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id: 572044 - Text: How can he possibly not give up on her? She was giving all of the money that we were donating to the gofundme straight to her gang to use for their illegal purposes. You can't let that go. Thousands of dollars, a free car and apartment. She brought her pimp and gang leader to live in the apartment and Mark even found sex toys strewn on the apartment floor where her children were supposed to be taken care of, be secure and loved. She didn't say sorry once here. Not even a fake sorry.

id: 572193 - Text:  @jamieangel3766  He is being totally naive by giving her many hundreds per day. Nobody needs hundreds of dollars per day unless they are on drugs. He's already paying her rent and expenses, what possible reason is there for her to need hundreds of dollars per day.? Mark needs to learn that street sex work isnt just about selling sex for money. Its a criminal lifestyle, sex workers are plotting to rob men of their money every day, they play men for money, thats what they do. Anyone who treats them nice and seems to care like Mark, is seen as a soft touch, someone to exploit and scam. Every day, dozens of these girls are coming to Mark for money, hes been robbed 4 times already by the girl's pimps and gangsters. Im very concerned that one day Mark will be seriously hurt.

id: 572278 - Text: @Miércoles Gomez I got the impression in the 1st and 2nd vid that there might have some kind of covert sexual motivation behind some of the things Mark had said and was doing too. As a man I can admit that I’ve been attracted to some women that I knew were not really attainable for whatever reason. Talking to the opposite sex for hours at a time certainly does raise the suspicion radar.

id: 572280 - Text: Well duh Mark isn't the only guy on Youtube that's been doing this. I've seen others see the young attractive women that are doing sexual things to others. They themselves see how easily it is to get with these women. Going to her house unannounced, constantly driving by, expecting her to be loyal to him and not her dude... it's definitely weird. Also who gives a woman thousands of dollars a day? Why was his judgement clouded? Buy her the stuff she needs it for and if she says she'd rather have the money then you know shes lying. I'm not saying Mark is one of them but i'm definitely going to keep an ear out for any othe red flags.

id: 572418 - Text: What happened to the kids? I still stuck on the sex toys??? Too much going on

id: 572450 - Text: I saw it on her face on the last interview that she was so bored but she called this Simp. Mark gave you a way out. Mark is the GUY FROM PRETTY WOMEN WITHOUT THE SEX!!!!! MY sister is the same way no matter how much love you pour into someone YOU HAVE TO WANT IT !!!!! Mark don't give her another dime until she shows her self Worthy of it!!! And you show your worth by keeping your word!!!! 🤬Wtf you mean saying you trying to get her out of this life and you messed up her only opportunity that she will ever get to get out of it🤬 He looks like a pure simp, a follower If You not the leader of the gang then you are sheep.

id: 572568 - Text: What a man. The money goes towards him(1st of coarse) the kids(I'm sure they love playing with the sex toys Mark found all over the place.Gross) and SOMETIMES her. The very one Mark was trying to help. She squandered her help. I truly feel bad for those kids.

id: 572579 - Text: I agree he is v patient but in the case I felt they negated personal responsibility & he is overlooking that we all have choices.. we have reasons why we do them which is rooted in our childhood but no longer becomes an excuse. I can relate to the upbringing of most of theses people, deeply, I’m a black pan sexual woman who is still going through it, and I’m not saying I’m a saint, I’m just saying I’ve been through theses struggles & I still take self accountability!!!!

id: 572701 - Text: "he's not a bad person" It's over. 10:44 smdh they both need a check. And I can't get pass there were no kids things in the apartment but sex toys and God knows what else. This man and that woman dgaf about them kids. CPS is a fucking joke! Edit: 11:48 the money does not go to the kids! They're tryna manipulate u again mark. Smfh. The kids didn't even have a damn toy in that apt she turned into a brothel. Those kids r in danger!!!!

id: 572733 - Text:  @datdude8878  I don't believe Mark is a "John" in the sense that he's having sex with her...but I do wonder if her brain is wired to just view him as a resource, like she would with a "John". Mark gave her money, for nothing in return. Her brain may see that as something that needs to be taken advantage of. Years on the street can cause a person's logic, reasoning, and thinking patterns to change.
