31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 601325 - Text:  @awalk5177  She did get a break. She had a great opportunity via Mark. He set her up in a nice apartment away from all of the places that she worked as well the people she hung out with. He did it for her and her children. He had a GoFundMe and accepted other donations that were specifically for her and her children. She was getting thousands of dollars. Now what Mark should have done was use some of that money to help her find a therapist who is familiar with the things she has gone through. Help her find a woman's group for women transitioning from the street life and adapting to some type of normalcy. Help her get a GED. I know he was trying to help but you can't just give a drug addict prostitute a nice new apartment and money just because they spoke about their life on your channel for 30mins and expect her/him to change. In her eyes this was probably the easiest money she has ever made and she wants more. So she took advantage. She really did have a great opportunity. She just needed some guidance. She never even had her own money. Damn straight she made money...but at the end of the day/night she gave all HER hard earned money away to some scumbag. Some pimp who doesn't care if she gets roughed up, raped or robbed. A pimp that will send her right back out to make her quota, and if she doesn't he will probably beat her. She's out there in the street but it's almost like she's still a little kid. She doesn't know how to handle money or pay bills. That's probably why she went right back to a pimp. But she had a great opportunity. I just wish she would have talked to Mark to let him know that she needed more than just financial help. There's no doubt in my mind that he would have done whatever he could in order to make sure that she succeeded in the future. She knows she fucked up though. You could see it in the video when Mark brought her pimp "Fly" in to speak. Where the fuck do they get these names from???

id: 601326 - Text:  @erindiazmclaughlin  Yes, I also now saw the later video. I don't need a sermon.

id: 601430 - Text: I’ve watched all of her videos on here and you can tell she’s a good soul who wants to do good, she’s as beautiful and as smart as any popular rich girl but her resistance and refusal to give into negativity and give up is unbelievable and inspiring, I truly hope she finds her deserved happiness and fulfillment… we all deserve it and watching her I’d gladly put off mine to give her some Bless her heart and send her love ❤️

id: 601441 - Text: WOW she sure had Mark fooled,sadly:( How she played his heart! Shame on YOU! I knew she was a user the first video!

id: 601453 - Text: You're a clueless cringy 13 year old anime kid that hasn't step foot in the real world. You dont know shit 😭 did you even watch the video ffs

id: 601456 - Text: Three more videos of her here

id: 601459 - Text: The idea of a pimp is the most disgusting most bitch ass thing I can imagine. Sending a women to have sex so you can sit on your lazy ass. Why don’t you go out there and suck those dicks yourselves. I’d love to meet a pimp in a quiet place with no video cameras.

id: 601481 - Text: If you watched the video you might have noticed that this woman was a literal child when she was forced by a pimp to be a prostitute. This happens to so many young girls growing up in the foster system without a permanent home. It messes you up. These people never even got a chance. How ironic for you to call them ignorant when you just missed the point of this video so massively. Have some empathy please

id: 601483 - Text: Did you watch the video??? You’re an ignorant pos

id: 601512 - Text: Yeah she got a ton of help after this, apartment, car, thousands of dollars etc. Gave it all to a Crip pimp and lied to Mark There are three other videos of her. Last one posted Sunday actually
