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id: 577760 - Text: This woman explained a lot to me. While I understood her mental anguish, I also understood what I knew to be true about the woman I loved. My love, told me she didn’t get much out of sex. I tried to show her that I wouldn’t be a man who would force her into sex. I wanted an emotional connection more than a sexual receptacle. After two weeks, she withdrew her emotions. I tried to reassure her that I wasn’t a guy who would cheat on her. She withdrew even more. As she withdrew, so did I. Unfortunately she left me. Broke my heart. I still love her, unreturned, now some fifty years later. Now I know she never could love me because she was broken. I would never be able to repair her.

id: 577779 - Text: God I can relate to this woman and I had no sexual childhood trauma or any trauma for the matter. I feel the same way, if there’s no emotional connection I can’t have sex, I hardly ever have orgasms and I wondered the same thing about are women faking this and I’d rather have loved and been loved than not.

id: 577791 - Text: Lol I guess I'm demi- sexual too 😄😅 🤷‍♀️ 🤷‍♀️ ppl put a label on everything these days,,which is so crazy to me

id: 577809 - Text: She's sexy!!!

id: 577823 - Text: I’ve read that when women think sex is love and eventually realize just sex is not can lead her to mental illnesses.

id: 577826 - Text: I'm demisexual or grey asexual!!

id: 577829 - Text: As a sex worker, i can really relate to not wanting sex or being touched.

id: 577895 - Text: How ironic that she was a sex worker and can’t have an orgasm by intercourse 🧐

id: 577898 - Text: I hate the word prostitute I loath it n I will Never call a sex worker this ever. prostitute means this true but it also means something worse in my native Greek language You can call a person man woman teenager a prostihos for male prostihi for female when that said person is really nasty n evil, But sex working girls are Neither bad nasty or evil, all have ended there through circumstances as the few I met all where very nice people inside them, some am sure are nasty like you have among people But Most are kinder nicer n a lot more considerate more caring people than you have in any society, in general most I met had a heart of Gold

id: 577910 - Text: The demisexual mention was cool to hear scince I'm demisexual. Its on the ace spectrum and isn't super represented or common.
