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id: 561289 - Text: Mark you might consider Alanon. You're doing the Lord's work and have probably heard more boozendopesexcontrol stories than anyone in Alanon; I am also certain Asriah is not your first profound disappointment. Your voice in this video seems more disturbed than your other work and I hope you have some help on-hand.

id: 561436 - Text:  @boobies7795  That's great! I'm glad. I decided to stop watching the videos after he openly stated he "doesn't understand" how people selling sex can be victims of assault from a client. Again, I reiterate, however, that all of this care is conditional. A person overcoming substance abuse disorders, sex trafficking, etc. may require years of sustained support so they may make informed, self-determined choices for their future. There is a plethora of evidence that when you only offer housing, education, counseling, etc. under the conditions someone abstains entirely from a behavior they are dependent upon or have been engaged in well over half their life, such as the subject of this story, they will almost certainly be set up for failure. I won't disagree that the dude in this story introduced a very different problem that is difficult to navigate. But Mark also is trying to support someone by separating them from the only community they have &, as far as I can tell, wasn't helping them to replace that community. This is a very outdated concept that leaves a person feeling isolated and increases the risks they will return to a place where they feel a sense of connection & community--even dangerous or harmful community is better than isolation for many people.

id: 561771 - Text: If that is all she has known since being human trafficked at the age of 12 or 13 it is going to take a lot of undoing and unpeeling layers if she is willing to make that change. It will be her boys who suffer. Just a sad situation that a 13-year-old girl was sold to men who paid for sex with her! That is the most effed-up part of it all! I am glad the man who got her pregnant and trafficked her is doing forty years of prison time. I wish we could catch them all and stop a life like hers from being ruined or at least possibly sway her a different way, one can only hope. What a mess.

id: 561805 - Text: Mark, you need to stop having sympathy for people in the streets because 95 percent of them are there because they want to be in the streets. Quit thinking you can "help" them. There's a difference bergen "being in the streets" and being homeless though the two often overlap by you have to know the damn difference. Anyway, quit doing that shit, Mark. I feel like you're going to get yourself hurt (physically) if you keep getting personal with people in the streets especially with money involved because you're not a street dude an you don't know what to look for, bruh. And quit trying to save these fucking halfway hos. They're not getting sex trafficked, bruh. They're just halfway hos, man. You can't be letting broads with gave tattoos break you got thousands of dollars and then day they're victims of sex trafficking. No..... they're willingly out here, man. Stop that shit, Mark.

id: 561841 - Text: Something in the water ain’t clean. Sounds like a man scorned…sound like it got “personal” if your did this for her as a charity-the getting apartment key-the “outing” her for sex toys? Just seems like it was coming from a place of anger

id: 561848 - Text: ZERO excuses Mark! She gave that Money to a Piece of SHIT and NOTHING for her Children! She is a Prime example of why there should be a MANDATORY Sterilization! Sex Toys…Instead of Kids Toys! 🤬🤬🤬🤬.

id: 561935 - Text:  @wmkk73  If he was paying her for sex and she played him out of thousands he wouldn’t bring her back on for this interview. And helping someone who has a problem isn’t stupid. And he was doing it for her kids, not so much her. At least he’s legitimately tried to help someone. You’ve probably never done anything close to that in your whole life

id: 561987 - Text:  @dronesg5417  bro. I'm literally saying he is sexually attracted to his daughters

id: 562177 - Text:  @learntobake2023  He's also making money off of their stories and appearance in his videos. So, there's that. Mark could also be having sexual relationships with these good looking women. He is a man after all. I kind of felt some of that from his voice honestly.

id: 562180 - Text:  @jayhopkins7580  You could tell from his voice that he is having sexual relationships with these women? Rofl k
