31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 604222 - Text:  @youtubehatesfreespeech2555  How do we really know that is a perfect universe? It’s almost hypothesis contrary to fact. The very idea of happiness is a concept that is relative to the alternative states of being. Some sort of heavenly realm where happiness is sustained forever is not something I think a person can actually imagine. Our brain doesn’t even seem to actually want it. Video games aren’t even enjoyable for more than a few moments if you have cheat codes on that make it all easy. Existence as a whole may contain more suffering than happiness, but I don’t know if that is true. I do know that a great deal of people find happiness, and often appreciate its attainment far more when they have experienced higher levels of suffering. I think we have a plague of people thinking that their life isn’t supposed to contain hardship, and that creates feelings of suffering. No one brought into the world is condemned to stay in it. You aren’t necessarily gambling with sentient life so much as you are giving it the option of life. Sentient life can choose to give that life back at any point.

id: 604235 - Text: i have no doubt that your intentions are in the right place and you genuinely do want to see happen change for women like the lovely lady in this video, but the anti-SW argument comes from a position of privilege in itself. no work establishment is inherently "fair" or "right". we either work or we die and we're told this is our lot, that nobody deserves to have their basic necessities handed out to them. this is why enforcing rules in the workplace is vital. this is why protecting workers with rights is vital. without that level of involvement, we're at risk of giving up all kinds of dignities and freedoms just to survive. SW being made illegal - or even just going unsupported, which would then likely incentivise governments to clamp down on even more practises - robs the women who were born into poor and dysfunctional lifestyles and have no chance of escaping them. the education systems within their area are lacking; the jobs that offer comfortable incomes are routinely taken up by people in higher class systems; and these individuals often already struggle with disabilities, mental illnesses and traumas that render them incapable of the usual 9-5 routine. growing up poor leaves permanent scars. SW is an ugly reflection of that - which is why, rather than moralise and shun it, we need to empathise with the people stuck in that system. by legalising and continuing to support sex workers, we are finally ensuring they have some quality of life. we're removing the shameful stigmas attached to their profession. SW should be criticised because it is ran by a broader, patriarchal system, but taking away agency from women is not a fair way to start dismantling that system - which already punishes those women for existing in their current positions.

id: 604396 - Text: How to get to heaven <3: 1- Be aware that God became flesh in the person of Jesus Christ (1 timothy 3:16), and that He died for the sins of the world. 2-come to the Savior because you know that you have sinned against God. 3-Believe that Jesus suffered and died on the cross for your sins, and that He rose again on the third day. 4-Then truly repent and put your faith in Jesus. Salvation cannot be earned by good work or religious rituals. If you repent and place your faith in Jesus Christ alone (the only grounds for forgiveness) God will grant you mercy. If you’re not sure of your salvation, read Psalm 51 and make it your own prayer. Then show your gratitude by obeying God’s command to be baptized Some good videos that explain this are Ray Comfort’s evangelising videos on the youtube channel ‘Living Waters’ God bless you 😊

id: 604477 - Text: I love this series but I feel like the interviewer should ask one simple question and let them talk. But it feels like this interviewer is looking for specific answers idk I could be wrong. Amazing video regardless

id: 604505 - Text: I absolutely love this girl- poor baby- I just want to take her under my wing n protect her... and then show her how to make so much money she'd never have to think back to this crap that she doesn't deserve to be living in. She could make it rain on all those corny ass "pimps" and traitorous ass individuals. It's entirely the parents who fail their children's fault that young people are not loved correctly, taken care of, or taught real life money making skills- that don't involve the streets in this way. The fact that she had to learn to fend for herself at 13, as a child still, is so heartbreaking :(. This girl is so beautiful and clearly still has a huge heart regardless of all the garbage she's had to survive for almost a decade (not counting the hard times I'm sure she went through even before 13yo)- which by the way she's also extremely strong to have done. With almost 12million views though- that this video has- hopefully something better came out of tgis interview for somehow! (Also btw- why did the interview end SO abruptly... it was very strange the way he just cut it off and probably made her feel like he was just done hearing about it or something?? Idk-but it was not at all the way I'd hoped it would end!?)

id: 604839 - Text: Please tell me she is getting a financial cut out of this video.11M views. I pray for her and her children’s wellbeing. ❤

id: 604911 - Text:  @AelitaDunbar  Mark has another video with her and her pimp talking about how she took tons of money from him that he gave to her that he raised for her and instead of bettering her life, gave it to her pimp.

id: 604912 - Text: She actually is a bad person. You’ll see from the follow up video. This “sweet girl” had everyone fooled but she’s just a scammer.

id: 604935 - Text: All the ppl saying this girl isn’t a victim to her environment and lacked support throughout her life literally need to shut up. She has clearly stated that she had no support growing up and ended up in foster care and juvenile detention. With a start like that on top of having parents who were involved in illegal activities… what else do u expect her to do? Genes do matter and your environment growing up does matter. She also said she has a goal to get out of the life which she is very young and it can still happen. This girl has a beautiful soul and you can see it clearly throughout this whole video. I hope she makes it out.

id: 605045 - Text: I just wanna hug her :( I hope her life has gotten better since this video
