31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 602517 - Text: I can’t believe some of you fools are applauding this woman. She has the brain of a squirrel. Her sons will watch this video. Do you think they will grow up normal knowing her moms history. Worse even if their friends see this video. And they WILL

id: 602576 - Text: This beautiful girl is tough as a motherfucker John Wick or Helen Ripley and delicate as a spring breeze. For all comments here saying it's all about where you're born and the supporting safety net wealth available for her are right. From that place, a fulfilling life is right ahead. Update: she turns out to be an asshole after all. Check out the next video on her story.

id: 602688 - Text: watch the follow up videos on this girl

id: 602755 - Text:  @ThinkCriticallyNow  So what is that pre-determines the difference between someone who "wants to change" (or sees an alternative and believes it is possible), and someone who doesn't? There's a faith based view, typically from the Rightwing/conservatives, that every individual is ultimately responsible for everything in their own life, and all that is required is to pick themselves up, and work hard, and somehow, magically, everything will go well. The problem with that belief is that the facts, the data (US intergenerational mobility statistics), shows it just does not happen like that. That one's position in life is almost 95%+ predetermined before birth based on one parents, location etc. It also shows that perceptions of social mobility are consistently over-optimistic. The way I would put it is that the "American Dream" model, as I'll call it (work hard and material success is the result), is a confidence trick to can the majority into working hard, and giving up their rights, and getting nothing back. In short, a life worth little more than slavery. It's not a question of me condemning anyone (or indeed condoing her actions), it's a question of the facts. What actually happens on the ground and why the majority can't change, in a hierarchial system that won't allow them to change, because it needs a large impoverished and generally debt enslaved class to exploit. Clearly this videographer was not the best person to be helping her, and one has to question their motivations, but it's false and unrealistic to invert cases such as these to issues of personal responsibility. It's like in business and how they say, "location, location, location". You can open the best business but if it's in the wrong location, it will fail. Well, socio-economic, sexual and racial "locations" (statuses) are equally solid pre-determinators of success.

id: 602798 - Text: what is the point of this video?

id: 602808 - Text: To degrade the street prostitute, reinforce her feelings of loneliness, isolation and disgust. Prepare her for her next pimp and remind her that working for vermin pimps is all she's good for and to be thankful she as a pimp. The man making this video is disgusting individual and the video is revolting.

id: 602871 - Text: new viewers: there is an update video. the subject of this video is a con artist, lied about her entire story, and conned mark out of several thousand to give to her pimp.

id: 602887 - Text: there is an update on her. essentially, yes? she played mark, the videographer/the channel owner, out of his money. she lied and has/had a pimp.

id: 602980 - Text: She’s had a hard life but you can’t tell from 1 video that she’s is intelligent or strong or anything really. Everyone just virtue signalling to the max

id: 603018 - Text: First video I've watched but lots of leading questions.
