58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 578240 - Text: Just caught the old flick "Monster" starring Charlize Theron. It was so creepy to watch how she would catch dates on the highway & then how creepy & weird various "tricks" were. No wonder sex workers have such a hard core attitude as no one who is soft & sensitive would ever be able to survive. Plus, its so weird how sexual predators seem to know when a child has been sexually abused & somehow have a perverted radar system to prey on youngsters. So when she said that old men somehow were really attracted to her, it reminded me of that.

id: 578254 - Text: Carnation Washington, Monroe Washington, Woodinville Washington, Kirkland Washington, Seattle Washington stand up we got sex workers out here on Aurora Hwy 99 Seattle WA

id: 578327 - Text: “ If I didn’t quit someone would get hurt. And it wasn’t gonna be me “. You can definitely tell she had to get high to be a sex worker. Another one that was failed by society, family and system.

id: 578345 - Text:  @belladivision9320  I certainly do t want to belittle anyone's trauma but I am merely pointing out that she and many of these other miserable, sick creatures on this channel like the sensation of being high not just as an escapism from trauma but because they like the excitement and danger of the streets, the pimps, the risque lifestyle they lead, feeling desirable to men who pay them for sex , trying this snort and that snort, and this pill and that powder etc etc until eventually they get old grey and wrinkled and used up. They like getting high and fucking . I get that it's part of their trauma but some of them do not want help and they don't want to leave that life because they LIKE it. As I said s

id: 578352 - Text: I need to speak for some of the heterosexual males in this country. I have had several encounters with women over the years where not $1 was spent whatsoever, or she decided to spend money even though I was planning to pay. All men buy p** is simply not the case.

id: 578356 - Text: that one aunt talking to much about her sex life lol

id: 578391 - Text: @22:45 this gonna sound harsh but.... just because a man fucks you, doesn't mean he's sexually attracted to's a power thing, you've put yourself up for sale, and a man can buy you and leave with a piece of you you'll never get back.. purely a power and control thing. For X amount you exchange being powerless for x amount of time.. example, ever hear of hogging? Some men are sick and for a majority of the men you see, this is, wether you agree or not, the exact case...

id: 578393 - Text: The very first thing she said is incorrect. Lol. I am straight but there is not a woman on earth that I will inconvenience myself in any way to have sex with. Lol. Not one single scenario.

id: 578396 - Text: Yassss Sex is not Love!!

id: 578406 - Text: Her addiction to so-called bad boys (damaged toxic individuals) seems to be what is driving her. Even the fact she is more concerned over her 10 years old baby changing her incarcerated dad's name speaks volume to me, then her own children trauma and need for a safe loving home with her sister. Her comment about not reaching orgasm via intercourse, apparently its very common among women beyond the sex industry. I remember reading in one of my studies, peer review research that indicates over 50% of American women in relationship with men do not have orgasm during intercourse.
