31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 600188 - Text: Shes so smart and well spoken. It's been a year since this video & I hope she's been doing better and on the path of getting out of that life. And it's so special to see how much she loves her kids

id: 600206 - Text: At 8:34 in the video you elude to the fact that there may be some “good” pimps out there trying to help girls? This is extremely false and quite a damaging thing to say because it just is not true. There are no “good” pimps. They are only in the business to exploit women for their gain. I appreciate your videos, but If you are going to delve into this dark world, please get your facts straight.

id: 600257 - Text: It's crazy how different they all look in the still photos and the videos.

id: 600273 - Text: I just want to know what the end goal regarding doing these videos is...........

id: 600287 - Text: After seeing marks true side from another video by a different subscriber, I do not feel bad from him getting exploited by pimps and hos

id: 600300 - Text: What video is it?

id: 600388 - Text: tf you on she was forced to sell herself at the age of 13, you're either extremely dumb or didn't watch the video and just be judging by the name of it

id: 600393 - Text: She's a liar. Completely full of shit. Been manipulating people her whole life and is incredibly good at it. Streets and prisons are full of people like her. Hope that people watching this video watch the whole series and learn from it.

id: 600413 - Text: There’s two videos after this one with her updates

id: 600459 - Text: I think these videos are powerful and I love that the producer is giving a voice to the unheard. However, if I have one constructive criticism it's that, at least in this video, the interviewer repeatedly points the interviewee too much in the direction he seems to want her to go with her answers. If the goal is to give a voice to the unheard, then let it be their voice and only their voice, no need to suggest potential answers prior to their responding to the question. Other than that, these are powerful videos.
