58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 575132 - Text: LA got sexy hood mamas. She is beyond beauty. I wish I could of met her and gave her love and happiness.

id: 575235 - Text: In my opinion, one jem i gather from these interviews, is that 99% of these lifestyles of sex work and addiction, homelessness, etc… are a result of childhood trama(s). Please take care of the kids people. For they grow up to be adults. Thank you to all the interviewees who are honest and vulnerable. Bless your life ♥️

id: 575238 - Text: It is truly heartbreaking how these beautiful women seem to be hell bent on proving the streets wrong that they fall right into the hands of those who'll only inflict much of the same psychological,spiritual and emotional harm they was trying to escape as kids...except on a whole other level. Hearing this Queen sounded like my empty and dysfunctional childhood. The one difference is that once I understood people who are already broken and miserable will always do their best to do the same to their children(I had no reason to continue the trauma onto myself)God made himself real to me and promised if I did my best as a little girl...he'd rescue me so the streets and predators wouldn't get the chance to(again).Sexually assaulted by school faculty. She just has to stop relying on strangers to provide what she can provide for herself and her babies. Bet she wouldn't want this lifestyle choice for her children. Let me watch the rest and see if she's asked that very question. Keeping her and all of em in prayers 🙏🏽

id: 575253 - Text: Everything this slut is say is a damn lie. She literally had sex with every single one of these men. These people on these videos tell the world that is not good to have a job that you have to scam to make money this is why the black community is so f*** up

id: 575264 - Text: Peep the convo about the Sex trafficking and Diddy smh!! They were all on that damn island

id: 575397 - Text: I don’t believe her lol. In my youth I had two sugar daddies. I was blessed that it never was sexual. However, let me tell you how much TIME it took. Ain’t no way she has over 10 sd without being an escort. Lol. 😊


id: 575461 - Text: She's the kind of girl I would want as a homegirl, so she could give me advice on girls and stuff... She seems pretty cool, and I like her energy. I would never have sexual relations with her, even though she's pretty. I'm gonna have a lot of money soon, and I would keep her around just to hook her up, and for my benefit. I'd pay her to backdoor my enemy if she would be down. I know thats bad, but it is what it is

id: 575479 - Text: P Diddy is involved in sex trafficking ain't nobody hearing this shit

id: 575499 - Text: I'd checked out one of her videos on her channel, apparently done just after this interview. As a matter of fact, she's still dressed in the exact attire as you can see here. She's obviously using a lot of rhetoric about "God", as a means to of logic for her hustle. And I guess it works for her. She's taken what P.T. Barnum said and made it her own. Not putting her down. It is, what it is. Not a modus operandi that I would recommend to anyone, much less practice myself. But if it works for her, then more power to her. Might I'd suggest that she'd consider that she's not going to always be young. And there will be younger ladies coming up to replace her, soon. So maybe she might want to take some of that money and invest it into something that can afford longevity. Bottom line: Hers is a classic result of a sexist society, compounded by a co-dependency to a rape culture. It's no wonder she has to do what she has to do.
