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id: 579778 - Text: Being forced or coerced to have sex with someone is incredibly traumatic in and of itself, the effects last a lifetime. To be in a lifestyle where this happens multiple times...unfathomable. Yet sadly, I'm sure the numbness to the trauma you create out of self-protection only leads one further from getting out of "the life". It is a vicious cycle.

id: 579872 - Text: If anyone on these comment page thinks that prostitution is ok, there is something very wrong with the way you think. This poor girl is risking her life in so, so many ways. Many don't survive without becoming sex slaves sitting in a motel with a bunch of other girls making no money while their pimps keep EVERYTHING. I feel bad for her.

id: 579977 - Text: Nothing is free and I’ve heard countless women say “ He’s got to wine and dine me before he gets any “ women have been using sex to get what they want for years and this includes the miss goody two shoes.

id: 579985 - Text: This young lady reminds me of a saying I heard long ago: sex happens to a man's body, but happens to a woman's soul. I hope she reads this & considers it.

id: 579992 - Text: I think you don't realize how sexist, jugdmental and plain wrong that saying is. Why should sex not affect a man's feelings? Both men and women can have either more emotional or physical experiences. The stereotypes that you are perpetuating are part of the problem.

id: 579994 - Text: I'm a woman and have sought men in the past solely for sex. I knew I wasn't ready to put up with a man's demands, but wanted to release pent up sexual energy. Maybe for most women it's like that, but I genuinely am able to separate my body and feelings. I'd probably do well in this line of work because of that, but I love my boyfriend and am not interested in this lifestyle because I am a family person.

id: 580068 - Text: Sex work is valid work but she should not work with a pimp

id: 580120 - Text: mark come to cincinnati ohio. we got some stories for you. our city is over run by sex work and fentanyl. we have more homeless people than we have housed. i see such similarities in LA. the dream of california is dead. 🥺

id: 580122 - Text: It's funny reading the comments where everyone puts their spin in, not based on what the interviewee actually says, but rather on their own personal biases. You have the 'mental illness isn't real' crowd. You have the 'all sex workers have the mentality of little girls with no agency' crowd. You have the 'all pimps are deceitful evil bastards' crowd. You have the 'she must really really be high on drugs and not mentally ill like she says she is' crowd. As far as I know maybe the second guesses are accurate. However to me she gives a narrative that is completely consistent with someone with a certain type of mental illness that makes it impossible for them to hold down a 9 to 5 job and that would also lend them to appreciate the quick money from sex work which might actually help keep a roof over their head and out of jail from other crimes. She is too unstable to do it without a 'manager'. I mean that's pretty much what she said if you listen. I think people don't want to admit that someone like her is stuck in this position without better options. They want to think that what she is saying is incorrect somehow because that would mean that she really just made some bad choices and all she has to do is follow the straight and narrow and everything will be okay or something.

id: 580228 - Text:  @mickeyoshea2035 just my opinion but i dont think it is necessary to shoot a sex worker with a low angle crotch shot.. Her interview is enough in conveying her situation.
