31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 599807 - Text:  @Shamanstyle  Na, I dont think so necessarily. Unfortunately, it seems like she started doing this since 13, so I think it's all she knows. However, I get this vibe that she actually enjoys parts of it. The video and comments make it seem like "aw i feel so bad for her" but like, she says constantly how she found her way back in, she never tried to quit, and she's clearly articulate and smart. Turns out in the later videos this dude posted that she stole money I think from this guy. So idk, she gives off fishy energy to me. I definitely feel bad for how her life as went, but all im saying is that a lot of these decisions she has made are by choice, and were not forced on her.

id: 599870 - Text: You're talking about our entire society, because you could walk out in the street right this second and help some 13 year old or 16,17,18 year old out of a bad situation, but you won't. You will do nothing but buy more cheeseburgers and pizzas and sit and watch youtube videos.

id: 599923 - Text: I mean, we could stop using their service. I mean, there 17 million views on this video. How many of these people would watch that video, think "poor girl" and then go out to the streets and get another hooker? I'd guess, more than we think. It's just annoying to me, that as a society we have so much more liberating principles than, say, 150 years ago, but we still judge prostitutes, even if we think we don't, we'd say things like "poor thing", "hope sge gets away some day", "she deserves another life". And despite all of that, they still never lack clients. It's still one of the most demanded jobs that never lacks supply either.

id: 599958 - Text:  @ISKRxM  People leave comments on youtube videos to share their opinions on what they're seeing. It's that simple. Nobody's like "WE GOTTA DO SOMETHING" they're just like "damn that sucks i wish things weren't like this". Any sane human being would feel the same if they saw this video and your negative little comment isn't as smart as you think it is.

id: 600011 - Text:  @familyof1052  what was her actual name? because I just listened to the entire episode and didn’t hear him say she passed once. He said a woman named Lynn passed away and that YouTube took her video down. He never said that the girl in this video passed away.

id: 600019 - Text: Watch the other vids - she scammed the videographer hard.

id: 600027 - Text: He is really trying to help. You need to watch all the videos. He is really giving her every opportunity.

id: 600070 - Text:  @benmoen  he never once said she passed away. he said a woman named Lynn passed away and that YouTube had removed her video because she mentioned taking her life. that wasn’t about Asriah (exotic). It was about someone else. Please stop spreading false information.

id: 600136 - Text:  @normanchristian9320  Man, I litererally don't give a fuck about your feelings, I only tried to interpret what someone else said so that your low-IQ brain could understand what what the question was; but still you don't understand the question. So let me break it down for you in a simple manner: Why do you feel guilty over what she said in this video? Do you speakish the english? Do you understand words?

id: 600144 - Text:  @normanchristian9320  Bruh, you are crying over the comments of some random on a YT video. 😂 Not only are you *too sensitive*, but you appear to have the mental capacity of a small rodent. 🤣 CRY MORE LMFAO!
