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id: 550329 - Text: This is reality. Not many success stories in real life. Stop helping the lowest common denominator. There is no telling how many victims lie in her wake. She’s a common piece of crap. Always loyal to the street and to anyone other than people who want to really help. How can you say you can’t blame him for anything? He is a sex trafficker.

id: 550414 - Text: No one talks about the Johns aka Sex Purchasers who make woman have to do these acts for money and live this dangerous lifestyle. Do an Interview of a "John" and see why they think it's acceotable to put females in these horrible conditions!

id: 550530 - Text: I’ve had a “relationship” with a similar girl…I get what I want but she loves the lifestyle-at first she would ask me for extra emergency $ but i never gave any - I knew there was a pimp behind - even knew by the text writing style when the pimp wrote himself 😂 - I liked her, she liked being treated like that - and the sex - nympho…can’t help someone that doesn’t want to be helped

id: 550685 - Text:  @hyunjinscrunchytoenails8860  sadly there’s dudes like that in the world who think just cause they do something for someone they should get sexual pleasure in return

id: 550820 - Text: Whores have all kinds of problems and they will twist you up...Even if you are not having sex with them. She is a die hard life ling criminal and not capable of doing any good for anyone and will take you for everything you have. 'she is a drug addict and a convict and this is just the shit she has admitted to you. I would not doubt if she has killed people in the past.

id: 550986 - Text:  @Alaquand  I also thought the same about the bathroom situation. I would've been pissed if I were her. You don't just intrude into someone's personal space like that, even if you pay the monthly installments. That was YOUR choice. It's still their personal space. That sense of entitlement really put me off. And shaming her, revealing he found sex toys? How dare he. Something is off with this guy thinking this is ok.

id: 551013 - Text:  @ryzepoetix  Whoa I missed the part of him saying he found sex toys. Wtf??? What part was that at??

id: 551018 - Text:  @Knowledgematters32  Exactly! He wanted to shame and humiliate her about her sexuality. You're dealing with a prostitute, hello! Your entire segment on her is around her street life and you're shaming her for sex toys? SHE HAS A PROBLEM AND NEEDS HELP. Isn't that the whole point of this? It's like his help was conditional and like he expects her to stop cold turkey just because he came into her life to "help." Like bro, it's been a whole lifestyle since her childhood. He's so self-important.

id: 551019 - Text:  @ryzepoetix  Agreed. She's a sex worker and plenty of guys probably want to do weird shit to her and she has her own sex toys and condoms for it. He was sounding like he's infuriated with her being a whore. Like what?? That's her fulltime job! Literally! Talking about there was definitely a man in there. Like hello? You and her aren't dating. That's not yo girl just because you threw money at her. Just trying to see how does that separate him from the John's, with that behavior????

id: 551083 - Text: It's like Mark is waiting for a complete success story but the ones I've believed in the most ,her and Devon all end up showing the same signs ..good talkers that say what needs to be said for the benefit.. honestly in her second interview I could feel a backslide was coming because she kept saying it was "different" and "hard" and how many people were messaging her ,if you don't completely remove the temptation it will get to you and that's exactly what's happened.. he's probably extorting her but there's some twisted relationship also ,if there's sex toys he probably has her working through the internet to save face we'll never know but only she'll know when she's had enough.. I'm glad Mark can remove his help when he sees it's not appreciated he's nobody's fool.
