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id: 559361 - Text:  @XxwierdoxX11  absolutely she does! But that comes down to her making those decisions. That money would have went a long way for therapy, relocation, rehab and all that. Sex workers are in a particularly tough situation, drug addiction/street addiction goes hand in hand for sure. What I always thought and eventually was able to practice after prison was the more "normal" stuff you do, the more normal stuff you are able to do. Having normal, healthy people around helps. A helpful tidbit I received was that we are the average of our 5 closest friends, so removing yourself from the people and places that keep you down is super important. Everything she went through is brutal, but like most of these girls they can not help but to return to that life, likely because they're stuck in that place mentally and physically. Yes, she needs more than just money, but no one can do that for her, what he could do was give her a roof over head and financial means not to have to turn tricks. That's the most someone else can do, give HER the opportunity to make the right decisions, give her the opportunity not to HAVE to work the street, the rest is on her and she clearly is not ready yet and maybe never will be. No one can force her to make good decisions and to start the process of therapy for all the trauma and to break the street habits. It's a bummer, hopefully she gets there. Thank you Vanessa for the dialogue, I'm always interested in hearing other people's thoughts. 🙂

id: 559488 - Text: She was playing him from the start. Street sex work isnt just about selling sex. Its a criminal lifestyle, the main component is playing men for money. Scamming men. A nice guy like Mark is seen as an easy touch. Someone to exploit. She was taking Marks money and a property while still being with her pimp boyfriend.

id: 559557 - Text: Her apartment has no signs that children live there and there's sex toys all over.... Where are the kids?

id: 559990 - Text: Yea u should definitely stop helping her.. she made her choice she has a man, let him do for her! She’s not serious about wanting help for herself until she can take “penis” out of the equation🤷🏽‍♀️ sex toys, nails done with jewelry and designs, he has on fresh Air Force 1’s they were living it up with the money and the fact that she’s having unprotected sex and conceiving in that position smh 🤦🏽‍♀️ some people you try to help and they take advantage and become even more reckless!

id: 559992 - Text: I think that it's obvious that he got things over her, probably after over 1 million viewers she will get a death threat or even worst for her kids, she's wearing cover-up cloth which she does not usually wear, I think something is up. As she said in the first interview no one can get out of this life without heavy consciousnesses. And obviously, she can't say anything since he can literally beat her up or even worst, her kids. So no sir I do not believe that she will give up the chance to have a better life for her or for kids just to get sexually abused, not getting any profit out of it just because of low self-worth. But I do believe that fathers need to be more loving and more present for their kids' lives, to create a good environment to raise a kid or to simply not have them. But I see the pain in her eyes, I see how she turned to be defensive when her pimp came to the camera. This is more than her being ungrateful this is about a criminal dangerous frightening lifestyle that only the one in it can actually talk about it, and we all know they can't. So hold on to the little truth you can get from people like this brave young woman because not everyone is.

id: 560004 - Text: I wouldn't say easily. It's not only about resources at this point in her life. She's traumatized, doesn't know how to live a "normal life", is fighting addiction, has incredibly low self esteem, never had any role models, and does not know how to feel loved except through sex and money.

id: 560201 - Text: drugs addicts are predominantly trash people. they play victim but they mostly have many opportunities to get out. I was sexually abused, kicked out the house, went through rehabs/psyche units/jail. It doesnt give you an excuse to treat good people like shit. dont give me that shit about being "out of control of your addiction", many have sorted themselves out

id: 560203 - Text: I feel for her, so much. Me and my 2 babies we just FINALLY able to get away from their abusive father, after enduring 10 yrs of sexual, physical, and mental abuse. I saved up enough to get us a little 2 bedroom apartment, but with covid I haven't been able to have a steady income, and now I'm $2,000 behind on rent and utilities. I've went though every resource imaginable, and haven't been able to get any help, other than food stamps. I'm to the point of giving up, and just going back to the person, and situation that I fought so hard to get away from, just so my babies won't be homeless, put on the streets and hungry. I would rather go back to my abusive situation, than to risk my babies being on the street....all of my prayers are going out to this young lady, that she can get her life straightened out for, not only herself, but for her son's. And if y'all don't mind, please say a prayer for me and my babies, that I can some how, by the grace of God, come up with the funds to get caught up on our rent and utilities, so we don't have to go back to an extremely abusive situation. Be blessed everyone ❤️❤️

id: 560302 - Text: Interesting that she had a miscarriage. In a world we we understand the body to react to emotional states, there is the likelihood that Asriah body was responding to some deep emotional changes where she is starting to release that life cycle. Of course it could well likely be because of physical trauma either before sex or during pregnancy. Either way, a miscarriage brings its own emotional baggage.

id: 560482 - Text: Did MARK RELOCATE HER &She told Everyone to Come Party and live for FREE!! SHE CON ARTIST..mark gave her safety a place TOLD HER PIMP INSTEAD OF TOYS SEX TOYS GALORE ALL OVER!! HE SCORED OFF OF MARK, TOO!! HIS NICE CLOTHESFREE FOOD, ETC. Noone ever GIVEN ME ANYTHING and I Raised 4 kids alone. . I Worked 2 Jobs WE GOT BY.
