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id: 564410 - Text: This is so sad but so common for people that have been traumatized like this. The last video showed Asriah braking down about having no 'family'. This realization often leads to the surfacing of painful memories and flashbacks which are so unbelievably overwhelming that relapse is to be expected. This kind trauma causes brain damage and takes years to correct...the brain seeks comfort and emotional regulation. When all you have known and used to do that are dysfunctional and negative consequence coping mechanisms it makes recovery really difficult. My heart goes out to both Asriah and Mark. Nobody is winning in this game and everyone loses something for sure. The mind control is so powerful. It literally dictates both conscious and subconscious patterns/behaviors. Sex is one of the predominate re-attachment methods that is used by pimps because it feels like the love/acceptance that is so desperately missing...for both of them...

id: 564502 - Text: So I’m assuming the money went for sex toys, drugs and gawdy clothes. Her kids are where? Should never trust her again. She a very good liar and manipulative person who will probably never change. She didn’t appear to be remorseful as some here have commented. More like someone who was mad that she got busted. Her pretty face has fooled a lot of people.

id: 564517 - Text: Here's the thing. People have to WANT to change. And then when they WANT to change, they have to LEARN how to change. We can sit here in the relative comfort of our own homes shouting at the screen, pissed off that this happened. Asking ourselves, "Why not just leave?", "Why did you go back?!", but the reality is that our brains seek the comforts that it knows. More importantly the brain has a hard time throwing out that which helped it survive, even if it no longer has a purpose. Take for example people that always fall into bad relationships. Somewhere along the line of their life, they learned that love was chaotic and messy. Usually happens in childhood and learned from their parents. These folks had chaotic and messy childhoods and even as children we know what is safe or not. But also as children, we can't change our situation. So children adapt and learn how to survive in these environments. And so now, when they seek love, they subconsciously look for partners who will fulfill that pattern of chaos and messiness. The same thing is happening here. She does NOT know how to live beyond her Sex Work. She does NOT know how to exist beyond the confines of her past. We can be disappointed, but this was bound to happen. Not because she may not want it, but she doesn't know how to exist outside of who she learned to be. And it's not malicious, it's simply that she can't and probably doesn't understand that the tools that serve her when she was destitute and an escort, won't fly when she's doing well. So she "relapses". When I was working in Homeless Housing here in LA, I would see this pattern time and time again. We would help someone, get them an apartment, get them housed, help them find a job, etc. But many would fall back into their old ways, not because they don't know they need to change, but because they seek out the familiar comfort of the chaos. The seek out the comfort of knowing, even if it IS unstable and dangerous. Sometimes, they implode, in the sense that the tools that helped them survive out on the streets, actually jeopardize their housing. And so it can lead to a cycle of shame, survival, chaos. And in order to help people be successful, it's not enough to provide them with the resources or money, but more importantly, teach them to navigate the perils of their mental health. They need to get therapy to help them dismantle the things they carry. And that's why helping homeless or exploited sex workers is so hard, because it takes time and it's a slow process. And unfortunately, non-profits, funding organizations, taxpayers want to see results FAST. But the truth is that helping folks doesn't happen on a neat timeline. It takes time, effort, consistency, and more importantly, a desire to change.

id: 564558 - Text: Okay baby what you thought !!? You thought she was just gonna dismantle into this being who she isn’t ?She been selling pussy all this time and you think just by meeting you will stop ? Baby it’s take 400 dollars a day to be a 6k figure earner . Aka “Rich Bitch”. Yo little dollars wasn’t hitting on shit 🤣🤣🤣 compared to her every day lifestyle ! FACTZ Lol you basically tried to be her sugar daddy😂😂 BUT BING BONG ‼️And I know this because I had one who thought the same until he realized how expensive I am 😂😂 sooo you gotta be quicker than that! I can see if you gave her those things and A PLAN to formulate WHERE SHE COULD START A BUSINESS TO BE FINANCIALLY SUBSTANTIAL SO SHE WOULDNT HAVE TO COME BACK. You gave her just enough so she can come back. I would’ve done the same. she is SUPER up on game. Sadly the game teaches you wisdom like no other. Especially about men. She knew she could milk you and honestly you asked for it because your heart wasnt right. SHE IS 23 with NO GUIDANCE YOU CAN NOT EXPECT YOUR LITTLE HELP WAS GONNA BE IT FOR HER. This girl probably making AT LEAST 2k a day. Yeah you helped her cool ... but you exploited her as well 😑 never let the right hand know what the left hand doing. So this shows your true intentions. I literally been through the same thing, luckily I got my head on straight and left that lifestyle because the wages of sin is death! So instead took that money and started my own businesses. On top of that ofc that dude was going to take her money ! You stopped the bag! How else he gonna get it??? And they ARE going to still have ties because this is all she knows. Baby I’m 22 and I had a man willing to do the same and did the same thing you done for her. Slowly .... his intentions showed. He wanted me all to himself and sex. Then the fact that you exposed her in this manner shows your true intentions. A REAL ONE would’ve been hurt, salty but blocked that person to let them deal with that karma and kept it pushing. If you were GENUINE, you would’ve kept this to yourself. Now you feel some way and wanna take it all back but because you can’t .... put out her business 😑 so distasteful. That’s crazy

id: 564923 - Text: Damn 300,400 dollars a day! Then 2,000 in one day plus he pays rent for that apartment that is being used as an 'incall' place for sex work. 😓 She didn't have anything to say not e en a "Sorry Mark"

id: 564933 - Text: Ok I'm going to post this. I was a customer of Asriah's a little while ago. After we had sex I talked to her a little bit. And let me tell you all something. She absolutely positively is deathly afraid of this dude and she hates him. You can see it in the video when he is talking the anger and contempt she has for him. I hope she gets away from him.

id: 565254 - Text:  @howulikethemapples : 100%. She didn’t take that money thinking ‘Now me and my kids can start a whole new life.’ This was a payday for her “man”. Period. If anything, she was thinking, ‘Now, maybe Fly won’t beat my a** today.’, ‘Maybe Fly will have sex with me tonight.’, ‘Maybe Fly will give me a couple days off.’, ‘Maybe when Fly sees I can bring him some real money he’ll make me his bottom b*tch!’

id: 565342 - Text: I hope they both read these comments and understand how worthless they appear. Her kids are clearly not her priority. Sex toys littered around, kids gone, some random with the spare key. She had the golden ticket, a support system of complete strangers from around the country, literally paying for her life, and she threw it all away for some baby voiced, crayola tattoo loser. What a reject. For these people i feel no sympathy, they do it to themselves. There are so many around the world who would kill for somebody just to listen to them. Shameful, shameful, shameful.

id: 565384 - Text: Unbelievable how deep these girls get involved. when given such an opportunity to leave. Maybe if placed in another town or city would of been better for any one that is trapped in such a horrible environment of gangs, violence, drugs and sex slave. My heart goes out to you for trying so hard to help these woman that feel helpless it must be hard to see them go back to pimps and dirt bags. I say if going to help then do it aways from the areas of danger to them or yourself Stay safe and well God bless all you do. .

id: 565406 - Text: " I dunno, I feel like...Tricked you Mark! I hope you stope helping folks directly. If a person is willing to have help they would be willing to step through precautionary hoops to get it. These people are not ready for change point blank period. It makes it hard for anyone who is in actual need of the help and just makes a case for folks who say that you cant help folks. People who need help will understand you dont get something for nothing. and sex work/ abuse is just as hard to get up out of as drugs.
