31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 593948 - Text: Well , if you want to ( went) judgment is the focus just focusing on everyday living Love does cost a thing. That's why this video aired emmidiately for your COMMENT. DID YOU READ EXAMINIG THE SCRIPTURES DAILY TODAY? Tap the last link and scroll 📜 to the picture " by means of a simple meal" Did you see the wicked spirit creature of the uTube 👕 shirts yesterday? THE LIGHT and the quite inconclusive, only tentative, resurfacing..There were being indisposed of unwillingly. [ Frog like expressions]. Can get right ! War it! You know where I am xoxoxo. Your Brother Christopher George Williams from brother Rutherford and ❤️ 💙..

id: 594005 - Text:  @a.wanderer5006 getting paid under the table as a stripper is certainly a level above drug addict in terms of harm to themselves and society. My general point is that certain people don't seem to be able to think very far, especially when it comes to thinking outside themselves. I'm sure it relates to the impulse control and inability to delay gratification problems we hear talked about in videos from time to time. Anyway, if someone is doing these things and they are desperate, that is one thing, just admit it. What really perplexes me when they act like they have some code of honor and all their misdeeds are victimless (and yet they are a constant victim of others), and even more so when a large number of commentors either ignore it or even think the same way.

id: 594074 - Text: I'm thinking to stop watching Marks videos as I think he is taking advantage of people. Also, on a side note, potentially A lot of these stories may begin to be fake

id: 594084 - Text: She’s a prostitute and they are better liars than a used car salesman. She’s on camera and who is not gonna put on their best? I’ve watched all of his prostitute videos and they all must have gone to the samehoe college, they all say the same things. She’s really sexy though for a 20 year old, wow❤❤

id: 594110 - Text: I'm surprised Mark would use the video of her talking about where they stash their money. Seems like that obviously will endanger a lot of women

id: 594185 - Text: Why do y'all even bother watching these videos if all you're going to do is judge & spread hate?

id: 594205 - Text:  @msmithena  u gota b young cuz by ur comments u tell everybody ur stupid. Kid gloves il explain- - why would I comment on men lining up to have sex with her. The video is about her so I’m commenting on her genius. -smoking weed is still a drug and if it become a issue financially or otherwise to a person then it’s on that person to do or not do something about it. Hate to tell u many people still go to rehab for weed. I don’t see it as a problem but It’s all relative. - stealing on a petty level or robbery are lowlife things to do. And i don’t care if u name more people that steal it doesn’t change that it’s fucked up thing to do. And look at her teeth, that’s not from pot smarty pants

id: 594208 - Text:  @y_e_i8213  haha. Aren't you doing the same? Don't like a personal reply > keep scrolling. These video's are meant to educate, not form an opinion. You could be right, could be not. Not just my view, Soft White Underbelly states this EVERYTIME. Be nice not 'smart'... Spoiler: I have all my notifications off. I decide when to be online, I will not be sidetracked by Social Media notifications. I'll probably NEVER read you again nor even be able to find my own reply in all these messages 🤣

id: 594274 - Text:  @ohlangeni  Click on the 'Sort By', "Newest First" feed at the top of the video. YouTube invariably 'Hides' them there for some reason ...

id: 594283 - Text: @Alexus Taylor exactly and all these mf’s under this video complementing this low life bitch and she don’t do shit for her child
