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id: 557391 - Text: Yeah that’s right just blame everything else on everybody else you got played by those two and those two only I feel sorry for the girl a little bit because she’s of the weaker sex and will get her ass beat but this was an opportunity for her to do something for her kids but she had the opportunity and wasted it being a bad person

id: 557471 - Text: She thinks these not good for her men are the only guy she thinks will love her because she has zero self worth. She is such an easy person to sex traffic and take advantage of because any man how says I love you to her she is hooked line and sinker. Until she loves herself she will continue on this path.

id: 557515 - Text: That's so sad. Where are the kids now, in this toxic environment filled with drugs, sex and abuse? I'm so heartbroken for this lost young lady 💔

id: 557744 - Text: Mark seems naive. Handing over that much money instead of asking for what and buying it himself. Was probably feeling played and it ate him up so he decided to go see what was up. But other than that if hes going to help someone you don't just barge in unannounced. Even if your paying for the place you can't just barge in to use the restroom or whatever else. If that's the dynamic then you're basically their probation officer. So many men makes these type of videos that shouldn't be making them at all. They themselves end up seeing how easy it is to take advantage of these women and end up wanting to sexually get with them. I'm not saying that Mark is one. Ima let this one slide to him being naive but im definitely going to have an ear out for anything else that's might be shady.

id: 557840 - Text: She knew what she was doing with you. Using you for your money. The fact of the ammeter is she young and pretty even with the ugly tats. I mean you went into her apartment and instead of kids toys you seen sex toys. That’s what she is use too 🤷🏽‍♂️. She is hot though not going to lie.

id: 557854 - Text: I'd cry & I'd say sorry at least. I'm a sex worker but I'm NOT heartless & that's my problem. Clients have taken advantage of me SO much. Even one's that I trust just know they can because I'm so caring so they do. If I had a pimp maybe it would not happen. They've refused to pay before they play before & afterwards they'll be like "well can I only give you this much since you weren't here for that long?" But the thing is, it's not a question. I don't have a choice. I'm just gonna take what they're giving or get nothing. But I wouldn't have even come over for half the money & they wait until they've got what they wanted & try to cheat me outta my other half hour & half of my money.

id: 557930 - Text: Just look at all the other videos of men who have done this. The majority are actually creeps. Think about it older men usually single. Helping young attractive women. They see how they've traded their bodies for either drugs or money. So they end up seeing how easily it is to take advantage of these women. Which usually makes them want to have a sexual relationship with these womens themself. I'm not saying Mark is doing that but he definitely raised some red flags for me in this video.

id: 557974 - Text: I think he was concerned for these make belive kids she claimed to hav, instead the apt was to prostitute/ sells drugs, sextoys everywhere.. jeez..

id: 558184 - Text: THE TEN COMMANDMENTS 1. You shall have no other gods before me ( a made up god in your mind that suites your own image so you can get away with all the sinful things you love to do ) Anything that takes the place of the True Biblical God. You might say my god is loving and he will not send people to hell or he isn't angry with the wicked every day 2. You shall not make any idols ( false gods are anything that has been created that is not the one and Only true living God ) 3. You shall not take the Name of the Lord your God in vain ( This is using the name of God or Jesus Christ to replace it with a four letter filth word that is human bowel waste ) Have you ever said OMG? That's blaspheme, so serious it was punishable by death in the old testament. Would you use your Mothers name as a cuss word? Why not? Because you love and respect your mother but you use God's name as a cuss the one that gave you life and gave you your parents   4. Remember the Sabbath and keep it Holy   5. Honor your Father and Mother ( Have you always been obedient to your parents and respected them? If you did not obey their instruction as a child in or out of their presence that is not honoring to them. Im talking about correct instruction not instruction to do wickedness and sin against God 6. You shall not murder Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him. 1 John 3:15 ESV   7. You shall not commit adultery But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart. Matthew 5:28 ESV 8. You shall not steal ( A person that has stolen something is called a thief regardless of the value )   9. You shall not lie ( if a person lies they would be called a liar even if it is a fib or white lie, it is still a lie 10. You shall not covet ( Desired anything that belongs to your neighbor) (For whoever keeps the whole law but fails in one point has become guilty of all of it. James 2:10 ESV) God's standard is Moral Perfection, the first definition of Good in the dictionary is Moral Perfection, None of us are good by God's standard we all fall short of the Glory of God, Only God is good alone. If God was to judge you by these 10 commandments which is God's moral, would you be innocent or guilty? You would be guilty like the rest of us. The wages of sin is death and we have all earned death as a punishment for our wickedness and sin against God, our violations of His Holy law. There is a Day of Judgment coming where all thieves, liars and murders and lawless sinners will be Judged and thrown into Hell the lake of fire. But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral ( Things like adultery and fornication which is sex before marriage), sorcerers ( mind altering drugs), idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.” Revelation 21:8 NKJV But there is GOOD NEWS Although we broke God law, Jesus paid our fine. If you are in court and have a stack of speeding tickets and someone pays your fine, even though you are guilty the Judge can let you go free so he can do legally that which is Just and show mercy at the same time. Jesus paid our fine in his life blood he was obedient even until death on cross. God became a man Jesus Christ of Nazareth and lived a perfect life he willingly gave his life as sacrifice to God the Father to reconcile sinners back to God. He was buried and rose again on the 3rd day. For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:21 NLT Repent ( turn from sin and have a true brokenness and sorrow over your sin ) and then Trust alone in The Lord Jesus Christ  not in your own goodness and God will grant you forgiveness and give you a new heart and His Holy Spirit so that you may delight in Him and that which is right his Holy Word. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. John 3:16‭-‬17 ESV True repentance doesn't make excuses and blames other for their own sin

id: 558188 - Text: A single man meeting young attractive women who sell their bodies for cheaps. Finding out how easy it is to take advantage of these young attractive women. What could go wrong? I've seen other channels and they usually repeat. The men end up wanting sexual relations with these women. I'm not saying Mark is doing that but he is crossing a line that shouldn't be crossed. If you're reading this Mark. Keep yourself in check.
