31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 601572 - Text: Darling you are so beautiful and you are smart. See how you stopped giving your money to someone else. And you have a vision to make your life better and forsake this lifestyle. I am praying for your total delivery and salvation. God is the way to break this bondage off of your life. He will guide and strengthen you and make your life beautiful. "He gives us beauty for ashes". He will heal you in every way. Just talk to Him everyday and He will change everything for you. I'm so sorry you lost your brother, your source of true love. You are beautiful and you are worthy. I love you. ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’– It is not your fault sweetheart that life has been this way for you. You were taken advantage of and victimized when you were too young to defend yourself. So don't blame yourself. Just walk away from this as soon as you can and don't look back. God has a brand new life for you and your children. It is imperative that you begin to feed your spirit with God's Holy Word daily. This will strengthen you in your healing process. You're gonna make it honey! I know you will. Be prepared to leave "Exotic" behind. God has a new name for you. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’• To the interviewer - you really must question her more gently. You sound a bit insensitive. Although you are obviously deeply concerned or you would not be making these videos. Thank you and God bless your efforts. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™

id: 601582 - Text: I didnโ€™t sense any judgment at all, and if you look at his other videos I doubt it even more.

id: 601584 - Text: She does have a pimp. Unfortunately Mark tried to help her but it didn't work. There are two more videos with her. You see the pimp on the third.

id: 601585 - Text: Check out the other two videos with her. Unfortunately the situation is irredeemably complex

id: 601612 - Text: ย @JYMAHJAMESย  Check out the two follow up videos..

id: 601684 - Text: Two more videos bud...and you won't like them

id: 601709 - Text: Check the other two videos out. He tried to help. Unfortunately it didn't work.

id: 601711 - Text: Watch the update video and you will see what she did with her Go Fund Me money. Please help someone else more deserving.

id: 601787 - Text: The 'Most Replayed' graph on this video is... interesting, to say the least.

id: 601814 - Text: I usually never respond to videoโ€™s but your advice near the end speaks to me on another level. Canโ€™t imagine what your life is like but you made a difference
