31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 588442 - Text: Does this video say what city she’s in? I didn’t hear it, if so?

id: 588464 - Text: Bee is so cute, I love her personality and she's so good at telling her story, she had my attention the whole video. I could listen to her for hours. I hope she finds someone who makes her as happy as her wife once did.

id: 588496 - Text: One of the most relatable videos I've seen 💜

id: 588501 - Text: Her mannerism make watching this video difficult

id: 588511 - Text: This life can never be mended. At least she didn't bring any unfortunate children to this world. It would be an act of kindness to sterilize her. These videos are great a educational tool that should be shown to kids to keep them from drugs. America is so broken.

id: 588554 - Text: These videos make a person like me who’s from the east coast think Cali is evil. Yeah NYC have the same problems but a big part of Cali just seems like a place you better be prayed up if your raising a family there. Bet she was once beautiful. Lastly why do people think tattooing themselves with occult symbols and skulls is cute or fashionable

id: 588618 - Text: I don't why this thought crossed my mind, BUT: you think "Sharp" would change her life? Maybe because I've been following his stream of videos for SWU, but I feel like if he even just talked to her, there'd be a change.

id: 588790 - Text: This is said all the time about these videos, but if you pause on any still of her where her posture is straight and her gaze is at the camera (like 5:18) she looks like she could be an awesome, cool yoga instructor. She still can be if she wants, or even better. I really hope she finally finds that break in life she needs.

id: 588809 - Text: She lived in my hometown which really took me back and is crazy to think about. I live in a good area, a suburb if you will and it’s crazy to think that people in dire need of help like her just get overlooked everyday. She is very beautiful and has so much potential to turn her life around i hope the best for her. Thank you for your videos Mark I watch them everyday and i have become more and more open minded because of your work 🤍 Thank you for giving these people the voices they deserve .

id: 588818 - Text: In echo of previous comments: These videos need to be shown at school, levels of governance (boards of municipalities, cities), etc.
