31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 597456 - Text: Bro your videos interesting but stop with the leading questions. Let them tell their story.

id: 597538 - Text: And the left makes this huge load of BS when it comes to BLM and keep dragging on with slivery that nobody today has any ties to, yet, we have slavery in our time - sex slavery, and what does the left do but protests that sex work is work. You might as well just go up to this girl in the video or to a street working and spit in their face with this mindset. I bet you that most prostitution is done by black women and pimped out by black men, if we were to take a real look at it. But we wont look at it, because that would be labeled as racist.

id: 597574 - Text: "Don't lose who you are trying to be something you're not" - thank you for this respectful and insightful video

id: 597581 - Text: Is she being supported or protected in any way since this video? How do you ensure her safety after sharing so many details of HER life on a public platform for profit? What makes you any less of a pimp?

id: 597594 - Text: To all the people commenting feeling sorry for her, she conned him and scammed lots of money. Watch the follow up video and even her own videos admitting she scammed him. She’s just a ho and you can’t believe anything she says

id: 597660 - Text: i from Argentina , i need hear the video in spanish...

id: 597666 - Text: This is so sad, and she has 2 kids that she isn’t raising. Unfortunately she is now making videos on YouTube trying to call Mark a scammer, she is trying to use his name to get viewers online.

id: 597670 - Text: Its realy important to make this work. But some of the images in this video look at the young woman in a inappropriate way with male gaze.

id: 597704 - Text: Extremely sad how he gave her money etc and gave her every bit of support, every opportunity to get out of that life with her kids then she just played him for money and squandered it. See the follow up video. SAD.

id: 597736 - Text: First time I see a video of this channel and this is incredable, the way the interviewer talks to her is just so nice and respectful, very nice.
