58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 5075 - Text: Sex and drug addiction is paired.. evening alcoholism. They’re very much the same, it’s hard to find a balance

id: 5104 - Text: Not only does he have a crack addiction, he has a sex addiction and has hypersexual tendencies from being molested by other children. Child on child sexual abuse is just as real as generic sexual abuse on minors by adults. As someone who was molested constantly by a minor or several years as a child, you never make the correlation between your desires because it happened via another child. I am praying for any and everybody who's experienced this, because I see a lot of myself in him. Addictions take on several forms.

id: 5105 - Text: When you bind drugs to your sexuality, you curse yourself.

id: 5119 - Text: You have the balls to quit but you need rehab for several months and stop the bs with the sex and prostitute

id: 5123 - Text: My soon to be ex husband was and is a Crack addict, Patrick perfectly explained the sexual perversion that describes my ex, ty Patrick it gave me insight , once my ex smoked he was a sexual nympho with a lump dick

id: 5127 - Text: The crack and sex cross addiction is common.

id: 5135 - Text: Sounds like more of a sex addiction.

id: 5170 - Text: A true sexual menace. Seeker and destroyer. The punisher.

id: 5188 - Text: "I want the nearest female to be giving me oral sex." Same

id: 5271 - Text: Patrick's description of his crack experiences, especially the sexual parts are extremely accurate to my cocaine experiences. I abused coke heavily for a few years and that's exactly how I felt every time. I also lost a job on a three day coke bender after I had been off coke for almost 10 years, then one night at the bar someone gave me a bump and a free couple of grams... that was that.
