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id: 569862 - Text: Mark is a good person. But she owes no ‘loyalty’ as he put it, to him or her pimp or to anyone else except herself and her kids. Like her, he is an adult and is chOosing to help people and we are choosing to donate. I’ve been to rehab etc and been around people, women especially, in these situations… and it can take many years and many many attempts at someone shifting their mindset towards some sort of sovereignty in any sense. As young moms, years of trauma, being shuffled around from men who will ‘protect’ them… they all still demand some sort of loyalty…your basically keeping her infantilized. I’m not calling her a victim, and I think mark has decent intentions…. But it seems that women really need to be around other women, solely, for this kind of help. No men, no loyalty, none of that… a community of women only in a rehab, where self-loyalty and healing are the only goals with no emotional or physical strings attached. Going to meetings, highly scheduled day etc. That still has a very low success rate and all facilities have rules and such but… I think if she continues to surround herself around women who’ve been thru what she’s going through, in time… she could be the mom she wants to be for her kids. Otherwise, meet her where she’s at and lend support. There’s are now counseling/therapy available to sex workers… donate there. I wish her well… and the other guy. I hope they find healing, separately.

id: 569948 - Text: Instead of kids’ toys, he found sex toys… where did the children go? They need to be somewhere with different influences other than this Exotic Fly relationship, so the cycle doesn’t continue.

id: 570011 - Text: Yea like what? So they can spend that wealth on sex toys drugs and lingerie just like she did here? Tf is that

id: 570274 - Text:  @_Cristina_  She was raped at 13 years old, and started "working" as a sexual worker that age. So now let me explain you that while a normal teenager has what they need during those important years (school, home, food, love and support from parents) she was working as a sexual worker to survive. At 15 she surely had already received violence, insults, spits, etc. So now, really, who are we to point a finger at her? You can't expect her to behave as you would, she grew up on fire, trauma and violence. She doesn't see the world as you would, not even you would if you had been there. And more important: all the damage those situations did are not going to fade away with some bucks.

id: 570319 - Text:  @metallica2500  sex traffickers do mark their victims

id: 570320 - Text:  @aaaaaa-dv5fv  I understand that many sex traffickers mark their victims, I wasn’t disputing that, I was just calling into question her reasoning behind the tattoo. Considering the type of work I do, many of these people cannot be believed even if their tongues came notarized.

id: 570414 - Text: OMG this basically happened to me trying to help someone who was just as destitute in sex work, drug addicted, in a horrible situation. I thought I was helping, I thought I was saving them and they totally robbed me, they abused my kindness, my caring nature, everything. There was so many lies, manipulations, deep deep deep bullshit. I lost nearly everything. It was the biggest mistake of my life. Mark is able to recover financially I hope. But I have not been able to. I was almost homeless because of what I did. I was a huge pathetic fool.

id: 570618 - Text: No no no. She has to take some responsibility. If her number was changed and her address too, then how did he find her? Because she invited her pimp over there. Stupid ass. Look MARK, if you wanna give someone $2000 in one day let it be me!!! I would love to be on your channel and share my story. I have suffered a lot of sexual abuse amongst other things. The money wouldnt be wasted on me 💔

id: 570668 - Text: Damn I could’ve used that money to help my mother she out her requesting $1000s for a bum gangsta and using it to to buy sex toys. Someone that would take advantage of Mark and his hard earned money is disgusting hope for this woman is lost. Pray for humanity this girl is gone.

id: 570681 - Text: Asriah , if you are reading this: If a man truly loves you and cares for your well being, he won't offer you drugs, take money from you or get you to hustle / sell your body. Did you even think about the safety of your kids ? Sexual and physical abuse towards children usually happens at home, so it is best not to have any 'friends' home. Or is getting high so important ? Age is gonna catch up with your looks and it will be too late for regrets in future. We are all rooting for you. You can do way better. Please turn over a new leaf before it is too late, for regrets.
