31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 601004 - Text:  @quisuis-je  well i mean don't donate to HER, but Mark's GoFundMe isn't going to her now anyway. and rather touchingly, he totally forgave her in the most recent video, and I know ppl are victims of their environments so I'm not tryna rag on her too much anymore... since I imagine she reads these... i think she needs to get a real job like the rest of us, and she needs to know it's gonna be an enormous PitA so much of the time, while pocketing a pittance of what she used to make. just gonna have to suck it up and get real. life's a grind a lotta the time.

id: 601007 - Text:  @ListenHereOldMan  I watched the updated video and the one with “Fly” in it as well. I know that’s a hard thing to really to get out of.

id: 601065 - Text: I don’t get it. What’s so special about this particular woman or interview compared to the rest? Why is this literally the 2nd most popular video on this channel lmao

id: 601066 - Text: Watch all her videos and there’s a lot of drama with her. Apparently Mark got feelings for Asriah and she conned him 👀

id: 601175 - Text: “The tattoos are kinda like them branding you?” Dude, please stop trying to sensationalize your videos, it takes away from the poignant honesty you’re trying to reflect. Your videos really are great, just sometimes your commentary is a little awkward and off. Like that one time you asked that black girl who later passed away “what are you doing later” as a light joke referring to soliciting her for prostitution. Please try to pay more attention to what you say. Her face tats likely aren’t “pimp brands.”

id: 601191 - Text: Good video to send all the libfems who can't speak with a mouth full of the "girl dick" they worship while simultaneously claiming human trafficking is valid and empowering for real women.

id: 601235 - Text: My first time watching this video but how can no one tell she was lying ? She her lies were not connecting.

id: 601245 - Text: Here is a beautiful and strong woman. So happy she is putting her pieces back together for the sake of her children! Keep going….the sky is the limit. Can’t wait to see videos on updates!!

id: 601322 - Text: ​​​​ @martinbohl8732  You're in the comment section of the channel. It's Soft White Underbelly. Mark, is the gentleman filming and speaking with her. He has GoFundMe and other ways for people to donate money towards the people he interviews and posts on his channel. She received quite a bit of money from donations. I'm talking thousands. Mark got an apartment for her and her kids. On top of that he was sending her hundreds of dollars a day. In fact, I believe she had asked for $2000 in one day. She was lying, saying that she and her kids were in a cabin skiing or something along those lines. Lo and behold Mark happened to drive past her apartment one morning. However, it was still dark but her apartment lights were on. Then he drove past again when heading home and the lights were off. In his mind he's thinking... if she is away with her kids in some cabin. Why are her lights going on and off? Mark ends up speaking to her a day or so later. Once she's back from the "cabin" because she apparently called for more money and he wanted to meet up with her to hand off the money himself. Usually he would just wire it to her. So he's waiting outside of her place, mind you this is the apartment that he got for her. She's running super late and he needs to use the bathroom. He asked for the extra set of keys to get into the apartment, that he is paying for, and they tell him that the extra set was already given out to a black man who apparently stays there as well. Anyway, Mark is able to get into the apartment by a maintenance man. When he goes in all he sees is essentially hooker clothing, boots and heels, and a ton of sex toys. So basically, she and her pimp were taking advantage of Mark and all of the people sending money to her. Good samaritans would send money to Mark and he would give it to her, as well as his own money. In order for her to get off the street and be able to properly take care of her kids. Instead she was giving all of that money to her pimp and she was still in the street. There is an upload on the channel with her and her pimp. I think his name is Fly or some shit. I believe Mark has 4 videos of "Exotic" uploaded to his channel. She basically fucked everyone over that was sending in money to help her and her kids out. She squandered thousands and thousands of dollars. When there are others that Mark interviews, whom desperately need that money and would put it to good use. It's sad really. I'm glad I didn't donate.

id: 601324 - Text: ​ @martinbohl8732  No worries. Check out the other videos on his channel with her. There are definitely some other great interviews. This channel definitely opens up your eyes to alot of things that go on in this world that you couldn't even fathom. Check out Izzy. It's quite a life that she has lived.
