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id: 565418 - Text: I'm disappointed in you Asriah. I know the sex worker game all too well...and the gang bang hustle. It's your choice, now that you're old enough to know better. You don't have to play the victim anymore. You've even said it yourself....that you know that it's all wrong, especially as a mother. Get your belongings, and get TF out of California. Go up to Oregon or Washington and start over properly. It's your proximity to this world that keeps you in it. Stop with the Stockholm Syndrome bs and make a move.

id: 565677 - Text:  @sfwatxyo2162  she was sex trafficked as a child and here life became a mess thats why he was helping her

id: 565909 - Text: I think its beautiful. it shows the truth of sex workers. not all but a lot of sex workers choose this life, there are many ways out but they keep choosing the same path as she admitted. Mankind has shown its willing to do a lot to help her if she wants to help her self, but the dark streets are also ready to take her back when she decides to give up on a cleaner life. Holding people responsible more often seems to be the best bet.

id: 565921 - Text:  @Iambunny-ry2os  well, limiting it to just poverty and education isn't accurate .. there are some poor countries which have most sexually satisfied humans with little to no rape, and well educated ppl(+frustrated/deprived) with money go to prostitutes.. our media which abuses and nurtures beauty stereotypes and sets inaccurately high bar of unrealistic standards, giving birth to definitions of- creep/ugly/uncool/bitch/slut/hot/weak/bully/iq/bmi/ in uncorrupted young minds. Media is just one aspect, but there are many more taboo+stereotypes with a lot of depth..

id: 566445 - Text: Mark - you are a courageous, saint. I hope there is a way you’re protected. They take and take and take and can’t even say thank you. I’m disappointed in her. They ruin it for the people that are actually determined to change for the better. How can we ever trust them to use the $ for anything outside of drugs/alcohol/sex/goes to their “money manager” (which is absolute BS). Breaks my heart for all these children born into these horrible lifestyles. Yet couples that can provide a healthy life for children struggle with infertility.

id: 566458 - Text: This is truly heartbreaking. But it's a lifestyle she wants to live. She has options and she's not taking them. He's a manipulator. I've never lived this kind of life. Never been in the sex trade or substance abuse. But I lived as an orphan since I was 4 years old. I watched my mother being murdered. I've never been adopted. Never had grandparents, aunts uncles cousins. My siblings were scattered throughout California. I graduated high school I didn't show up for my graduation never opened the plastic that had my cap n gown in it. Bc, I knew no one would be there to clap for me or cheer me on. Believe me, I've suffered I had many secrets that I held from adults that we're supposed to be protecting me. Lots of different types of abuse. I was afraid of getting into trouble. I was afraid of drugs and the control they would probably take over my life. I worked to support me and my children in becoming fitness instructors. I still struggled in life. But my fear for drugs and alcohol kept me clean. Yes, my problem became my looks.

id: 566496 - Text: Oh and one more thing. I'm passed off because it's people out here in situations who would have taken this opportunity and ran with it to make a better life for themselves. I will use myself as an example. I am facing illegal eviction from a landlord who has been sexually harassing me and stalking me for eight months. I have ran and begged foe help. I have called the shelters, legal aid societies, law enforcement, and every door has been slammed in my face. Because I refuse to give a sob story and showcase my brokenness and heartache to the world and still want to put one foot in front of the other I am told I am arrogant. I am told to lower my standards and expectations for safe and affordable housing. Yet I am also being discouraged from leaving my home state. The one person who was helping me will no longer help me or communicate with me because I plan on relocating. The help is on the condition I stay in town and be with them. But God is with me wherever I go. Azria had it all. And she threw it away! Shame on her because I have wanted to just be interviewed by Mark. To tell my story. I never wanted a dime. But God knows and he sees and he will see me through. I pray protection for Azriah because now that the money has dried up from Mark her P will put her right back on the track. The free ride is over now. Shame when you could have had a better life.

id: 566866 - Text: After all those interviews he does with these people.....and he gets tricked by one of them. Wonder if they had sex....🤔

id: 567135 - Text: Yeah she def took advantage but all in all, Mark. Mark. Mark please hear me out- cut her off. She breeds a recovery program because even though she may be addicted to the lifestyle, it’s still taking you and everyone else down. You can’t be subject to be drawn into this and we’re definitely had your kindness taken for weakness, I am house manager At a sober living for women who have been in her exact shoes so it IS possible but unfortunately, she and her children have to cut off ALL ties with all these individuals that have been nothing but toxic in her life. If she doesn’t- point blank- she’s an asshole. I myself was in addiction off and on for five years/ and until I CHANGED my number, disconnected from all social media, was I then able to work on myself and start from the ground up. Recovery is possible and addiction does not have to be drugs or alcohol…gambling, sex/prostitution, gang lifestyle- anything that breaks your precious life from becoming successful or just GROWING in general will inevitably bring you down…& when someone has children, they don’t realize that it’s only a matter of time when CPS steps in. As much as I don’t want that for Anyone, it’s who you hang around that will be detrimental to her health, children, and life. My heart breaks and this is just my opinion again so please no one start saying that I’m picking on her on anything, that is NOT my intention. But anyone who has been a victim or family of one in addiction knows these are all the things that are usually involved. And it sucks because they feel as if they’re stuck! . But anyone who has a been through it, shook it off, and succeeded and beat addiction knows that the only THING you have to change in recovery- IS EVERYTHING! Yes!! you have to be willing to surrender and take advice. A program, 90-120 days of inpatient is what’s going to get her started and there are plenty in the State of CA where she’d can bring her kids! I’m glad that Mark explained how he felt taken advantage of, we all saw it and it made him look like enabling because she quickly got used to the money…but I’m sure he cut them off. Sometimes People don’t have this kind of help (that Mark has done) but even his help was quickly enabling her once this dude, FLY 🪰, who literally felt entitled to be a part of that, mooched of her a& her boys…all because of “gang ties”!! Pfffft please! She doesn’t owe anyone ANYTHING! People are selfish & saw what she briefly had & felt entitled & bam! And that my friends, is very sad & unfortunate because again- Mark is just doing what he does best and has a heart. I wish I could talk to him!!!!!! Give him some tips. Have him come see the other side of what can happen IF these women cut off the world and begin a new life somewhere off the grid, if need be, after changing everything! It’s possible. It’s doable. It’s key. If she wants to better her life and become an example to her children, she needs to drop off and move far far away. Start fresh on a Clean slate. I’m hair that Mark can share their story but this was an example and valuable lesson learned for the ones out there who still suffer & the family that enables…same concept- different details… God bless you Mark!!!! Please get in touch if you can!

id: 567143 - Text: You know? It's really easy to sit down and blame the sex worker but you don't really know how "nice" this guy actually is so maybe shut up
