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id: 573888 - Text: De-CRIME-inalized Prostitution and let these Rapist Rape Underage Persons and this is a danger to all persons!  Sex Trafficking as ("Sex Work") HER-rassment!  Prostitution has illegal P.I.M.P's and illegal Johns who degrades and dehumanized a Rape Culture!  You are a criminal!  Cops go get this trafficker who wants rape victims in Real Life are you serious!

id: 573890 - Text: Wow, that's awful... The place I go to in Mexico (a massage parlor that is open from 10AM to about 8PM M-Sat and less hours on Sunday, not all ladies work everyday, it varies) lets the women keep 60% of what is charged. The ladies do have to pay for their own condoms but the ladies all buy together they get an excellent price. The woman who runs the place was a sex worker herself who found herself edged out of the workforce because she had gotten older. She treats the ladies well, no one is forced into anything. It is very different in Mexico. Plus, she runs her massage parlor differently than most of the ones I have seen (and I have to admit, since I found out she was starting her own place I really haven't gone anywhere else when I travel to Mexico. When you find someone who gave you years of wonderful service and has her own shop and her employees also do wonderfully well, plus they are treated as equals, then why go anywhere else?) When she used to work at another place (where I first met her maybe 7 years ago when she still worked) she only got to keep about 33 to 40% of what they charged and the conditions of the facilities were not very good at all. Plus they had to sit on old beat up furniture and had nothing to do. This place has nice furniture for the ladies to sit down on and for the clients to sit and wait for rooms to become available if there is a wait, and a really nice TV along with lockers for the ladies to securely store their belongings and money. They cater to middle class Mexicans and some tourists. Guadalajara, Mexico has a lot of these kinds of operations, so there is a lot of competition. But thankfully, they have done well and survived and even thrived. They're one of the very few places that has a room with a/c too and a private 1-car garage that has an automatic garage door for 'discretion'. But Mexico prices are quite different from US prices. Plus the cost of living in Mexico is much less. Minimum wage is 75 pesos a day in Mexico, and the exchange rate is roughly 20 pesos to $1 USD. So it's actually WORSE than it used to be a few years ago of $5 USD per DAY as a minimum wage. Sex work is viewed quite differently in Mexico compared to the USA. One day when I can, I'm retiring in Mexico!

id: 573898 - Text: So she ended up at P Diddy house and got sex trafficking vibes by the conversation. She was absolutely right, especially with the new info that came out about him.

id: 573913 - Text: This is not a sugar baby. This is a low end sex worker. Streetwalker level. And not even at the top of that game because she is not particularly attractive and could stand to lose a few pounds. Her hair and makeup are a mess. Neck tattoos. Face piercings. Low end clothing. No way a high income man is paying her to be his girlfriend and taking her in public.

id: 574020 - Text:  @666lein  I sorted her videos by popularity and she does talk about going to jail and the sex trafficking. But her page is more of her being spiritual and her mistakes she’s made I guess

id: 574230 - Text: Lol where would they be without heterosexual men ??

id: 574309 - Text: You're watching people have sex with snakes, who's really the nasty one?

id: 574328 - Text: Wow, and women worry about stretch marks and's a lesson..Confidence is sexy!

id: 574367 - Text: She reminds me of this lil bitch i use to fuck with, crazy cause there name is similar mylil bitch name was tanese. They both talk the same and both sexy . But could never be nothing more than just a bitch I Fuck onn, cause u cant fnesse a finesser. 💯

id: 574463 - Text: Sounds like she’s just dating. I’m sure she had sex with guys for free please interview the guys who got it for free and ask them what they value sex or money. She’s not wrong
