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id: 545501 - Text: This is exactly why I don’t give to the homeless. They’re just gonna buy drugs and sex toys.

id: 545596 - Text: Using the apartment he's paying for as a flop house for pimping this chick out. She knows exactly what she's doing, and people like this will continue doing that, and the only reason she puts up with you is because you give her money and a place to stay. Soon as she gets away from you, she goes right to her boys and talks shit about how she has you around her little finger. I've spent my ENTIRE life around people like this. There is no saving this girl, because her mindset is made. She isn't going to change, sorry. I spent years of my life trying to get people clean, and it was only worth it because out of 50 some-odd people, I was able to save one and get them on Suboxone and off the street. But I've met a thousand girls like this one, and it's hard for me to say, but if she wanted to live a straight, clean life, she would. But she's gonna have to work for it herself, because if you give it to her, she'll take that as weakness and use you for everything you're worth. This is the prison mindset making its way into our world, our lives out here. The predatory, prison, gangland mindset is what drives these people, and they will take you for everything you're worth and only pretend to give a sh-t so long as they know they can continue manipulating you. This is sociopathy. Sociopaths want only key things in life: sex, drugs, money, transportation and lodging, and they don't care who they have to f-ck over to get it. This is how the prison mindset works, and this girl has had that mindset drilled into her by gangbangers, pimps and drug dealers, and I'm sorry to say, but she's probably a lost cause. She will only get her shit straight when or if she decides to, and it's going to have to be through her own power of will, and her own determination. Giving it to her will never get her out of that life, because it'll only enable her to continue doing what she's doing.

id: 545599 - Text: When you pay money for sexual things.. that's defacing the values of a civilization!! Survival? Abuse

id: 545634 - Text: "...walked in and sex toys everwhere..." yup nothing suspicious here...

id: 545666 - Text: I'm just an outside observer so take this with as much salt as you want but there were moments in the previous interview where it began to feel a little more transactional, just in an emotional way rather than a sexual way. Where you were mentioning helping her out and how easy that was, it might have removed some sense of agency for her in just truly realising that in the moment, in front of a camera. That could have made her feel ashamed and beholden to you in a way that she might never have felt before (or had felt before in a traumatic way, which triggered some kind of ptsd response). That could, perhaps, explain why she fell back into the habits, in feeling that she was being used in a different way, or that she was some kind of sideshow on display or that her freedom had strings attached etc. I obviously can't know for sure, and please don't take this as attacking you or what you are doing and trying to do here, even just the attempt was truly moving, I am just trying to understand and make sense of this depressing outcome and how it can be potentially avoided in the future. You did so much for her and it really did seem like you came close to changing her life, at some point that took a turn, knowing exactly where would be very beneficial. Thanks for taking the time and effort to try in any case, it was well worth it despite the outcome.

id: 545708 - Text: Save your money. You don't need a pimp girl. One day you pretty looks will fade and what will u be doing for money when the customers are fewer and fewer? What will happen when you get injured in the life? Move away. Hide your tattoos. You deserve so much better. It takes adjustment for everything but a man is supposed to provide and be your ally. Not beat you up and take your money. If you are doing all the work why does he profit? So he can give it to his favorite girl? You weren't born just to be used. I know it gets lonely but wouldn't it be better to clean ur act up. Get a job and meet someone that will care for you and help you heal when sick? Just because your mom and dad didn't teach you what love was doesn't mean you aren't worth it. You are being so strong and putting up a good act but you don't have a lot of time esp in that life. What will you do foe money when you are 45 and have some illness ? Or you break a hip or something that keeps you from working in the streets? What then? How will you survive then? You may think... well I can get a job then and ur kids will be grown and independent. Yeah but medical bills and rent will go up. Start your clean life. Do it for yourself. If no dude is giving you HIS money. He deserves no money from you. No sex. No time. Nothing. You are not someone's property. You are your own and you are worth having a decent relationship with. Let yourself be loved. "Healthy" will feel uncomfortable but that's not bad. Just like cutting out bad food. U go through tough hurdles but if u stick with it it will get better and better. I hope you change your mind and decide to quit this life. Money we all want even millionaires want more money than they need. Go to school. Write your book. Work 2 jobs if you are used to working long hrs and KEEP all the profits for you! If your work hard people will promote you. It's not about school it's about how well you work for the company. What will you do at 45? 60? And your body starts to fail you? Good luck to you. Be safe ❤

id: 545758 - Text: She is just sitting there, completely closed down with no hope. When the pimp comes in there is no warmth between them despite their claims of a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship. He isn't trying to "help" her as he claims. She is his meal ticket and he will use her up and throw her away like garbage when she can no longer trick for him. In the meantime, she is his sex slave. All so he can survive a life on the streets and buy goofy looking outfits. He is a pathetic parasite. And she is a lost soul.

id: 545779 - Text: Her sweatshirt has a message that I wish this girl truly had. I get that she is a victim of trauma, of sex trafficking, of a shitty childhood, but I just think of her poor children. What are they going to do? Repeat the cycle. I HOPE this girl can find the strength within herself to create a better life for herself and her kids. Because if she stays in the life she's in hope is the last thing she'll give those kids...

id: 545844 - Text: Fundamentally it’s all about addictions and the world of addicts: sex, violence, abuse, drugs, etc. Nothing that anyone does from the outside can help these people. Giving them money to quit this life is like giving heroin to an addict in order to get him to quit doing heroin. Psychologically it was a mistake from the start. But that’s because the desire to “save” her has nothing to do with rationality or morals. It’s about sex, and sexuality (not the act of having sex! But the psychological elements). Most of our reactions were straight from a beginner’s manual: “she’s smart cute, and good.. must save her”. That itself deserves a whole book written about it. She could be a great person… but only if she was deeply transformed from within. Only she can do that. But she really doesn’t have to. She is quite successful in her development as an intelligent being. Again, another great awakening video. And I need to ad, Mark is a great guy, even if he got caught, like many of us in our lives, in a psychological trap. I’m not even sure how many times I’ve made this kind of mistake. Still paying the price for some of them. Psychology is not about good people and bad people. It’s much more like the laws of physics.

id: 545873 - Text: Mark,With all due respect honey most of the women in this country have grown-up either without a father or with an abusive father almost all of them have been molested but what 1% of women resort to this nonsense here.... I would say some severe mental illness is to blame, it almost feels insulting to even call this woman and her situation sex trafficking because people that are really getting sex trafficked want to escape and would never go back... she is ready willing and able that is not being sex trafficked. When you are kidnapped and chained and lock down and forced to have sex with people- then that is called sex trafficking ..this woman is just mentally ill and so is any woman just like her that loves this lifestyle
