31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 597764 - Text: This is a great video. She's not completely burnt out and can easily tell how much potential she has. Thank you for sharing these people's lives with us. I think it's important that we address these types of situations instead of pretending that they arent there or they don't deserve the help and guidance. Can't wait to watch the follow-up 👍🏻👍🏻

id: 597794 - Text: Bro you clicked on the video did you just wake up and decide to be a cock today? 🤣

id: 597843 - Text: This one right here single handedly made me not give a shit about any of these broads. Don’t just look at this video of her. Look at the ones she’s done sense this one. I felt bad for her when I first watched this one but when you see how she did Mark after this, your see what I mean. Her and her clown ass boyfriend. They did Mark HELLA dirty. Nope. Fuck’em. She trash.

id: 597932 - Text: Hey Mark, in the meanwhile, you probably earned a good 150k from video-views from this - you are an incredibly good guy, and I hope that you had the opportunity to give something back to this poor, beautiful soul to enable her embarking on a better path with her life... ❤️

id: 597950 - Text: At 7:28, when she says “Thank you,” her entire self-carriage radically changes. She loses the usual low, throaty timbre of her voice; her urban accent nearly completely dissipates; and her quasi-smirk, which she wears throughout the near-entirety of the video—a self-protective facade meant to project strength, I’d wager—gives way to a genuine, ever-so-brief smile of almost child-like sweetness. I reflexively cried, when I first saw that. What an overpowering moment chiseled out of such a horrendous topical backdrop. From that point onward, I was officially rooting for her. 💚+

id: 597961 - Text: Tbh this video really touched me I can see the pain and hurt in her eyes. I really see she wants to live a life away from what she’s living now. I really hope she’s doing okay I hope she found help❤

id: 597982 - Text: Check out her other videos. A total scammer.

id: 598051 - Text: Wow I just read the statements both her and mark made back n forth and wow! Just wow! I’ve seen the same thing happen on after prison show with Danny! Joe helped him with thousands when he was homeless and all the sudden he wanted all the money from joes YouTube videos!! She should start her own channel I guess

id: 598072 - Text: As we find out in later videos, she is a bullshit artist , a user and scammer and a piece of shit. If she got rid of those hideous , revolting tattoos she’d actually be a very attractive woman. Too bad

id: 598073 - Text: Oh boy , I never think I could get any sadder when I watch these videos , but this one got me .
