58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 553360 - Text: you can see a bruise under her eye. What you're doing on camera is no better than the men who exploit her sexually. She just has to sit there and take you demoralizing her on camera. This poor girl.

id: 553371 - Text: I totally understand having to stop giving money to her (because she was literally blackmailing you).. but instead of sitting there looking like she is pissed off because you cut her off, she should be begging you to forgive her and thank you for not having her arrested. But at some point, we have to put the children first, because she 100% is not! It is time for CPS to be contacted…NO CHILD should be living in an apartment with their mom’s pimp, who is a known gang member (on drugs or either selling them) with sex toys all over the apartment (and not one kids toy!) That is heartbreaking!!! These kids can not live like this or the outcome will be pretty much the same as their mom and her pimp….they will turn into young gang members, on drugs, and become either prostitutes or pimps…the cycle will just keep repeating itself over and over until someone steps in and breaks it.

id: 553486 - Text: Shows no remorse... no apology... i would call social services. I just feel terrible for the kids. Dead beat parent. She had a 2nd chance and lit it on fire. Leaving sex toys around kids, Get those kids out of that environment.

id: 553558 - Text:  @whiteyfisk9769  my god are men or WHITE people ever responsible for any of their actions EVER??! You do know that this young woman was abused and pimped since she was a child by MEN and continued to be by several MEN many of them are WHITE who are clients? So take several seats rac-ist sex-ist cold hearted WHITE male

id: 554027 - Text: She needs to be delivered from the demons that put her In that position. And the sexually transmitted demons she got along the way. Prayers up 🙏 🤲

id: 554068 - Text: So annoying what on earth made her call this guy or get in touch with? She must have made contact with her gang . Let’s be honest. Is she on heroine ?? She is. This spaced out attitude… She may snort brown raw heroine ( pardon if I describe it the wrong way ) Mark may should have taken her phone away ! Not easy right ? But asking to handle it over in return would have been better . No criticism I know how hard it is. I think she’s not only too involved she is also a drug addict still . Not just crystal meth . Her skin looks always pretty good . I’m very experienced myself. Her Pimp pimp pisses me off. He is a gang member period. He is lying and just elks Mark what he wants to hear . It’s true great talent to get them to a talk but i know his they are just for 100 dollars they do EVERYTHING. Just getting clear here they even go back to an interview. To protect the children I would have maybe addressed this with ACS already if I was Mark . There are kids that suffer. She has no clue anymore. Where are the kids don’t they see sex toys in the apartment too ? Just an example. Huge mistake in calling her gang well done Asira

id: 554171 - Text: I tried to help someone like Asriah 22 years ago. This girl was 21 years old, had a 2 year old son and was being used, exploited, trafficked and taken advantage of financially. Her family of origin was very abusive and she not only attracted abusers but sought out abusive situations for the excitement of it. I tried to set her up with a place to live, she was connected with job corp, and I tried to keep her safe. She betrayed me like Asriah did to Mark. She brought a trick into my home, she use my home for parties, she would drink and take drugs to excess. She used me and she was kicked out of my home, kicked out of job corp and she was right back to sex work, and drinking and drugging. So I forgot about her and I looked her about 20 years later and we are the same age but she looks so much older, she lost all her teeth, she has scars on her face and body and lost custody of her children. She is very sick from all the substance abuse with liver disease and can not work, she is on welfare now. She looks used up, bear ups and washed up. She does not have much long to live. She will never know what it is like to be in a loving relationship, own a home, have a career, be a mother. All these things are attainable but she did not want it. I’m perplexed by why would anyone just throw away an opportunity like this but these people come from abusive homes and they are trauma bonded and do not believe in themselves. Abuse is all they know and it feels comfortable. Just because something is familiar and feels like “home”, does not mean it’s good for you. Stop giving these people money they can make thousands of $$ a day. There are so many resources out there for these type of people but they choose to not get help. Asriah how many more face and neck tattoos? How many more people do you have to have sex with for money that you will never have. Fly has a nice track suit and jewelry while you are being used up. You will just be replaced by someone new to exploit.

id: 554186 - Text:  @AlexSmith-lj1ty  She isn't a piece of trash. Take a few course in human sex trafficking, trauma and empathy.

id: 554269 - Text: I saw an article that rang true in this situation “If she’s vulnerable enough to be trafficked, she might be vulnerable enough for a guy to befriend her,” “Money isn’t curative for the type of trauma she has experienced, She needs assistance with finding housing, securing employment and attending counseling to help her cope with pain. She need a community that consists of professionals and former sex-trafficking survivors to pull her forward.

id: 554272 - Text: i just don't get it why she's so victimized. An adult woman with so many chances to improve and get better and be responsible. Still a victim and a "poor good girl". She has a chance for a change every dat and every minute of her life. Get a job, start a new life with her kids. She got a good money support, still she prefers to have sex for money. Shame!
