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id: 548596 - Text: Gotta be frustrating dealing with this dude. Basically just attempted to justify the fact that he’s a garbage human because he was raised around garbage humans. I mean dudes really gonna sit here and say it’s hard to get out the hood when he just screwed up a situation where he had his claws in this broad who had an apartment outside of the hood being completely paid for by someone else who was willing to help her become established with an education and potentially some decent job opportunities. Like how u even keep a straight face when u couldn’t even manage that hustle without totally ruining it. It’s a shame seeing how ole girl was in the second video compared to how she presented in this one. She seemed genuinely happy in the last one granted it could just be that she was really enjoying life cause she hadn’t been caught yet. Don’t take it too easy on her either though. It seemed like u wanted to place the blame on the loser she showed up with but she’s just as responsible for her decisions. Like as terrible as her last ten years were she had been given a golden opportunity to make certain her children had the best opportunity to break these cycles and do well for themselves but for some reason having this bum around that takes her money is more important. Honey he encourages u to sell ur body so he can pretend to be some big baller. Dudes a lame. He’s not a real man. If he grew up in the hood and he still ain’t made it out by 30 then the one you got is defective. I mean dude had him on camera for 10 mins and he already admitted to being a convict, a gang member and a sex trafficker. It’s just infuriating knowing these leeches are allowed to expand their lungs. Here’s to hoping he runs into some real ones from the other side.

id: 548621 - Text: You shouldn't chastise a gang affiliated sex worker like a little girl you are helping to grow into a moral, self sufficient agent who stays out of trouble and holds down a job paying taxable income. If you want to give her money, give her money. If you don't, don't. Asriah is a firecracker. I would offer her a ride out of State and a permanent bed in the guest room if I could, and I knew the cribs wouldn't come find us! She'll find her way with or without a condescending 'humanitarian'.

id: 548674 - Text: If there wasn't a demand, there wouldn't be the hustles. I suppose that's the starting point, but that might be like saying if it wasn't for human nature (which isn't all good), these things wouldn't happen. It looks like in both their cases, if it wasn't for there being desperate people in this world (thinking of their parents - with judgment suspended) this wouldn't happen. Something more amenable to some kind of control is this: If there were no crimes, there would be no crime. Obviously. But that's what makes the point. Let's say you make drug dealing a government monopoly, for instance, instead of illegal. If you did that, you could do it in a non-profit or profits-for-good-purposes way (to some extent, bearing in mind that politicians are so often corrupt). A drug dealing government could've supplied Asriah's mother with all the drugs she needed. No need to run off to the gangs for that. Not perfect by any measure, but even just in such a scenario, there's less of the desperation. It wouldn't be good. It might be less-bad enough to make some difference, that's all. Extend that a bit, and you can have whatever control is actually possible (hopefully it's more than the None as in the current situation) over prostitution. Have a government that sets up as a pimp. The tough guy that deals with the bad Johns could be a special forces soldier who gets a bit of practice in violence by doing protection between wars. The protection could be better than a pimp offers, in theory at least - although you probably can't go killing the Johns who "need to be killed", so it wouldn't be perfect, from the point of view of the girl needing protection. Extend a bit more. Have a general government monopoly on all vice. There are plenty of other businesses still available for free enterprise when you're done. Alcohol monopoly. Tobacco monopoly. Gambling monopoly. Sex show and porno monopoly. Have enough of those, and you shouldn't have to spend tax money on dealing with the social consequences of the vice. Given a fairly comprehensive government takeover of vice (short of the complete one you might ultimately aim at), you could try to ameliorate the harm of certain vices. For instance, motherhood and drugs don't go well together (and fatherhood, even less so, by the looks of things). So a girl getting her drugs from the (clean) government sources might have to have an IUD fitted, just to eliminate that possibility. (And, extreme as it may sound, a boy on drugs, who is not ready to be a proper father to anyone could have a vasectomy for the privilege. Just store straws of sperm in several places for the time when he realises that he wants to have a family, not an addiction, one day. Also I think doctors can harvest them direct, too, so it's not a permanent sterilization. Just requires medical assistance - which is probably great for making sure there was a sufficient cooling off period.) There are simple, reversible things one would be able do to ameliorate things, if one was around "on day one" of these sad stories. So you'd still have the sad stories, but sometimes they'd be less so. So that's an improvement, right? And improvement is better than just letting things go, the way we just let things go, right now. I'd better add some little details. Keep selling drugs and sex at the high prices they go for, now. Use the profits firstly for things like new kinds of purpose-build insurance for drug addicts and prostitutes. Then in the second place, have a "drug drivers licence". Someone wanting to start (at any age, since people often start young, and what you want is to be there at day 1, not to lay down the standard age for this) needs to at least do enough of a course to gain factual knowledge about what comes next. (They could watch interviews like yours, for instance. Certainly something in that direction. Nice and factual. No bullshit from any side.) And then it should be something one gets into by steps. Low alcohol liquor, full beer, wine ... in that order ... just to put it in "alcohol terms". More courses, more exposure to the consequences at each step. And even maybe the offer of real alternatives - as in experience of those. OK, that's already very TL;DR so I'll vamos.

id: 548799 - Text: Wow!!! All that money paid for some nice clothes! Nice phone! And some long finger nails.... Oh! And the sex toys!?!?!? Can't believe you gave thousands a day!!!!!!!

id: 548930 - Text: I absolutely loathe pimps and sex traffickers. Absolutely disgusting.

id: 548934 - Text: I really pray for her- this can be very hard to get out of. She probably wanted to spend time with her kids but her "boyfriend" probably forced her to meet quota. Even if shes deceiving Mark which is very likely, shes trapped. She feels extremely unsafe to say anything, thats why shes not very telling. Life or death. She needs to go to a program specifically for sex workers or gang involved females that WILL PROTECT HER and put her on a path to recovery.

id: 548994 - Text: That’s messed up man…. Rather buy sex toys instead of buying stuff for your kids and other important stuff?

id: 549031 - Text:  @bamcr1218  She was never a weak person to begin with; just a good actress with a PhD in street smarts. She saw Mark as a weak person and took advantage of him. She is out giving 50-100 blowjobs a night and getting penetrated by strange men 20-30 times a night. To endure this sort of abuse, one has to have a disassociative personality and a streak of ice in the heart. She saw Mark as another “trick”. She let the cat out of the bag when she said she had all kinds of clients who did not have sex; just wanted to talk or rub her feet. Mark wanted to interview her and spend some time talking so he was seen only as a dildo with a wallet. Stop feeling sorry for these skanks. It is sad but they were born with a bad hand and that’s life. Let them go and stay far away from these manipulators.

id: 549109 - Text: Once I too tried to help a girl who lived on the streets. She was an alcoholic and did drugs too. She wasn't a prostitute but was in a toxic relationship. I hung around with her, took her out to places, took her to the beach, made her talk. I'd go find her in places where she'd be hanging out with fellow bumbs of hers talking trite stuff and I'd bring her good food. I offered her a place to stay with no frills attached because she told me she'd had enough of that life and was trying to shake the habit. After merely a day sobering and a decent breakfast all she could think of was going back to the trash life and very people she despised. She told me I was too protective and that she felt stifled. There was no horizon to her life, no plans, no books, no serious bonding. There was just this daily routine of walking the streets, getting drunk, getting high, puking one's guts out, hanging out with bumbs, having sex with one of them, getting into violent fights with them. It just taught me this painful lesson that no matter how well intentioned one might be, it's just not in our power to change or save those who are damaged beyond repair.

id: 549216 - Text: This is uncomfortable as f*ck. Just comes across as another dude using her to make money, only this time it's not from sex work, it's off the back of YouTube. Giving an addict, in such a situation, money is just setting them up to fail.
