58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 545881 - Text: I bet dude has sex with her and he want it to keep it hush 🤫 so that why he giving up the money

id: 545891 - Text: In the last video, you said not all pimps are bad. You clearly are not fit to educate others on sexual exploration . This young woman has been exploited since childhood by men. Your YouTube channel is just the last place a man has used her for their benefit. I think you should leave the help to caseworkers who understand trauma and that throwing money at problems isn't the answer. You could've kept this to yourself yet had to make one more video.

id: 545904 - Text:  @MirceaLazar  No I didn't mean what she did was shocking, I meant the way in which she manipulated the one's trying to help her was a bit shocking, the fact that she would rather give some gang banger junkie the money that kind hard working people so generously donated to her selflessly in order to help her change her life, all the while she's buying sex toys and dope most probably while her kid's are presumably going hungry, that was the shocking bit not the fact that she did it, I'm sure almost everyone saw it coming really.

id: 545924 - Text: Trying to help people like this is admirable and honorable, however, the broken cannot help the broken. Only Jesus can help someone like this. You may mock that and laugh, but it is the absolute truth. He's helped me out of so much that I never thought I would be free from. I know many people who were addicted to math and nothing worked to get them away from it until they turned to Jesus. We are all broken. Even those of us who don't have drug, addiction, sexual, etc...problems. none of us are better than anyone else. We only judge one another by human pride. But we are all broken and wicked without Jesus.

id: 545954 - Text: U can't help any woman who strips or escorts. These women don't have a normal conscience the way the rest of us do. They don't have feelings. When u have sex for money or let men touch u for money it completely destroys a woman and her ability to feel and love. It ruins them forever. This girl has never emotion in her face. U can't help women who have no feelings.

id: 546182 - Text:  @bajovato  they aren't driven by the right things. Maybe they never had someone to look up to.... what motivates you, drugs, sex, money.... attention....

id: 546210 - Text: She was 13years old and working the streets, that is so horrendous, child abuse at its worse, sex slavery, and then apart from all that in a gang and a drug addict and she is just 24!!! She has always been dependent on pimps, because a pimp took her at 13 and that is all she really knows. How do you escape all is extremely hard, but if she truly wants to do it, she can, she just needs to erase everything, take her kids and never ever ever turn back! I pray you heal Asriah, I pray you find out that you are so special, so worthy! Jesus loves you, now, then and forever. Your past sins are gone as soon as you decide it and move forward. Jesus, heal Asriah, heal her children and guide her away from her past. Asriah, life away from what you know will not be easy, but it will be your life, you will have control. I hope you find a good therapist to help you with your mental health too. God Bless You Beautiful child!

id: 546461 - Text: She was abandoned at 2 months old, molested and sexualized. But, when does she want to break the cycle? She has 2 children now. She doesn't want any better for her children or herself. She had her chance and lost it. Too bad for those babies.

id: 546572 - Text: Such heartbreak . No way of knowing if that stinking filthy gang found her on their own , but I suspect they did by threatening others . She should have been in a more secure area , where they could never get to her . I am a 69 yr old US Army Vet of 15 yrs . America sends troops to kill people over political differences , while here at home filthy worthless scum capture 13 yr old girls & force them into sexual slavery forever , beating them , starving them , & worse . Those bastards deserve to die much more than any soldiers . It's the only way to stop this . Kill the pedophiles & sex traffickers . Just Do It .

id: 546830 - Text: These girls. Most of them. Sure lack the moral fabric to fit in the regular societal norms. They just want to mint the money fast and faster. Without having to scrape for it. They search for easy ways always. And sex is the easiest of them. She has nothing to say, she knows she done wrong. And she knows she would do it again. So, what's the point.
