. this isn't misfortune or being delt the wrong cards in life. This is the human instinct of staying in that "comfort zone" of what they know and not traveling out into the unknown, and unfortunately this causes people to lose hope in humanity. This a perfect example of how it doesn't matter if your given the golden ticket the only person that is in control is you. And the unfortunate fact is that her kids may follow the same suit and thus the cycle continues. Mark I don't know you but the pain and frustration is real here, you give everything and then sum and you get not even a shred of remorse from them. People like you do good for others like this, and get pain and suffering in return this ain't right, the world cant keep going like this. George Orwell said it best in his book 1984 "Allowing for the book, after all, being a parody, something like 1984 could actually happen. This is the direction the world is going in at the present time. In our world, there will be no emotions except fear, rage, triumph, and self-abasement. The sex instinct will be eradicated. We shall abolish the orgasm. There will be no loyalty except loyalty to the Party. But always there will be the intoxication of power. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who’s helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face, forever. The moral to be drawn from this dangerous nightmare situation is a simple one: don’t let it happen. It depends on you." Sometimes it feels like we are already here but people like you Mark are fighting we all need to fight to make this rite Thank you Mark.

id: 544465 - Text: She can't even changer her incorporated accent during normal speech. She has no hope. She likes the sex toys and the pimping. Not even being mean.

id: 544637 - Text: Welp I guess hand outs don’t work. And rich folk giving hand outs of thousands of dollars a day isn’t enough?. If someone has a hole in their heart that needs to be healed . And only God can do that. Throwing money at a “problem “ only enables the vortex. That dude was also sexually abused as a child. He was probably sold to men as a young boy. It’s a very sad destructive dynamic those two have. And she was forced to have an abortion. It wasn’t a miscarriage . Look at her expression.

id: 544967 - Text:  @veronicamascaro3041  and then these sex workers say if men give us respect we will surely change .|-O they never do ,they are addictedto sex ,this way or that way

id: 545030 - Text: she's a lost cause. could have took the 1000s you have her and invested into a future with her kids. but she blew on drugs and sex. the ending is absolute bs "i cant blame you bc poverty and role models and the rich and blah blah blah." Sure but whatever happened to just an ounce of personal responsibility? wow.

id: 545054 - Text: This girls a tool, you got finessed. This is why you don't put money into your subjects you film. This is cringe as hell that you even did that, she's obviously finessing you from the jump why even feed into her shit. I feel like the only reason you did is because she's attractive. Would you have poured that much money out and got a car and apartments for any of the sex offenders of children that you've filmed? The answer is no. This is the last I'll ever watch these videos, the creator has been compromised and exposed as a weirdo. Damn man

id: 545092 - Text: This video was cringey as hell , how are you not gonna do no background check of her actually having kids ? What’s worst is you can tell you were hurt when you said you found those sex toys🤣

id: 545163 - Text: Mutual aid with the intention of something in return is charity, not solidarity. Mark, the way you speak about women, sex workers, and addicts, is awful. You need to check yourself and your ego.

id: 545178 - Text: Mark, this video reveals you to be vindictive, spiteful, manipulative, and naive (at best, although ignorant is more plausible). Using your platform and privilege to publicly shame an addict and repeated victim of sexual violence is beyond reprehensible. Trying to enter her home under such dubious excuses is pathetic. You're not a toddler – find somewhere to use the bathroom that won't violate someone's privacy. Are we supposed to feel sorry for poor old Mark who fell prey to wiles of this sinful vixen? Do you feel righteous and justified in your actions because you gave her money? She needs professional treatment, drug counseling, and most likely a host of other social services, not another pimp or sugar daddy posing as a kindly benefactor. Seriously, for shame, dude.
