10334 results for porn metiska onlyfans

id: 69891 - Text: Pornstar getting old and now fuck the public with religion.

id: 69892 - Text: I’m a Christian and I feel empty and dead. Please pray that Jesus helps me find freedom from the depression, shame and guilt that porn has left me in.

id: 69897 - Text: Many of us have seen porn to be real and I enjoy videos like this and being transparent and real because many of us think we're alone and thats not the case many people just aren't vocal about the issue and there is no point on putting on a I have it all together and church psesade pretending to be someone your not is pointless cause we all fall short of the glory of God(Yahweh) I know I do and grow and learn from mistakes and I'd rather have sex with real people it's way better and porn doesnt provide what we really want or does having sex with everybody it's hard in this day and age but long term happiness you got to work for it and doing it God's way is ultra better and worth it long term sex in the confides of marriage but hard to prep for but definitely worth it just not instant gratification which is the complete opposite of what our society tells us which is get it now porn or none of that leads to happiness the sin is fun for a season fun but afterwards you fill quite empty because porn is still cutting us short and giving us a cheap substance but is easier to access cause we dont work for it like chasing a princess which requires work cause she isn't going to just give you anything until the Sercurity ring hits her finger and liking sex and having those desires isn't wrong which I use to shame these desires cause I didnt know any better or did anyone sit down and educate me on these things which is what was further fueling porn educating someone on these topics is vital in our society cause I use to try to avoid women as much as possible to a certain degree due to my issue but I enjoy the company of the opposite sex its quite refreshing just to be in there presence and God(Yahweh) has set it up to function a certain way to where it is a gift to be cherished but if people arent taught this they are being prepared to fail and I've always been an advocate for self education and celebrating small victories and ultimately telling yourself that I am an overcomer I take a few steps I fell back but I'm going to keep fighting the good fight and program your mind with something positive I can do this is big if we have been programming ourselves for porn for years than want better it's like hw or installing new software I'm learning something new and im working on my heart and mind which are vital places when dealing with this and ultimately being real is what has been working for me and realizing I have a vision for my life so I may mess up here and there but just tell myself I'm better than this and like the book think and grow rich sexual transmutation transfer sexual energy into drive which I mean chasing your dreams and goals a workout and ultimately focusing on more important things in life and directing your energy for porn or sex to another avenue that actually adds value to your life its not about quitting its about what can I do to replace those time slots for porn for something else cause if you use to watch porn for such and such hours and dont fill that time with forming new habits you will go back to porn because this stuff is in our mind and heart when we watch porn we commit adultery with our heart and prayinv is cool but faith plus no action is dead its about becoming better not sinless profectionism.

id: 71630 - Text:  @hamsablue  all that crap was DEBUNKED , the Washington post did a story , it was all internet rumors. they even interviewed all her relatives, and her case workers , ..don't believe everything you see on the internet, the only thing that turned out to be wrong , was the year , she was off by one year , everything else seemed to check out . Like I said , when your lying telling a story especially one where your the victim , you tend to over act the part , not dismiss it , this lady was telling the truth the best she could remember it , the self appointed internet sluths lied not her.. The same idiots that investigated her, the idiots that caused all that pizza hate nonsense leading people to believe a pizza shop in NY was a front for child sex and porn, and high prophile peopleike Hillary Clinton and John Pedesto were behind it , a nut went to the pizza shop and shot a man , turned out not one word was true, and this internet investigation group (sluths) was at this story for over a year and had 3000 members lol, pizza gate !!!. These people were jealous of her, they even tried to stop her go fund me , UT after the Washington post verified her story the money was released , So stop it , stop spending lies about a person you know nothing about outside of what some other fool said on the internet , not one thing they said about her was accurate , it was all baseless assumptions

id: 76821 - Text: annnnd 6:00 is where it comes out. the reason why she hates herself enough to do this to her body. Your face is what you look at in the mirror. An extreme desire to change ones face, represents a hatred of oneself. All of these people like to try and portray themselves as "Different" or "artsy" when in fact, all of their characteristics are just a manifestation of a previous abuse. not to mention that right off the bat, her story is just her abandoning all long term prospects for short term whims. Stripping, onlyfans.... what's that gonna last? 5 years? even if she goes into real porn, she might make a little money to survive for a couple of years. Then what's she gonna do after the age of 28? Not much. all of these videos have a sort of "A-ha" moment, where even the interviewee realizes it. then the whole rest of the video is just them trying to convince themselves that they're happy, and that they haven't already completely ruined their whole life. Like 20 years ago, i had a similar conversation with a girl who wanted to get a face tattoo. I was like "Yeah, you'll regret that when you're older" She was like "That's such a cliche!" I was like, "No, actually, the cliche is you thinking you won't regret it. The cliche is you thinking that at 19, you're always gonna be 19, and that you're somehow capable of making decisions that will affect the rest of your entire life, as if your personality or outlook on life is never gonna change."

id: 77141 - Text: Isn’t she a porn star now

id: 77956 - Text: She's on pornhub🤔

id: 78231 - Text: I watched this girl on Pornhub..she is indeed a good girl

id: 78677 - Text: I just think its gross to look like that. She is a beautiful woman who fucked up her eyes and teeth. Should she ever grow up and want to get out of the porn industry its going to be hard for her to get a job anywhere besides maybe a work from home gig or tattoo artist. I dont have anything against tattoos but the whole thing with the eyes and teeth is extreme. I just think young people make stupid choices. And the tongue is the nastiest thing I have ever seen

id: 78688 - Text: She does porn now, so.....
