58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 563791 - Text: 6ix9ine looking sexy as hell

id: 563812 - Text: I would hate being homeless because you’d constantly have to find somewhere to go poop. Plus, you can’t take a shower, can you imagine what you’d smell like after just one week? You certainly wouldn’t be having sex, you’d smell horrific, what a nightmare!

id: 563874 - Text: Best not to throw money at people with problems....therapy is needed by professionals to change peoples lives...Mark please learn from this.... you cannot help anybody change their lives as you do not have enough training and you are placing yourself in danger.....the only way to help is to get a person into intense therapy, in a controlled enviorment with massive support like Amanda had .....that is the only way to use money in these situations.... Mark, look at your compulsions to help please. I am a caregiver too, but I have had to learn by hard knocks (theft, sexual assault from those I was helping) to wise up. Now I protect my energy and my resources as I have realized that there needs to be good boundries. Mark you have none. If you want to be a social worker you will need some education and supervised experience.

id: 563890 - Text: You can't help someone out that don't sincerely want help. This girl don't even care about our kids if she's buying sex toys and outfits with the money she's receiving. Sayonara baby. Help someone who really needs it and willing to make a change

id: 564019 - Text: Not even a thankyou, trafficking needs to stop. It never will. Being controlled and used for sex must be so scarey, her eyes are dead 😳 💀 😭

id: 564107 - Text: 100% also a rsw here and yes. It needs to be the client's plan and it needs to be safe. So many of these questions are dangerous for everyone involved. I hope she is still alive and safe. Hopefully she can get away and get in a safe space and exit the sex trade. She is worthy of happiness and peace of mind.

id: 564108 - Text:  @hollywhelan  I don't think she wants to leave the sex trade and her gangster boyfriend. It was all a scam to get sympathy and money off of Mark.

id: 564112 - Text: Oh shut the fuck up social worker your job is fucking meaningless and you call this woman a survivor? She’s a pathetic person ruining lives with drug, sex, and gang violence and has 2 kids who life she’s ruining as well. “What I learned in grad school” flush that toilet paper down the drain and get some real experience you probably make shit money too

id: 564229 - Text: Why are people still donating specifically for this girl? Stop! She doesn't want the help, she just wants your money. If she wanted out she would have taken Marc's hand and run-It can be done, it happens every day. Those gangs are as tough as they think they are and all she had to do was get somewhere fresh and start over and they would have left her alone. (I know how tough it is to get out, I'm not minimizing her situation by any means but they aren't going to chase her halfway across the country... They just aren't.) Stop giving this girl more money to keep abusing her kids... Letting them live in a house where drugs and sex toys are all over the living room is not helping those children - until she's ready to take the help stop rewarding bad behavior. You might as well be donating it in the idiot boyfriend's name because you know that's exactly where it's going, she's not going to see a nickel of it. Look at her face and her body language - She can't wait to get out of there and get high- And thanks to you, she'll be able to. I'm not judging her, I've known hundreds just like her in her same situation and it's heartbreaking - but she's a big girl and she's making her own choices. If you really want to help call CPS and get those kids yanked, get them into a safer situation. (Although California CPS isn't necessarily a better option I guess). She is bored and she's mad because she got busted - and yet people are still handing her money. Give your money to someone that actually wants to change! All you're doing is putting a needle in her arm, how does that make you feel?

id: 564358 - Text: I'm sure I'll get back lash for my comment, but I'm just truly pissed at the time of writing this. Her stupid nails when she goes to open her phone to contact her stupid pimp "Fly". Then only to hear him open his trap to sound like that! A-hole please. Comin' on here thinking he's God's gift to women all dolled up, sounding all like a doll, ghetto one at that. There is nothing "fly" about you. So many other men that are on this channel homeless, probably haven't bathed in Lord knows how long, and you won't ever SOUND or even be HALF the man that they are! You can tell this guy is all about "me, me, me, me." At 11:48 "It goes towards ME, the kids, and sometimes her"......smdh. When asked what he's done prison time for, his answer was probably the only honest answer he gave! Just minor sh!t, yeah cause your Carlton looking face ain't about to do nothing major. Trying to act like your gang affiliated, your probably affiliated because you shine their shoes. Nothing hard about you! You seem like you'd hide behind that girl anytime someone came up to your weak a$$. She would be stupid enough to defend you too! Asriah, exotic, pendeja, whatever your name really is...someone said it best in another post "When the ungrateful forget who helped them, misery will refresh their memory." I just hope it is not with your kids. They don't deserve a ratchet foul mother like you. God Bless the woman who actively plays that role in their lives. I feel sorry for them. One day they'll get older and their peers at school will see these vids of you, your skank self, your putrid face that shows you're on drugs btw, and they'll be made fun of all because you can't seem to get off Carlton's bomb a$$ dick. Buying sex toys instead of toys for your kids. You are DISGUSTING. There is a special place on this earth and after for people like you. I'm glad your almost right where you need to the stanks of Skid Row because you probably smell of it and are infected of anything bad that goes on down there. I hope you and pretty boy read this! Mark I am SO sorry this happened to you! She'll get what's coming to her, just give it time, although I know you're a far better person than I am and wouldn't wish that upon her.
