58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 570915 - Text: Keep your head up Mark u can t save em if they dont want to be saved from experience i know that some people u can only just pray for them and give them to god.Cause they dont want to put the work in they don got use to the easy money and people some people tind to lean toward what s easy not whats right .So there's just nonthing u can do but encourage them and pray for em cause u can t do it for em if there actions show they dont want to do the wrk .So Don t get discouraged cause I m sure its some of them out there that really do want to change and put the wrk and u tried to do whats right by helping those who want it and have no other way .Cause personally I think sex trafficking is disgusting but some of them dont want to be saved.And P.S u might want to change your # cause from the look on her face she gonna try this again and it will end in the same results if u by into her

id: 570957 - Text: Wow I wonder if Asriah realizes he’s bisexual on top of everything else. I hope AIDS isn’t her final wake up call

id: 571021 - Text: wow, intense, crazy life, this girl is a sexslave, for real, sad sad scenario, ill pray that this woman gets out and away from the walking abortions controlling her.

id: 571033 - Text: ERRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!! You know what I'm going to have a rant here, this video irritated me from the start but the last part Mark said just pissed me off more! These type of "working class" are constantly looking for the violin to be pulled out for them with a six part series made of the struggles they have been through but wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire!!!!! They don't want to sort their lifes as they like the "poor me" attention they receive or applause they get when they do the simplest of tasks like whiping their ass hole after a shit!!! Before anyone thinks heartless prick......Well yeah I guess I am, I worked in Hostels for 5 years with drug addicts and the last one had sex offenders too ppl who constantly demand sympathy all the time! My empathy is nearly completely dried up for these types of people! I was lured into this left wing Hippy bullshit when I was a kid but this type of stuff just infuriates me now! Especially the people saying in the comments "aww so sad poor girl" still?? No morelike "aww stupid cunt" it's her own fault!!!!!

id: 571035 - Text: Hey Mark she had golden opportunity to save her self we all contribute we want to help her house her and wat she does she's not helping her she's helping someone else She don't even seem apologetic for what she did do t waste our money on her mark ssly I'd rather take my children and family out on holiday then help her house her gangster m8 and do drugs , booze and sex instead help somebody else m8 there are many who are dying to seek such help

id: 571047 - Text: Asriah, please know that the truth can be far different from the facts. The facts point to the past while the truth points to the future. You said many times that you don't want to be in this life - *the truth is that you're not meant to be a prostitute but to have a normal drug free life*. These harmful people are lying to you and convincing you, and perhaps ever you yourself that you're not meant for freedom but to be a sex slave. The facts may be that you've been a prostitute and drug-addicted, but the truth is that you can life a healthy, happy and normal life. I have a young son too and being home with him is like everything to me. I'll be praying for you. Put your trust in the Lord, who is the way, truth and life. God bless.

id: 571253 - Text:  @isaiahcarroll3953  thank you I don't even know what what those people are on about he's trying to help Azria is he asking her for sex no he's not trying to be her pimp he's trying to help her she can't control herself she has no choice but sometimes people need a friend to help them tear them in the right way!!

id: 571293 - Text: She doesn't want out of that lifestyle at all. She's addicted to all of it! The drama, violence, drugs even sexy with strangers. FACTS! They all have the same sob story at first too. Poor me, poor me, victim, victim. As you get to know them more they are just as deep in it and love the lifestyle as the next one. There is no saving them! Just using them. She's more committed to it than any person as been committed to ANYTHING ever in their entire life. Yes including your kids.

id: 571296 - Text: Observations: Fly states that he is both a “boyfriend” and a money manager. Which is it? He says most of the money goes to him. Clearly, he is a parasite. Then, when Mark mentions the miscarriage, they have flat affect. It reveals this is not a real family. When Asriah turns to him, you can see swelling under her eye. So, she is not actually free. She is coerced. But when Mark tried to set her free, her brain programming n social programming n history of being coerced by gangs to do sex work from 13 was still in her. she diverted money meant for a future promise of freedom to a present of underwriting apartment n lifestyle of the pimp.

id: 571316 - Text:  @sergiocespedes9188  R U serious 'he is no pimp?' Mark has clearly decked him out in his sick threads to go and manage the money of the young females he protectively watches go and do sexual favours for the money he can manage.  "What do you do with the money Fly? I keep it, spend on myself, maybe the kids (clearly no sign of any children's clothing or toys present in the apartment - so hey what a generous guy.) What about if she wants any of that money? Nah, depends what she needs."  Yeah we should all aspire to have such a generous, caring guy who's not a pimp but dresses like one.
