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id: 554907 - Text:  @JohnDoe-zo8wj  She didn't choose this life for herself, both her mother and the friend she ran away with it's their fault she entered this life and forced to take drugs as a child, but now she's a grown up woman who's clearly very smart and she has two children, if she thinks she's completely ruined and can't be saved she should think about her kids and make them her motivation, but I don't believe that she cares about them getting a better life, this guy provided her with a good place and healthy environment and gave her money so her kids get to live a good life but she brought her boyfriend to get him a better life and spent the money on sexy outfits and instead of buying toys for her kids she was buying toys to please the stupid boyfriend and her costumers. Now after having a angel in her life helped her out of that life she choses to go back and abandon her kids for a horrible future.

id: 554979 - Text: Mark most people don’t make 3 or 4 hundred dollars a day let alone thousands. Mark you’re to nice. They must of bought lots of drugs for that amount. Dang, what a shame. I pray for them to unlock the bondage of drugs, sex, and abuse. What do the kids see?

id: 555066 - Text: They are what they are now. It's sad and all about their backgrounds, but they're nothing more than junkies and leeches. I know that's harsh, but I've known too many of them and most of them are just lost. You gave her her chance and she chose a room full of sex toys and a punk over her kids and an honest life. Sad.

id: 555075 - Text: THE TEN COMMANDMENTS 1. You shall have no other gods before me ( a made up god in your mind that suites your own image so you can get away with all the sinful things you love to do ) Anything that takes the place of the True Biblical God. You might say my god is loving and he will not send people to hell or he isn't angry with the wicked every day 2. You shall not make any idols ( false gods are anything that has been created that is not the one and Only true living God ) 3. You shall not take the Name of the Lord your God in vain ( This is using the name of God or Jesus Christ to replace it with a four letter filth word that is human bowel waste ) Have you ever said OMG? That's blaspheme, so serious it was punishable by death in the old testament. Would you use your Mothers name as a cuss word? Why not? Because you love and respect your mother but you use God's name as a cuss the one that gave you life and gave you your parents   4. Remember the Sabbath and keep it Holy   5. Honor your Father and Mother ( Have you always been obedient to your parents and respected them? If you did not obey their instruction as a child in or out of their presence that is not honoring to them. Im talking about correct instruction not instruction to do wickedness and sin against God 6. You shall not murder Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him. 1 John 3:15 ESV   7. You shall not commit adultery But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart. Matthew 5:28 ESV 8. You shall not steal ( A person that has stolen something is called a thief regardless of the value )   9. You shall not lie ( if a person lies they would be called a liar even if it is a fib or white lie, it is still a lie 10. You shall not covet ( Desired anything that belongs to your neighbor) (For whoever keeps the whole law but fails in one point has become guilty of all of it. James 2:10 ESV) God's standard is Moral Perfection, the first definition of Good in the dictionary is Moral Perfection, None of us are good by God's standard we all fall short of the Glory of God, Only God is good alone. If God was to judge you by these 10 commandments which is God's moral, would you be innocent or guilty? You would be guilty like the rest of us. The wages of sin is death and we have all earned death as a punishment for our wickedness and sin against God, our violations of His Holy law. There is a Day of Judgment coming where all thieves, liars and murders and lawless sinners will be Judged and thrown into Hell the lake of fire. But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral ( Things like adultery and fornication which is sex before marriage), sorcerers ( mind altering drugs), idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.” Revelation 21:8 NKJV But there is GOOD NEWS Although we broke God law, Jesus paid our fine. If you are in court and have a stack of speeding tickets and someone pays your fine, even though you are guilty the Judge can let you go free so he can do legally that which is Just and show mercy at the same time. Jesus paid our fine in his life blood he was obedient even until death on cross. God became a man Jesus Christ of Nazareth and lived a perfect life he willingly gave his life as sacrifice to God the Father to reconcile sinners back to God. He was buried and rose again on the 3rd day. For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:21 NLT Repent ( turn from sin and have a true brokenness and sorrow over your sin ) and then Trust alone in The Lord Jesus Christ  not in your own goodness and God will grant you forgiveness and give you a new heart and His Holy Spirit so that you may delight in Him and that which is right his Holy Word. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. John 3:16‭-‬17 ESV True repentance doesn't make excuses and blames other for their own sin

id: 555078 - Text: She’s used to this life it’s a culture for her She don’t want be saved Not yet anyway It’s hard for me to see a woman say I’m poor I need help I got kids but u got New Fit , Fresh Nail Set and sex toys in the Paid Apartment???? Really …. Girl u greedy him u or whatever Greed!!

id: 555176 - Text: 😲OMG..So all of our hard earned money that we have donated to her go fund me went to sex toys & her pimp!🤦

id: 555246 - Text:  @JohnDoe-zo8wj  It's also not gonna help when you/society dehumanize someone and just dismiss them as a 'ho'. That's part of it -- they already know the world will see them as this even once they leave. It's hard for themselves even to believe they can really get out and she's literally never seen anything else. While it's true she's currently being prostituted, she is a human being and no one deserves to be called such shitty words -- btw I say this NOT cuz I'm a woman and find such terms 'sexist and demeaning' (which they are, but one can solve the sexist part at least by applying it equally to everyone, not just girls/women, and I'm a comedian so don't get offended by much) ---but because such terms serve to dismiss the humanity in someone, in order to abuse them without/ with less guilt. Let's also remember, she was a child when she was forced into this shit... Mark may be misguided and a bit too 'savior complex' and at times the way he spoke was a bit, hmm, condescending/ patronizing isn't quite the words I mean, but close....i found it offputting...but still, I don't see him as malicious. you, on the other hand, writing someone off with a quick dehumanizing slur, show a lack not only of understanding but a scary lack of empathy for those different/ less fortunate than you -- i say 'scary' cuz it's an easy slide into excusing all sorts of terrible atrocities and/or even enjoying partaking in them, once you are cool with dehumanizing someone...(source: world history)

id: 555292 - Text: this is the reality of sex trafficking

id: 555347 - Text:  @allstars4287  she was eerily quiet and she looked angry in the most recent video. I think the fly guy strong armed his way into the house and beat her up, stole her money and then threatened her with continued violence if she did not comply and maybe violence to her kids. I am sure she would not say anything out of fear. Threats of Violence and torture are powerfully manipulative and persuasive. Mark gave her money and this fact became public. Mark even mentioned that he was contacted by many pimps wanting to work with her. Why wouldn’t they? She has a lot of money now that they could steal from her. Not to sound harsh against Mark because he did a hell of a lot more than anyone else has done for her, but I believe she needed more than money and an apartment. She said Mark was her only friend, but she needed a support group of people that have been through what she had been through and recovered. She probably would need someone to talk to that specializes in CBT and EMDR with an emphasis on sexual trauma and drug addiction. My heart goes out to her and I am interested in how this plays out. My only hope is that she doesn’t end up dead.

id: 555568 - Text: Her body language is hard to watch... The emotional abuse, psychological abuse, physical abuse and sexual coercion has left her BROKEN! I hope one day she can recover because EVERY HUMAN deserves that! My thoughts and prayers are with you Asriah ❤❤
