58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 572754 - Text:  @deezlilnuts  someone who pays for sex. They can also be called a trick.

id: 572756 - Text:  @jamesreed1119  Mark did help “a homeless dude” from the channel. He helped Jerry who was shot in the face and ended up begging on the streets. Mark helped him get an apartment and paid his rent until he died. Doesn’t matter what sex you are, Mark is willing to help!

id: 572803 - Text: Mark, you are way too nice, man. And maybe a little too naive. But that's what makes you Mark. I think you need to attend a few NA/AA meetings to learn about the addict's brain (including sex workers). We're master manipulators. Asriah probably doesn't know any other way to live or manage herself/money. It's her upbringing. She hasn't hit rock bottom yet. I'm worried about her kid's future.

id: 573096 - Text: Mark is a great person but he doesn't understand what she is going through. Throwing money at someone and paying their bills is likely what lead her to not respect Mark. I think she started to look at him like a trick as time passed because he was behaving as one (and I do not mean in any way that is what he was doing at all. He did nothing but help and went above and beyond.) But tricks give money and pay for things, often also with the intention of helping girls. Not all of them expect anything sexual in return either. Just most. These girls pimps whom they feel they love, take their money, and provide nothing but misery. One of my exs who was a DD for 20 years told me something that I won't forget. He said that you can create "vultures". A person originally may have no intention of using someone, but there is a messed up part in human nature where some people will lose respect for someone who is repeatedly kind to them. Especially when the recipient of the kind gestures is a street person. These people tend to view those who are generous and helpful as suckers and weak. As inaccurate and sick as that is.

id: 573231 - Text: I’m sorry she had every chance to leave that lifestyle and instead she went right back and used you Mark which you were trying so hard to help her and her kids!! Just the simple fact that there’s no kids items in the apartment but sex toys and other shit… disgusting. She’ll never change she’s a con artist to the fullest! She loves the lifestyle, proof is in that those kids aren’t at all taken care of. Need to call Childrens services and get those poor kids out of there! Look how quick she grabbed her phone when Mark went to try to get Mosquito I mean “Fly” to come in. I’m sorry but thank goodness they lost that baby, one less poor soul to suffer… this is just a shame. She literally had a golden opportunity to get right and fucked it up. If she had changed her number and done what Mark had said she would’ve been fine!

id: 573311 - Text: This also gives us a glimpse into why gorilla pimps are so hard on the prostitutes they see through the b.s. they have experienced this type of manipulation on every level. I know none of the women will ever admit it, but some of them live for the beatings, sex for $$$, drugs and unfair treatment this is why removing them from the hood doesn't work because they just take the hood with them its a mentality.

id: 573395 - Text: Marks intentions are true. I'm not mad at him for going into the apartment. He was respectful but at the same time he's correct, he is the one paying g for all this and under normal circumstances he wouldn't have gone in but he felt something was off. Imagine if her kids were being abused or there was something more sinister going on and he decided to not go forward and go in. Money is one vehicle to help someone and Mark uses that and many others. You can't tell who is sincere and who isn't, and thank God someone who has the financial means and ability to also gather from other good hearted folks, the money to try and help these people, who could easily be one of us. Thank God he doesn't say screw it when he get take advantage of, because as many who do that, there are other who will not use him, and who do need the help. Mark doesn't give up until he it gets to points like we see here. I commend Mark. He is doing something many, many people just will not do, and that's try and help people as much as he can. He goes above and beyond and you do not see that often in these times because we live in a microwave, "fend for yourself" society now. And all the people also donating to help, this is life changing opportunities he is giving people. I applaud you Mark. Thanks for doing what YOU feel is correct and not what society tells you. And Im speaking from a background of mental, physical, sexual, verbal abuse. Homeless with my alcoholic mother at times, watch her get beat, started drinking and drugging at 10yrs, got clean at 23, relapsed at 35 and now I have over 30days clean. Thank you Mark. Thank you.

id: 573396 - Text: It's called trauma bonds. And your relationship with your father isn't the only thing to determine who you're attracted to later. It's everything she went through as a child on the streets and it's all she knows. No one raised her. No one taught her what a safe person is regardless of gender. She not once has had a safe place. And you can learn who is safe and not safe by more than just your parents. Not to mention epigenetics, mixed with the fact that at what age you first received trauma, especially one as extreme as hers as a child, you stay that at that age until you've gone through the very long process of healing. You're not watching an interview of a 23 something year old adult. She's a 13 year old who had men abuse her mentally, sexually and physically. Or even younger than that. You can't help her heal with adult therapies.

id: 573591 - Text:  @ohhiucaughtmejasminehere6294  he is really putting money in the hands of a thug gang member who does this type of stuff on the daily . It’s Los Angeles we are talking about ..he knows better. He found sex toys there not kids toys can you imagine if the kids were there during that time ? What they would see and hear ? They’d end up on SWU in years

id: 573666 - Text: My sister got into prostitution. Started out as a "lingerie model" (walking around bars in skimpy nightwear). Like all of them, they realize they can make more in less time if they have sex. She was not raised in a gang or drug situation. But once she started hanging out with the hookers, she became a massive liar and manipulator. For some it's a choice. They like the life. Somehow they make themselves believe that they are stars and all these men love and respect them. Of course, they use them, con them, will even destroy their lives if they don't get what they want. She even gave her son away, not because she was concerned about him being exposed, but because he was in her way. I tried to help her many times. She claimed to want help, but in reality, she just wanted to used me. Sometimes you just have to cut people out of your life because they are not worth your time and energy. They see you as a fool that they can trick and manipulate. They simply do not want to change. Sometimes you just have to let them go.
