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id: 579041 - Text:  @SB-uw3fe  No, she didn't. She was a sex worker, but that doesn't mean she reduced herself.

id: 579048 - Text: You're telling the truth. I had no idea that I had been sexual abused until a couple of years ago and I'm 70 years old. Now, many situations and choices make sense. Mark always talks about how people think they don't deserve happiness and that's a fact.

id: 579075 - Text: I want a new boat, unfortunately sex prostitution is not really an option for an old fcuk like myself so I’ll have to continue to prostitute myself in the same old way I have been for the past 40 years to get it.

id: 579086 - Text:  @incantationsbykaryn  I know OP means well, but the implication of the old lamp oil analogy is that a woman's inherent worth is tied to her "purity." It's gross. She's far more than her body count and being a sex-worker isn't worth less than any other profession. She's a cool person who deserves better is what I think the OP is trying to get across.

id: 579087 - Text:  @nullusanxietas2379  I'm aware of the imagery and analogy this person is trying to portray I don't need your interpretation. What I was trying to say is he's not touching anything real with words in this case. It's not realistic or even anything close to what it's like to be a sex worker. This guy is a tool. It has nothing to do with her.

id: 579090 - Text: being a sex worker is MOST DEFINITELY much “worth less” than other professions and you’re delusional if you think differently.

id: 579097 - Text: If you would put yourself in their position, to believe in love would be a "sham" to their profession. I don't think they don't believe in love, I just think they don't believe in love for themselves at that time or in this line of work. A lot of these women do believe in love or they love too quickly and they get heartbroken because then they are made to feel less than by the person they so-called love and that so-called loves them and they put a wall of protection up to keep their heart from breaking. As a recovering addict I have been on the streets with a lot of sex workers and I have asked a lot of questions and seen a lot of crazy shit. A lot of them are drugged out but they are human beings and they want to feel loved and respect like everyone else. However, when it comes to this game love cannot answer the equation, it's not good for business.

id: 579102 - Text: If you've been sexually abused, that's what you usually believe is normal.

id: 579142 - Text: women have no chance without men teaching them a job and letting them work with us and eat the food we grow and truck. Women only job is sex. Man’s job is everything else, after men made airplanes for 90 years , women all of a sudden want jobs around them.

id: 579159 - Text: And most ppl don’t think twice about prostitutes and how they got there I love how this channel exposes how broken these poor woman are woman who haven’t been through these types of horrifying abuse don’t become sex workers
