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id: 551779 - Text:  @brianbadonde9251  Youre so quick to blame her - dyou really think prefers having sex with horrible men for crack or you think shes got an addiction?? Shes clearly terrified of that man, so what does that tell you? Why would she choose to give all the money to him? Glad im not the one on the side of a woman beater. Would it still be funny if that was ur sister or mum? Not the sharpest are you sausage

id: 551782 - Text: 13:40 I know you're trying to show empathy but blaming external factors for that is just findding cheap excuses.... the very core of her problems is this guy who exploit her and have her doing sex work, these two needs to be separated and this guy needs to fight his devils...

id: 551926 - Text: U not trying u keeping her doors up to make her so what she does and meth makes men and women want sex so on meth she more exceptable to selling herself and doing what u want

id: 552025 - Text: everyone acting so surprised in the comments... really? This woman is a victim of sexual abuse, abandonment, had nobody to raise her but the foster system and you act surprised that she would fall back into what she knew? Seriously? the burned child loves fire.

id: 552444 - Text: Be careful, you angel. Imagine the audacity of wearing the buff new tracksuit you’re being accused of stealing to your trial for its theft. She’s not being controlled imo. She’s sitting there thinking about the distance between their world and Mark’s. Imagine not caring about your own body and exploiting it for what you can get. There are no limits to what you could exploit for cash. The relationship she has with her own body is a good indication of the relationships she has with other people. Real change happens on the inside of a person but it can take a long time. It can take three generations to get out of poverty. I believe many women are influenced by the way men tend to perceive prostitution. I’d like to see ‘Exotic’ being grilled about the sex. I want to know what she’s looking at, thinking about, what it tastes like, what’s humiliated her, exactly what she’s done but also what colour the car she did it in was, her favourite position and why, what material her underwear is made out of, what the furnishings are like, what brand of soap she washes dick with, whether she can charge more nowadays. You get the idea.

id: 552491 - Text: I hope 'FLY' reads this and reads this message, You are the worst kind of human, you DEFINITELY aren't a man that's for sure. What kind of 'Little boy' lets men pay to have sex with his woman? Get off your arse and go make your own money, utter scum

id: 552797 - Text: 3, 4 minutes in, i'm just stunned at your degree of naïveté at your age. you're giving hundreds of dollars daily to somebody who had been a homeless addict, etc etc etc and you thought this was a person psychologically prepared to instantly change her entire life with the very minor shift of being handed a lot of money? you're saying you've done this with a lot of girls in her situation. girls? you mean women?? why only girls/women? at some point, maybe it comes later in this video, but i highly doubt it based on having watched many of your videos, you will actually have to face your own deeply-rooted ignorance, sexism, and stunning confusion. money solves immediate practical problems - that's it. money does not revolutionize and reverse decades of trauma and destructive character development within days or weeks. take some accountability at some stage, if you possibly can, for your own truly ridiculous irresponsibility and narcissism.

id: 552832 - Text: She's a Mum. If she wanted to stop hoeing herself out, she would. She has the chance. What's obvious here is that she's been conditioned from a young age to sell herself for sex. Unfortunate and very upsetting, more so for her children.

id: 552912 - Text: It's impressive that her pimp actually came on set and opened up. I feel bad for all involved. This is proof that you cannot expect money to just fix a problem or a person, it takes way more than money. The system is broken. These young men and women need proper role models and structure from when they are very young. I would think that most mothers and fathers would want the best for thier children. There is a better way for South Central LA and all areas of the US Cities that have similar situations where young children are brought up by dealers, pimps, sex workers, gang members, ecetera. Dr King would have helped to eraticate this and rebuild a better family unit for the inner city youth of America. I hope someday we will have a leader who will come forward and help any of these men and women who want to break the cycle and want better for thier children's future and in turn they will have a better future and the cycle can finally be broken. Best of luck to everyone and stay positive.

id: 552921 - Text: I hope this does not turn into a soap opera, will she, won't she. Love the bit about the sex toys in the apartment was that really necessary.? The reality is 7 million hits on the first interview and you wondering if you can afford to give here a couple of thousand dollars. Come on man Asriah has been used to a 10 thousand dollars a week income and she is expected to just walk away. Even if half the 7 million views gave you 1 dollar you are looking at a big wack of money to help her. Sorry man, it just feels you are using her.
