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id: 549217 - Text: Do you have a sexual relationship with her

id: 549232 - Text: HOLD ON EVERYONE!! There's something really fishy about all this. Mark, you come across as a great guy, compassionate, nonjudgemental, generous, etc, but something's definitely up and I'm starting to wonder whether you're a bit of a psychopath. I apologize in advance if I'm being unfair, but explain this. So you picked up a girl from the streets with a history of gang membership and just casually handed her the equivalent to more than 3 times the minimum wage in your state, ON TOP of a house and a car... And then she started asking for about SIX TIMES that amount. You were giving her "thousands of dollars a day", in your own words, and you honestly didn't know what was going on?? It's weird as fuck to do that for anyone and there's absolutely no way you didn't know you were funding either a serious drug habit or a pimp or a gang or whatever else. There's no way you thought you were helping. Did you think her kids ate gold and diamonds or what?? It sounds like either she was doing you favors in return or that you were trying to make her feel like she should. I'm really sorry if I am being unfair, this is a horrible thing to accuse someone of doing, but that you just thought you were being nice by giving a gang member thousands of dollars a day is inconceivable to me. What kind of fucked up codependency type of thing were you trying to create here? Giving someone shelter and money to subsist while they get their life in order is one thing. But this is way different. And then you decided to just enter her apartment because since you were paying for it you had the right? Can't you see how fucked up that is? You don't help people to then claim the right to invade their privacy... Either you help or you don't, but you respect people's intimacy. This is a total lack of boundaries at best and creepy controlling behavior at worst. To then go online and tell your audience you found sex toys and costumes... What the fuck? And what is going on that they agreed to go on camera and admit to all of this, knowing the millions of people who watch are the same people that give you the money you give them?? When you had already told her you were not going to help her anymore. Why on earth is she in your studio being filmed while you detail every way in which she fucked you and the contributors over? Everything in this video is surreal. And then a guy in the comment says you knew this was going to happen but you did it anyway for the views and the money and you respond "I was well aware that either way this story was gold. I play chess while everyone else seems be playing checkers." WHAT - THE - FUCK?? That sounds completely psychopathic not to mention the level of narcissism. In fact, I've watched your interview on the Koncrete podcast and Jesus Christ, can you stop sucking your own dick?? All about how you're basically the master of forgiveness, you "have a great gift" and everything you touch "turns to gold", everything you do is great, how your photos "are better than everybody else's", how your work is "always perfect", etc. I'm not even exaggerating, these are your exact words! Sure, maybe you're just a guy who's REALLY confident in his work.... But "I play chess while everyone else seems to be playing checkers" makes it seem more like you're a egomaniac with delusions of grandeur. And sure as hell this channel would feed your ego with countless people in the comments praising you as a "saint" and an "angel", literally. It also makes it sound like you're playing these people for your own gain. In the same podcast you recognize some people think this channel is exploitative and you answer is that everything is, so is Christmas, so is being a gold-digger and maybe your critics are just envious they didn't come up with the idea themselves. What sort of a weak response is that? Again, "I was well aware that either way this story was gold. I play chess while everyone else seems be playing checkers". That's the most self incriminating and psychopathic thing you could say when someone accuses you of causing this situation on purpose for views and money. It sure as fuck doesn't make you sound like a naive saint who doesn't realize what's going on when he gives a gang member thousands of dollars a day. I'm baffled not that many people are finding all this creepy as fuck! Mark, I'm sorry if I got it all wrong, but I can't come up with a single explanation for all this that would make it alright. What is up with you??

id: 549281 - Text: In the first video, I remember poeple's comments like : " She's a queen, she deserve the best " " If she could go back to school, she'll be so successful in her life " stuff like this. Now the same persons who put her on a pedestral, blame this girl for her lack of kindness. I think most of the first comments were from men who had a sexual desire for her because of her look and profession and the others comments depict a kind of nurse syndrom : She's a prostitute, but I can save her soul. Desire once again, but her true nature as a manipulative woman is now exposed : she just like beeing a prostitute. She don't really care about her kids and prefer to be connected with her new pimp. You can clearely see that she had no remorses for fooling the guy who tried to help her. Did she experience a bad beginning in her life ? certainly she did. Did she had the same chances other girls had ? Certainly not. Is she a good human beeing right at this point ? I don't think so.

id: 549306 - Text: Sometimes, people want to help you more than you want to help yourself. Cheer them from the sidelines, but they're the ones that gotta' play ball. Mark shone a light at the end of the tunnel...An out from her torrid life. She choose to go back to heartache...Back to squalor...Back to a state of bad tidings with only brief moments of thought-numbing relief through a sex and drug induced fog.

id: 549313 - Text: Mark....thank you for your work. It's so insightful and it really inspired me to go follow my purpose in healing people from sexual abuse. Thank you for your light and I really hope i get to meet you some day. Loads of love and hugs, from South Africa xxx

id: 549476 - Text:  @danielsmith6831  The PIMPS brand the girls, shows ownership of the sex trafficked teens

id: 549490 - Text: Saying that he could point the finger at Asriah for lying to him, but in the same sentence take off all the blame from Fly is so misogynist. Mark justifies everything Fly does by bringing up his background and poor role models, trauma etc, but what about Asriah who got raped and sexually exploited by men since being a child, never was allowed to develop a healthy sense of self and always just existed as the property and object of others? Do you think stuff like that is easy to overcome? Just throw money at her and she can snatch out of it? That requires years of trauma therapy and a proper rehab from drugs. So please don't point the finger at Asriah but excuse Fly.

id: 549579 - Text: I have a uncle who use to gang bang sad thing is woman were brought in the gang life to do the dirty work the drug mule and sex dummy

id: 549646 - Text:  @mostblunted_211  The person I am now would never have stayed with him, but I was a 14yr old with almost no self esteem and had never had a real boyfriend, but had just went through some sexual trauma.. It was nice to have someone want way to explain it is similar to a dog..Say you have a dog for about a've taken great care of him, trained him, take him with you everywhere, day you get angry and hit him..hard..he's probably going to be confused, hurt..scared,but if you apologize for it and shower it with love and treats and promise to never do it again, everything is ok..Then it happens again, and again.. The dog will develop a flinch.. And you might notice that he checks your face before he does anything, just to make sure that it's ok with you.. But of course he still loves you..then your hitting him daily.. He's not the same dog,he doesn't jump and play, he walks very slow and h

id: 549651 - Text:  @okdude203  I don't think she knows any other way to behave and this man disrespected her in a sense that he thought money could fix everything and that he expected her to be good to him just because he threw money at her. What she really needed was therapy and a person who didn't want anything from her, yet he proceeds to talk about loyalty and even humiliates her by saying she had sex toys everywhere. If you do something for someone you don't do it expecting something back, you do it because you want to. She saw him to be the same as every other man who has exploited her and she did what she does best, use the exploitation in her favour to survive.
