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id: 577952 - Text: I keep hearing this same complaint (at 7:16 in this video) from Strippers and Prostitutes on this channel. Music is glamorizing sex work to the point that women who would have never considered it an option ten years ago are jumping into it. It's basic Keynesian economics. The larger the supply (women), the cheaper the price (sex).

id: 577971 - Text: I've known strippers and prostitutes for over a decade (long story). Most of them blame the proliferation of heroin on how many girls are in sex work and have dropped their prices to nothing.

id: 577980 - Text: On another note, marks voice is extra sexy on this

id: 578048 - Text: Wow...that explains why I never find people men or women sexually attractive until after I get emotion ally close to them! Thanks for the info girl!

id: 578065 - Text: Princess really got to me, I had such a roller coaster of emotions listening to her story. What an amazing lady, one who’s survived so much. Over & over, I see pretty much the same story. Dysfunctional family at best & horrific abuse at the worst. So many of these people hit the streets at 13. Their vile home lives set this whole process in motion. While Princess didn’t do sex work until her early twenties, she’d already been abused by so many in her “upright, religious” community. How do such kids ever stand a chance? If an adult person voluntarily chooses this life, that’s one thing. I can accept that as a valid life choice. However, so many of these stories don’t start that way. That is what breaks my heart. Princess is such a likeable person & I just wish life had been kinder to her. I sincerely hope she finds true happiness. Her life might not have been conventional but she’s a sincere & good person. I really hope life brings her a place of peace.

id: 578076 - Text: you are just gangsta-sexual. lol! (which might be cleverly disguising demi-sexual).

id: 578086 - Text: I sooooo disagree with her opening statement! Men aren’t paying for sex in one form or another! Lol! What a stupid comment which proves her mentality

id: 578115 - Text: Demi sexual meaning half sexual? 😂 How can that be half?

id: 578154 - Text: Her opening statement is SO WRONG - I've dated and slept with MANY women who wanted nothing other than my company and the way I treated them, and the quality sex.

id: 578196 - Text: It is such a shame that people nowadays do not understand how absolutely beautiful monogamy is. I used to be a stripper and the biggest cheater there was and then I met my husband. We have been together for 15 years and I can't even imagine having sex with anybody else. People nowadays just throw relationships away when they get difficult instead of growing and learning what true love really is. It's not always easy but if you can get through to the other side better than what you had to start with.
