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id: 554289 - Text:  @occupytillicome6222  Yes, I think you are spot on. She needs a role model and support structure. Definitely a professional to speak to that specializes in sexual trauma and drug addiction. Maybe CBT along with EMDR. The attempt and intention of the interviewer to bring light a situation that most people know nothing about is eye opening. This said, it also puts this beautiful woman in the limelight and if she doesn’t have the support she needs, as you said, then she could be easier victimized by those wanting to harm her for their benefit. It was a bit of a roller coaster watching her emotions in the different videos and my only hope is that she is able to create a better life for herself and her children so the cycle doesn’t keep repeating.

id: 554290 - Text: Good advice. Wishing all the sex workers and ex sex workers well from someone who has been there. It was a very long time ago but the effects and default responses are still there

id: 554421 - Text: I'm really sorry for saying this but she already said she works because the money is good and easy, those were her words and priorities. So basically you tried to substitute her love for money and sex by giving her tons of money. That won't work she will only get out if she really wants and the first words out of her mouth are her kids. A bit naive to be upset imo, I thought you understood this. I know it's really really sad and we see this everyday, it's like a drug addiction. 😔 Edit: And I'm not here saying to quit on them but to have your expectations in check. She will have to, in the end, be the one to make the decision and even if she does it's not guaranteed she won't return to that old life.

id: 554429 - Text:  @sexykittenmeow2082  looking after children for some people IS hard, people with mental health problems or lack of money, you may have coped but other people like myself, it’s difficult

id: 554431 - Text:  @sexykittenmeow2082  yeah but it all depends on how well you do it to. Sounds like the original commenter mother purchased a home, made sure her kids needs were met, and had THREE kids. That is absolutely amazing! My mother couldn’t get a house until after 2 of her kids were already adults and she still required government assistance to do it but I’m still proud that she got it

id: 554622 - Text:  @sexykittenmeow2082  that’s funny Sista!👍🏻 we can agree no money is going to help from Mark, she needs therapy intervention.

id: 554638 - Text: I respect you Mark & what your doing & all but you really gotta watch out for these type of people! I no this life is new to you but trust me once you give it a little more time & seasoning you'll be able to tell who/why these people are before you ever even speak to them & that should help you shelter yourself a little better from people like her! From the very start you could just see her struggling trying to mask he true intentions & make sure she doesn't tip her hand before she can milk you for some measly money! Now that the jig is up & her vale is fully exposed lets take off the kid gloves & really call this thing like we see it.. This was truly just this chicks game from the start! & For those of us who know wat the hustle looks like you could see it soaking threw in her very first interview from a mile away! She knows what she's doing & she always does.. No matter how clueless she acts in the beginning! She plays knows how to play the "victim" card to a tee and plays it as well as she knows how to as soon as she meets anyone she can literally feed, profit or gain from & really knows how to turn her charm all the way up in the very beginning till she can start to sink her teeth in to her prey & then she plays that for a while gaining wat she can from the situation & milks it for as much as she possibly can then once you play her game long enough she can't help but have her true character & intentions start to bleed threw & boom.. Just like that she's funneled thousands of dollars out of yours & other peoples pockets who could have actually used it for a good cause then once she gets caught & exposed she has no more reason to put on that innocent face and the clueless act & keep up the front so now you see her true character and intentions & heart from the very start.. Just sitting there the whole interview with a snobby attitude not even talking or saying my bad to him & acting like your waistin her time now that she has nothing to gain from it! In this world & the streets in particular some people are actually victims & some people play the victim and love that card because it's a super easy excuse for why they are the way they are & dont get me wrong I'm sure she had a difficult life but so does/did the other 75% of us to.. We just don't live and die by it like she does and let it define us!! I've had a pretty fucked up childhood & young adult years in my own life as well but I never let that determine anything & never used it as a crutch for other people's guilt & pity I really just bit down even harder & tightened up my boot straps and went to work to make myself successful & a hard worker so I wouldn't be another statistic or another person playing victim but never doing anything to actually get out of that space and mindset to better themselves.. & Trust me guys I'm not trying to be rude or lack sensitivity I was rooting for her just like everyone else but once you see it play out that whole "I'm a lost innocent girl who just gets pimped out over & over & can't change & I miss my kids I abandoned" role is just her script to pitch to people to lay the foundation a litte more day in & day out! She knows it gets her pitty & knows exactly how to use it then once she's exposed she's forever exposed 100% you can only fake it so long out hear so that's really all this is simply my opinion on the matter at hand from my personal experiences in life myself.. In the grand scheme i hope this is just a learning lesson for Mark & a message from me saying that now we know why she is were she is & why she does what she does & she can no longer burn Mark & us & take money from the Patreon for people who actually put it to good use not just blowing it like monopoly money & supporting there pimp so they can live like a king for a week or two haha Misery loves company & some people will just always be that way.. You can try & try but until a person wants it for themselves you really can't do shit for em & she's a prime example of that.. She's a girl who uses her charm & good looks to bait people in & then she drains em for there worth & once they have no more or get hip to her game she spits them out & it's on to the next one! Fast as she came is as fast as she's gone! I guarantee within the next 5-10 years she'll learn tho.. Either the hard way or the easy way but it WILL happen.. Can guarantee that! You don't just stay pretty and good lookin forever & me being from the the streets & raised around it I've seen it happen so many times I can't even fathom.. A pretty girl gets out there & is the star of the show when she's fresh in the game & looks good still but as she keeps getting older & older & more & more strung out she ages like cheese instead of wine & then when her clock finally ticks out she's now just a old lady whos a shell of her former self with nothing to gain or lose because her looks that she once heavily relied on for her benefit just aren't good enough anymore.. & Then only then will she truly understand what it means to do it on your own & not have the ace in the deck anymore were she gets bailed out constantly because a dude wants to have sex with her.. That wont work anymore & that time is coming soon for her! You can see the wear & tear taking its hold alteady.. Anyways like I said before I appreciate your optimism Mark & your kind nature but I bet in a year or two wen your hardened like me & have seen/heard every game there is to play over & over you'll start growing more pessimistic & have a "well you gotta prove it to me" attitude from then on instead of a "I trust you just don't make me regret it" one because they always will burn you but only works if you allow them to! & That's the truth! All I can say is I'm happy she finally took that mask off and exposed her true self because now she has no more cover to abuse people like she allows people to abuse her! Hurt people hurt people & this is all just apart of her life cycle & orbit! You get sucked up then she spits you out just like the world has done to her..

id: 554657 - Text: I bet while she’s getting blasted with all of those sex toys in the flat that this dude is paying for, her and the black guy are laughing their heads off getting paid all of this money… this situation makes me sick.

id: 554708 - Text: if she really wanted she can stop it , but she loves to be bad and have sex with that guy , come on ....!!

id: 554815 - Text: Exactly! My dad also was in fact a single dad with three kids, because my mother was a raging alcoholic(that woman was a very evil person and rotten through and through) I also tried to help. Someone just wants to be responsible and a good role model, and someone just doesnt want to také responsibility. I pity her children(the fact there was no toys or clothing for children, only sex toys, says it all), the poor children probably already have trauma. A boyfriend and a pimp - it is just a parasite no one needs.
