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id: 560543 - Text: Mark we can hear the pure grief and heartbreak you are feeling right now. We never saw this coming either...but lets look at it this way. Asriah is getting exactly what she needs from her pimp. We are all delt a hand of cards at birth and we play with what we have. No matter how much you ( or we) feel that someone should or could live this dream or that good life, she doesnt have the cards to play our dream for her. As a human we have basic needs that at the core must be met...hunger/thirst/shelter/sexuality/nurturing from our parents-both mother and Father. Right now Fly provides all of the above. We all had hopes for this dear girl because we were seeing her in "our dreams" of her. She doesnt share the same dreams. Her cards are mighty different. One of the oldest saying are, You can lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink. We need to allow her to make her own decisions because she is an adult and because we cant change the cards she was delt. If she choses to change her life she will do so on her own terms. You certainly tried you best and we supporters will always be there for you. You are an amazing man. Stay safe.

id: 560604 - Text: Dumb question, are there really that many horny perverts paying for sex to keep all these people supplied with drugs?

id: 560616 - Text: I am kinda torn about these situations, statistically giving money to addicts, sex workers to their hands directly 9/10 times ends up encouraging their habits. It would be better spent perhaps admitting her to a rehab facility with counselling and placing her children in a safe place while she gets help. I feel for Mark, he wants to be there for these people while giving them their space, and freedom too but apart from Mark, a lot of viewers donate their hard earned money on these people when they feel touched by their stories. So as good as his intentions were, I think it was a bit irresponsible to give an unstable person 3-400 dollars a day, sometimes a grand? Without any receipts or questioning what she spends it on? I understand she has two children, but her apartment and other bills are paid for by Mark. Getting groceries, raising two kids and other expenses should not have been too high, constantly asking money without any explanations should've become a red flag. I can't understand and never will what goes inside the mind of people like her who've been out in the streets since 13-14 years of age, but she has had more emotional and financial support than anyone else wanting to leave that lifestyle. Wanting a better life for her children and all the help people and Mark are giving her should've motivated her to lead a better life but unless she leaves her destructive tendencies behind and truly wants to move on, all time and efforts spent on her will sadly be in vain.

id: 560785 - Text: The way Mark is talking to her and the way she looks at him has me questioning the authenticity of his 'help'. He says, "I got you an appartment and a car, I've been giving you 300-400 dollars a day." That's approx 9000-12000 dollars a month cash. She has/had such high hopes for recovery/healing and it seems like her spirits are being crushed. No one could possibly understand the trauma she has went through or how alone and helpless she must feel, from time to time, unless they themselves have experienced the same. I could sense Mark had put a huge burden of pressure and expectations on her, from early on. Now I'm starting to wonder if there is anything sinister going on, too. I hope I'm wrong, however, when a person is struggling with PTSD and addiction and they are hopeful for change, to be taken advantage of, or to feel taken advantage of, by the person who was supposed to be helping is extremely destructive to the vulnerable individuals mental health/well being. I wish I was a billionaire asshole, sometimes. I would have bought her story, had it published in print and sold the movie rights, while at the same time, directing her towards proper health care professionals and supporting her on a more emotional level, she refered to him as one of her only friends. If these two have developed a sexual relationship, that's a breach of trust, in my opinion. He speaks alot about how much he has done, just like his pimp friends. The credit belongs to her, the money comes from kind hearted people supporting a go fund me, not Mark's personal bank account. Besides, he makes money off these interviews. Although, I haven't heard anyone speak about her being treated for her PTSD (which is not her fault or a weakness) or treating her drug addiction, by qualified professionals. Her recovery is greatly hindered without proper treatment. Asriah, you're stronger than you know. You're deserving of healing and stability. You're capable of having the life you want. Be proud of the steps you've taken and don't be afraid to ask for help. There are state programs available for you and your kids, through Social Services. There are qualified professionals who can help you manage the trauma, addiction & stress of being a single mom. Please seek these services, they come with no strings attached. I know, it is hard to trust a system that has failed you so many times already, but there are still good people who do care and will help, without any games or tricks. We all fall, don't sweat the bad days. It can't rain all the time!

id: 560880 - Text: Aloha from Hawaii Mark, I am a professional photographer & videographer and a huge fan of your work. I just wanted to say that your photography is truly inspiring, your portrait work is some of the best I've ever seen. Your videography seems to be getting better and better with each video. The one thing I think you could improve on is your interviewing, I think these videos would greatly benefit from a few more thoughtful questions from you to really get into the mind of the subjects, especially with subjects like Asriah who are more reserved and less talkative. I say that with all respect and humility, you are very skilled in all other areas but a little preparation into more questions would go a long way I think. I know it must be hard to do everything yourself, maybe you could hire a camera operator so you could focus on the conversations. Anyway, great work as always. And if you are ever in Hawaii let me know if I can be of service, the sex-trafficking here in the islands has increased exponentially in the last few years and we have a huge homeless populations as well, I think a lot of great interviews could be made here. Thanks again for your work and all you do to try to help these people, it is really inspiring!

id: 560887 - Text: Unbelievable that in such a sacred place like Hawaii there are also issues! No one ever talks about wo he industry is serving, ie the guys who pay for sexual services, it's so dark!!!

id: 560901 - Text: đź’˘SHAME ON MARK!đź’˘"I can point my finger at Asriah but I can't point my finger at you man" LIKE WHAT??????? At least sexist af type guy i'd say then After watching a few a few of other interviews you can literally hear the pain in this man's voice. Aware of everything Asriah has gone through, Mark uses his platform to expose his "non reciprocated feelings" story with the intent to publicly shame the young girl. WHAT FRONT DESK/OFFICE SIMPLY H-A-N-D O-U-T someone else's residence keys to a middle age stranger who's in need of a restroom? Unless Mark is the one on the lease, no doorman in their right state of mind would let him inside a lady's home without her consent, the story told with a shaky voice sounded like a nasty trap to me. And if that IS the case it is no surprise that Mark treats the handling of the keys for Asriah's home with the weirdest casualty. My point Is: At the end, Mark is NO different from the guys Asriah had mentioned previously. He was expecting emotional loyalty from her. And she might have used him after realizing the real reason why he was "helping". Because just like the other dudes, Mark wanted something back from her. As a grown up man you do know that doing what you did is not how you heal a lifetime worth of emotional trauma Mark. Before giving her any of that, taking her to a real therapist every week would have done so much more. But you were thinking with the wrong head weren't you? And Asriah, I am sorry. Hope you make good choices every day and be so so so safe! <3 ~Periodt~

id: 560951 - Text: So you used her body too ... Not sexually but you still used her body to get views. Did she even get counselling? You can't just throw money at someone who's only known one life and expect magically change! How naive can you be!

id: 561206 - Text: He got sooooo blamed . You can’t blame anything or anyone . It’s greedy people with little or no vision . She and he will continue to waste opportunities . I think that the reason why people “feel” for her over a homeless person on the street with no teeth and pants on is that she is surprisingly attractive . It’s sad but that’s the way it goes , just look at the case with the missing girl who was Killed by her fiancé . The whole world looked for her, yet there are thousands of missing girls who suffer from domestic abuse that are never even heard of. Sex sells even when it’s a super messed up situation .

id: 561257 - Text: wooww. im speechless. Mark is honestly amazing for trying to get her back on her feet & doing everything he can to help her. He’s so brutally honest & he has such a great heart & im so shook that she doesn’t even have anything to say not even she’s sorry. He gave her thousands of money & she clearly doesn’t even care for anything he’s saying she doesn’t even have any sympathy what so ever. She clearly doesn’t care about her kids, & this man doesn’t care about her well being. He says he’s trying to take her “out this life” but when mark is giving her thousands of money he can obviously put the money towards them taking care of themselves & they can both get on their feet & get started on a better life together instead of just taking mark for granted. I’m just so shook over this . Mark wants no sexual favors nothing from this girl just wants to see her come up in the world & this is what she does & how she responded to him confronting her? Are you kidding me? Not even a decent explanation or an apology. I’ve never had more respect for someone in my life after hearing what mark has done for this girl & for her boys. & she doesn’t even has to decency to be a good mother & put her kids first & make her new home that mark was able to provide for her & her boys into a family home, she made it into a trap home it sounds like. That’s absolutely sad . Im disgusted with this girl. She’s no woman. She’s a sad excuse for a “mother” she doesn’t deserve those boys she had . Pathetic . Just pathetic . & I honestly understand everything with the gang situation but you can still keep your family safe & have a safe home without letting anyone know where you live or even having to bring your family into that but instead you brought there anyway. This is her choice the way she’s living not the lifestyle . She can play it differently but she chooses otherwise . Shaking my head .
