10334 results for porn metiska onlyfans

id: 78842 - Text: You are a liar if you think being a nurse is worse than being a stripper or porn star.

id: 79133 - Text: I think men young men too, are getting horrible. I’m wondering if it’s from all that porn where women are degrading themselves so they start treating them aweful

id: 79373 - Text: She's in porn now. Typical lol.

id: 79541 - Text: "I'm proof that I can do anything"! Lol. While only doing porn her whole life. She is delusional.

id: 79719 - Text: She went from a very attractive young woman with her whole life still in front of her with multiple opportunities and pathways to choose from to damn near unemployable in just a couple of years! I can't believe that someone would willingly do this to theirself unless they have some serious mental problems. Tattoos all over you body from the neck down and multiple hidden piercings when wearing casual clothes = risky, but fine. However when you have your teeth ground to points, tattoo your face and EYEBALLS, then pierce multiple places on your face lips and ears you have honestly completely killed your earning ability anywhere outside of porn. That's just a fact. Hell, you even limit the type of porn you can be in. I doubt there are many men who what to see black-eyed girl with sharpened teeth when they watch porn. Not to mention what if she decides she wants to have a normal husband in a few years and maybe have kids? Talk about making your life harder for no reason! what kind of partner are you going to attract looking like this? Someone equally as screwed up! These younger generations are just flat-out screwing everything up, including themselves!

id: 80321 - Text: Definitely. She says she's from a loving normal home then goes on to say her dad had 5 dui and both were alcoholics. How is that a normal family life? She's flipping back and forth not making a lot of sense. Something obviously tipped her over the edge and she had a compulsion to rebel. I almost had something like this similar happen in my life, but I knew better than to outwardly destroy my body and appearance permanently. So I can relate to feeling overwhelmed and lost, but I feel nowadays kids just feel they can do or act however they want due to trauma and we all are supposed to be supportive or understand their mindset. Unfortunately that's usually not the case. When you're young it's easy to over do it and act out with life changing repercussions. I almost lost my life to it, but was able to hold on barely. She's right about how boxed in a controlled life and society is, but idk if writing that your a rebel across your head is the answer. Also as a side note, women are able to get away with this stuff so much more than most guys. Since she's attractive she can skate by being a dancer or pornstar getting money from desperate lonely men. I've seen this happen to dozens of girls in life, abd unfortunately many of them died because they went to far partying and not taking responsibility. They couldn't calm down. Kids nowadays suffer hugely from anxiety because they hooked on their phones abd social media overload. It spins up their emotions and puts them in a tailspin..this is medias dark plan to influence the youth and people thru ideas abd media. This is a obvious example of getting caught in the hype. I wish her luck, she will feel this later in life if she lives hopefully, god speed

id: 80825 - Text: So her StepMom with a normal job (Not Porn) is the toxic person?

id: 80884 - Text: Because your appearance is the first thing that anyone sees when you meet someone. If you do a bunch of f-ed up stuff to yourself then that's what people are going to see. This girl totally ruined her looks and future opportunities outside of doing porn with the extreme stuff she has done to her face and teeth. She is all but unemployable now anywhere outside of a certain type of porn. Even the clubs she dances in has her cover up the terrible face tats. I think most people certainly have sympathy for someone with mental issues but not everyone can be helped if they dont want to be. She chose to do this crazy stuff to herself which would scare most well-adjusted people away from her.

id: 81784 - Text: As much as she seems very articulate, genuine, and tries to paint things in a more positive “picture”, her socials tells a different story..of self loathing, unhappy, and one that takes criticism to heart, while there is a different persona that enjoys the attention, and looking for validation from others through full hardcore porn. That I will understand the parents’s reaction to why they must have been heartbroken to witness to modifications and behavior. Especially when she growing in a warm christian home as she claims.

id: 82486 - Text: Holy SHIIIT she was hot as hell. She still is a beauty of a woman. Id rather not date a stripper from past experience . They suck it for cash don't let her lie. I mean props for getting money but id hit and split. Not marriage material not baby mom material. I have a kid with a similar type and when she blows up in her 30s she is done! I love the tats , all of them. Just not the OF and the stripping/hoeing. I'm tatted face etc.. If she was just a beautiful tatted woman I would find her extremally attractive and loving. But I'm a jealous dude and don't want the world getting her puss smeared on them every night and all the rest that comes. I am not judging her. Just you can NOT turn a hoe to a house wife. Sad Sad SADDDDDD If she wasn't a semi porn hoe i would love the heart out that woman.
