58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 562184 - Text:  @jayhopkins7580  What a disgusting accusation you just made! So all men take advantage of women sexually? That what you're saying? Get out of the house more man.

id: 562288 - Text: Good luck mark.. she belongs to the streets. They all do.. it’s damn near impossible to sift out the one or two who are strong enough to let go of the streets and embrace a square lifestyle. Which you would think would be a little easier than doing sexual favors with total random strangers..

id: 562294 - Text: The optimistic side of me was cheering for this woman but the realistic side prevailed. She has lived in a world few of us will ever understand or experience. With that being said combined with drug abuse she has an uphill climb even if she wants to change. She is selfish and emotionally stunted. She didn't want to change her phone number and blew money on nails. Instead of having her children in a safe apartment handed to her by someone who cared she filled it with sex toys and a pimp. I have had to experience trying to help others and getting burned in the process. It was not a good experience but I learned that you can't save every one especially if they don't respect themselves or appreciate you time.

id: 562381 - Text: Perhaps legislation which legalizes sex work, yet regulates it, would help?

id: 562921 - Text: Townie 7177 she has her kids because nobody cares enough about them to try to get them. The kids lives would be even worse in the care of the government. Most likely they would be placed into homes that are sex abusers, or physical abuse. For some reason there are too many people who want to prey on helpless children who do temporary guardianship.

id: 563051 - Text: That's a sad part with any kind of addiction whether it be a substance or sexual addiction as long as there's somebody there to enable you give you free money make things easy on you they're never going to quit they have to want to quit and usually for that to happen they have to hit rock bottom

id: 563124 - Text: I can't even imagine the disappointment Mark felt walking into her apartment expecting to see children running around laughing and playing with lots of new toys but instead walked into a sex shop. I can even say I'm disappointed I'm just sad for her kids and just amazed how this "fly" guy isn't even ashamed that he took thousands of dollars from her that he knew was coming from Mark and was supposed to be used for her kids. It's like he doesn't even care. Sounds like she needs a new "money manager" and he needs a new job.

id: 563154 - Text: watched all three. I commented elsewhere on an appropriate therapy model that could be mimicked with different scenarios. I can't decide if you, the interviewer genuinely want to help or want to play favorite, making you the opposite side of the penny ..heads being you and tails being the pimps. Either way, as a therapist to children for years and adults with disabilities, I offered what may or may not be a more sensible approach to similar scenarios. Ideas are always helpful to add to the resource bank. I also can't decide if she wants to change or if she is just playing fiddle to you the way she does men.. which by the end would appear so, but that lies in your approach. She seemed to want to try but her brain is not wired or programmed to stick to one thing. You have to understand how the shifts in people's perceptions change coupled with their experience and use healthier modes of activity using the same triggers... Example; far fetched and different from the model I said in another comment; she's used to men paying her for sex and changing men regularly. So she craves socialisation for sure, you're taking for granted that she dislikes all aspects of her position, but she's accustomed to a lot of scenarios that we are not and has codependent bonds that aren't easily broken. If you example, hired men and slowly introduced a few women to pay her to dance perform with her ..using difficult and somewhat hard use and training ... You could redirect the codependency issue. And slowly gain momentum in other directions. Your current approach to turning her into a housewife with benefits won't work BC she's accustomed to and possibly addicted to hard use and male companionship... Food for thought. You the interviewer have no formal training and asking the public to give money to this woman to take it easy is hardly changing gears for her. The model my friend uses is a farm. (This is an actual place) Everything is grown on site with mostly female, young professional counsellors teaching grow, prepare... Go for lake swims..smoke joints.. have song circle and they sleep on site and have Counseling and training for job independence and self direction. You aren't offering practical solutions to this girl and she'll need EXTENSIVE training to redirect. Your approach, may be well intended but it may well end up degrading her further. Depending on how thick-skinned she is.

id: 563308 - Text: She's as cold as ice, no remorse or thanks for what you have done for her, or for the help she has been given by supporters of your channel. Sex toys in the apartment?? Where are her children? What sort of influence does her pimp have over her children?It must be distressing to have your help used under false pretences, Asriah has a mind of her own, a will, a need for a better life, she has to start making some sensible decisions and stop being so selfish. I'm sorry this has happened Marc, you're such a good person, let's hope it doesn't affect the donations to your channel.

id: 563357 - Text: Rough situation, she shouldnt be spending Mark’s money like that. I’m curious though… is she ‘working’ again? I must've missed that detail. I heard the word ‘pimp’ but i thought she was just doing drugs and having freaky sex with this dude. I guess without Mark’s cashflow, though, her future is uncertain.
